Bingo, Balls, and Broken Hearts
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Ladies and gentlemen, ready, you're ready. Ready? Ready, ready let's get it poppin let's get it poppin what's poppin what's happening to all my rebel HD two fans and welcome back to what's poppin with Pax The show where we break down all of the trends and breaking news happening weekly. This means each week the content and discussions will be constantly changing. Today I am an accompanied by Big D and
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the place to be
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Dickey D here and your boy HK aka the voices of Las Vegas
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are using our made up names I'm going to be Prometheus.
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Name you have been given I don't like how you're brushing it off. Yeah,
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I accept it you Greek god
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with today's discussion, it's going to be in the the topics of Valentine's Day. So today's episode is gonna be like anti Valentine's Day. Now that's like hot. So we are going to talk about our worst dates. And now I actually was talking about this on the air. My show and it gave me the inspiration to go into depth and kind of hear from you guys what your worst dates were.
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I love how the one female host is asking for
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Where did I go wrong? But to get judged heavily?
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All right. So who wants to start with the
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host? What was your idea? All right,
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ladies, first.
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I will let y'all know that my dating experience has not gone well. At all. Oh, I've dated idiots and we won't go into that. But I will tell you and I mentioned this on my on my live show. We can all be tense. Right? Right. I mentioned this on my show. I think the worst date that I've ever been on is when I had to pay for my birthday dinner. Mike. I will go into like a little bit of detail with it. So he took me he came to my house picked me up whatever, right? So we get to the activity portion. And it's ice skating. And I'm like, Oh heck yeah, this is fun, right? So he looks at me at the desk to like rent skates and stuff. And he goes, I forgot my wallet. I lost it. He goes, I got mugged last night at the gas station and I don't have my wallet. They took my wallet. I got mugged at the gas station. And I looked at him and I was like, no, no. And I was like, That's suspicious. Red flag. That's weird. So I was like, Okay, fine. Like, I'll cover it. That's whatever. So then he goes Whoa, like, are we still going to dinner? And I was like, Are you gonna like Venmo me like, what's up? And he was like, Yeah, I'll Venmo you I was like, okay, cool. Cool. I go in I paid for the meal never been mowed me. Let's just say this guy was kicked to the curb. Very quickly.
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Windows this so there was no date? No date. This
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was well, I dated the guy he was this was like an actual like official like Yeah.
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So you you did this day. You went on this birthday. And then you're like, Okay, what's what's before? Like,
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we were like, for real already. Oh, you
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already? We were already for real? Please tell me you didn't go another date after I
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caught him off.
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Okay. So before this birthday date, how long was this relationship prior? I'd
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say like a couple months. It wasn't too long, like maybe six months, six months and he
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did that type of stuff. So it was crazy. Birthday
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on the phone. And I was convinced that like afterwards he had a ring for me, but we won't go into detail with that. And I was like, goodbye like you're scaring me You're terrible. By like, I was like 18 And he was like he was military.
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Makes a lot of sense. When you say we won't we won't talk about Okay.
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Served. Not pay for the birthday date.
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Do you remember how he lost his wallet?
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He got mugged
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if you if you served our country boy, he was in the wars. You're gonna get mugged by by random crap. Like
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he was all the way out at Nellis. He was living on base. So he was like, Oh, I would stop at the gas station at like four o'clock in the morning and I got mugged and I was like, first of all, are you stopping at the gas station? Right?
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It was the gas station on base come from someone who lived next to
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it was next to it. Okay, that's, that's pretty sketchy. It was like on Melrose Boulevard. Why are you stopping there? Four o'clock in the morning is
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a gas station on base. Right. So
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on your birthday dinner? Were you wearing a hat? No, you could have been like a cap. That was
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remember? Do you remember how much the bill was?
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I don't matter.
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I mean, I know it doesn't matter. But still I like all the details. You know, I
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mean, ice skating like that. How much is that per person
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you could ask? depends
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on the time of year. Right, you had to 20 bucks.
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The important question is did you get the military discount?
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Can you get how could he get if he didn't? He couldn't be like, Oh, I shaved my head
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question after it was, well, how are you getting on base without your ID and he was like, he was like, Oh, they just loved me and I sweet talked my way. And I was like, that's
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if you can't afford to take someone out for their birthday to either you just don't You don't go on a date. Don't go do it. Or you try to do something for them. That's more sentimental. Yeah, make it more personable. And that's
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like, that's something that I like to like.
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He said, I wanted to go out and take me
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out for like a walk in the park. Like it's, it's like, I don't want my wallet. I got mugged. Like, what kind of excuses that first of all
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that's really bad. I'm sorry.
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There's, there's I'm sure there's been worse but that's like the first one that came to mind. And we'll just keep brainstorming man.
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At the end of the episode, we're gonna have a rank right?
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Trying to look through all the memories I have. I mean, that that's pretty bad. That's really bad. Oh, yeah. Like because normally for like us guys, we're the ones that actually have to go and plan out the date. So if something goes wrong, most of the times it's looked upon us as you know, Hey, are we the problem? That it's not It's not often you get the girl that's the problem. And granted, there's a lot of times it's just not hitting right. Yeah, but she's not paying for the birthday dinner. That's pretty bad. That's really bad. Making us all look bad. 100% Well, you doing
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all right, so boys, let's hear it. What are your worst experiences on dates? Because I'm sure that like you guys are guys, but I'm sure you guys have had like that weird Tinder date or something like that. Like let's see. What's Tinder? I don't know. I don't know.
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Well, you know,
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I guess that's, that's my cue to go I guess.
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Go and clock out for him.
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To blow the whistle on to to pop off. Goodbye.
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Oh, man, I'm getting pop off about you. I think one of the worst ones. So I was back in like, I'm gonna do the high school one. So it was my first attempt at Sadie's. We'll go with this one. So SATs was going around because it is usually done around Valentine's Day. And all the guys are all like, Yo, like, Who are you going to ask us any girl gonna ask us and I was like, I was in the middle of math class. Nobody gonna ask me. You're gonna get there's a lot of our stories. So the the one the one so there's one random girl I don't even remember her name. But she she writes she that's how you know it was blocked out. I blocked out the name because I get home and there's a note in my backpack and it says will you go to Sadie's with me? Here's my number. Oh, so I'm like I text I texted girls like a I don't know if this was meant for me. Maybe you know you missed miscommunication. miscommunication. You threw two ended up in my background. Your number ended up in my bag bag. It says Sadie's you down and she was all like yeah, I've read you said you didn't want to go. Let's go. And I was like, okay, me being the guys. Like I know what Sadie's is I was like we need to have matching matching outfits. We got to do all the cool cutesy stuff. Oh, that's a thing that is a thing. Sadie's you've met this person to a tee goes to show how many Sadie's I've been to. So I was like, so this is where I knew it was kind of a ratified one. I was like, Alright, so what are we aware? And like, what, uh, what's the like, what's the Fit gonna be like, because I'm not going to be showing up to Sadie's and not being fit. And she was just like, um, I don't know. I mean, like, what do you want to do? And I was like, okay, you don't know what Sadie's is like, it's the guys time to chill out. You got to do all the work. I was like, I was like, what do we what do we got here? And I was like, let's just be simple. Let's like red T shirts and blue jeans. Like, I don't know, let's be boring and simple. And she's like, I like that one. So I'm like, I'm already planning the day. So I was like, I gotta so we go. And the Sadie's was done at Coronado High School. And so they were setting up the it was all it was setting up in the gym and all that stuff. So I show up. I was like, I meet the girl there. So that I go, I get there. I meet the girl and we talk for like two minutes. And then the girl is like Oh cool. And then she just dips and she just hangs out with her friends the rest of the night so like Napoleon
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Dynamite it Yeah, pretty much Oh, yeah, the whole night. She's
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like we talked for maybe like three minutes didn't even really know the girl because I was like random girl my math class and she ended up just talking. I was like, All right, I clearly just think this was done out of pity or you just did it on a day or just you got the number got lost in the backpack and I really think it was meant for somebody else. So I was just like, I'm just like, Alright, okay, see that this this ain't going anywhere. It's just I would just call up my dad and be like, Yo, I'm sorry that you drove me over here. And I know it's only been like maybe 20 to 30 minutes but there ain't going on here. This was a waste of money like, Please take me home. At least you got asked. Yeah, so let's put this started a tradition that my boy Ty carried on my dad said Well, alright, the date suck, but this is my dad being a true dad. Like you want to get some ice cream so it's not gonna come through
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my dad can ever so
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now at
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time if you guys want to you know if you want to know the Part Two it's like any time I try to go after a girl and it continuously doesn't go well my boy Ty will just show up with two scoops of ice cream and he'd be like, you get them next time buddy.
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Friend Yeah. Without sprinkles.
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Tang Berry. That's well, you
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guys. Okay, go for those stories are pretty like raw. Like as far as like, like, time, man. Dickey D Well, let's see my worst ever first day. Let's see. So that was back in Texas, right? Yeah, y'all, y'all brother. And you know, I decided to ask her out. I was like, You know what, maybe maybe I'll shoot my shots. I shot my shot. She's like, Oh, yeah, I would love to but what we scored? You know, we did. So what happened was I saw this girl in our science class. And I kind of walked in late to class like I usually do. As I get good track, I go to classes that I'm not supposed to be it and I missed classes that I, you know, paid for. So, you know, continue to attract college experience, Shadow shadow
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classes that you do want to be in that you're not paying
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the boy Ben morth. One shout
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out to Ben Morris. But then Ben, but you know, so I asked her I was like, Hey, what are we learning? And she just looks at me. She's like, she's like, you're not being serious? I'm like, yeah, like I showed him. Like, I just got here late and all that. So you know, I did that the first day. She's like, it's the first day we're not gonna really learn anything. I'm like, Hey, Robbie, so rude. So I'm just sitting there, you know, just chill. It's up. And weeks go on in and I do this every single class period. And she's like, are you were going to come and talk one day I saw I don't know, we were gonna go on a date one day. That's how quick I did it. I was like it. She was like what you mean by that? I said, You know what, I just did the phone thing. I'm like, Oh, my God. So I'll put it in. Everything's going right and stuff. And then it comes to the actual date. She's like, okay, so what you want to do, I'm like, Oh, I'm actually was planning this out. But oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. So I'm guessing myself, I'm gonna like, oh, no, it's a surprise. It's a surprise. And she's like a surprise. Yeah. So then she's like, Oh, we're gonna take you I'm gonna take you one of your favorite foods by she's like, Yeah, what's your favorite food spot? And it's whatever. I was just trying to get her to say, Whatever she would spit out. I'm like, Yeah, I told you. I was gonna get you that spot. And I call in I'm like, Oh, I didn't know this like a fancy place. I calling it for reservation that ended up they go Yeah, we got you in 2022. My daughter it was the place. I don't know. It was like some it was some fancy Texas Steakhouse and stuff. So I was like, okay, it was it wasn't it wasn't the Roadhouse. Was it? No, definitely not the road, not Texas Roadhouse. And so I was like, well, that ain't gonna work. So I was like, I was like, I guess I'm not him with the we're gonna go on the spot. So we went to all garden. Yeah.
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My best friend Jasmine, it is Italian Applebee's. Yeah.
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You know, so the best part is we're getting to know each other. We're having a great time a waiter comes up and he's like, the wine is for the table next to us. And the wine spills all over me. I'm like, Oh, I was like, oh, you know, I'm trying to play this cool. I do. Like this is my old jeans. Like what do you go on? Oh, no, I'm like, I've tried to act like I'm like, I'm kind of upset but I don't really get like mad or stuff. So I just kind of have like the smile. And the dudes like the dudes like Oh, I'm so sorry, sir. Oh my god. I'm like, Ah, you know, it's Mike. It's fine. I'm
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trying to play a bottle right now.
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Yeah. And I was like, Well, I'm like, he's like, we'll get you free did it so he gives us two shot glasses and all that like if not we shot like wine glasses. And I'm like, Well, we're neither of us are 20 wine. So you know. It was I think like that I have wine all over me. I smell like great grapes. You know, some fine grapes
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was a red wine that got on it. Yeah, it was.
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So it wasn't coming off. Like this was a waste of a fit. Yeah, it was a waste of everything. So what happened was is once I dropped her off because she lived like a little bit off campus on my Cabo you know, we meet up in campus and then I take you around Yeah, so I take her and then she goes back into her car and she was like, Oh, I gotta go fill gas can you come with me? So I said sure. On our way over to the gas station. Bam. She gets wrecked in the back oh no, she did and her car because I decided to go for because it was late so she's like I don't want to be by myself a gas station because you know oh my god I got you. Like c'est la silla so I go to the gas station. I was literally only there just take you to the gas station and she dropped me back and I was first aid. So everything from that point besides will gain widespread to me. We just started making a joke out of It's like, Oh, don't get the wind spit out, you know, I'm like, Oh shut up, you know so we're in the car, which I'm trying to see your music tastes we're playing some jams all of a sudden you know that you see this car coming I'm looking for the rear view. I'm like, this does not look like it's stopping and I'm like, you know, I don't know what they instinct like my arm just went over to her and just bam like, hey, hit us in the back and like getting my arms out because you know that kind of what uh, you know, I don't know but still it was it was a big messy situation and I'm out there standing there for like two and a half hours now that was supposed to be just as quick filling up with gas and I'm like, What is going what oh, what a way to end off a bad first day and then and then the worst part was and I was like you know what? I still had a great time that it I hope everything was great. So we tried to talk about the car situation stuff and slowly and surely went from texting daily to every once in a while till I only saw in class and that was that was about it. Yeah, it just like it was so bad. Like there's nothing like I could have done. Yeah, it was just about in some I
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was just being God that looked like it was doomed from the start low key. But these are
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all right. They're all a little. Nice guy. Let's hear it.
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So growing up, I didn't have a lot of popularity with the ladies. I've only been I would say about four dates, but I wouldn't consider him like any of them, like really crappy. But I can't tell you the worst the worst relationship I've ever had, if I
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can go that route. I've had
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a few of those. So to answer your question, it was my freshman year of high schools. And during this time, I was I was very lonely. I had I had little to no friends. I guess you can say I was one of those kids. I would always like be in the corner. Just like staring at my phone with my hood up the whole time. Oh, not that kid. So in one of my classes, it was my video production class. And there was this girl. She was two years older than me. I was a freshman. She was a junior and she was
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way way way. way way way way.
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You guys are hyping it up now. Just wait to hear the rest. Oh no. She was classified as the weird girl in the entire school. Now. Worse girl or like not my not my high school. It's small, right? My high school is small. And every year the admission is 3000 kids. So out of those 3000 kids, she was considered the weird girl out of all the 3000 kids and when we're talking about weird I'm talking fairy tale.
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Oh, cat years. Oh, scary.
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And and these huge choker chains that the chain will literally just daddy issues.
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Oh my daddy issue
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to the frickin Max. Oh. Would you say she growl? Did she go mu? Yes. Oh, but for some reason she showed a lot of interest in me. And I don't know why. It just never like caught up on me. But she was like flirting with me a lot. And then she takes me to the staircase in one of the empty halls. It was during lunchtime and nobody was in between the staircases and then that's when she liked confessed her love to me. I wanted to say no, but I didn't say no, because I didn't have the heart to tell her. That's fair. Okay, I didn't know. I was gonna I didn't want to find hard. I didn't want to be a heartbreaker. So I so I said yes. We started dating. But it's funny Paxton that you mentioned full on free because we're gonna get to that a little bit more. Oh. But so the way that we used to kiss was that I wouldn't just walk up to her and like, give her like a normal kiss. She wanted me to pull on her collar to where she would come over to me. So it would be like scorpion it would be like scorpion from Mortal Kombat. Yeah, like the Get over here from Mortal Kombat. That's the jet what what it used to be. That's how we would show like affection to each other.
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This was back in high school.
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This was back in high school. I was a freshman. I was and she was a what? She was a junior freshman.
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I hope that but you know what, by
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the way, she was a super senior as well. Okay. Oh, so So that's bad
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on her and the fact that a sketch showed more maturity at that level. She did super senior and
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then and then I remember I did that. During the morning when people are going to their classes and I kid you not I hear somebody in the distance yell walk. And I'm like, that was me. Hi. Gotta go. So we dated for I want to say two or three months, months, months.
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months go by faster. Months go by fast months is like days. So
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the way I broke up with her was I went up to her. Oh, at least you didn't text. I didn't text. I went up to her and I said she'll ever I was basically discussing how I feel about the way she acts. or whatever. And I just didn't think I told her like, I don't think it's very mature, especially for your age for you to be acting like this and walking around thinking that you're some type of animal. And then I was like, I'm sorry, but this isn't going to work out. I'm not happy with the relationship and I think we should just go back to being friends. Okay, go by
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the most calm collected way that one can
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do that. She patted her head down and she walked
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away. Did she want she helped like a dog?
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No, no, she didn't. It was complete silence for her.
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She probably got home and did howling at the moon
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talking to the 100%
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to my daughter
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like maybe she grew out of it by now that's Joan
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and in in in in a note the following year, the following year. This was her senior year or her first senior year I should say. Because she's a super senior. She started coming to school in a full on first suit.
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So do you know where she's at now? What's she doing? No, no, it's
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very last year. I did actually reach out to her to wish her happy birthday.
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Scat man DOGGR is and
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she is a she's a streamer on Twitch. Oh, okay, gotta go pay some subs. Yes. And she's and she still does the artistry stuff for her does
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she dress up in the cat and dog suits?
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I don't know because she rarely posts on social media the only reason that I noticed that we talked for a slight bit I wish her happy birthday I was like How's life treating you and stuff like that? Okay, nice
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very nice man. Good guy
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who gets in the
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D man last but not
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least what what's your stories man
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I just got married I think you to know this one thing all the time that bingo hall time. So same best friend that took me out to avenge myself had her 22nd birthday so we went out to go celebrate so it was me her our best friend Brandon at the time right my boy Jose you know the Greek God Himself. Prometheus we're hanging out it's a good time you know, no malice. We go to pts. We're playing pool wings getting drinks. You know, we're having a good time. We're doing this and then these two guys started to come because I'm with my girlfriend at the time. And these two guys come. And at first I don't really think anything of them. But me and her had this running joke of Yo, this looks like your type of guy. And her type of guy was some real scrawny toothpick dirty Q tip looking piece of trash. So these guys walking on like, hey, you know what, this looks a lot like you're just joking about like, yeah. This is like, yeah, and I'm like, and I'm like, okay. Take it easy now. I've now been with her for four years. She's texting me. Would you be mad if I gave him my number? And I'm like, Yeah, that's why why would why would you? Why would you do that? You know, I'm just I'm not gonna pay this much attention. I know you I trust you'll make the right decision in this move. I'm gonna play some pool and I'm I had enjoyed my mom and I'm gonna do my best friend's birthday. Because you know, that's I didn't come here for any of the scandalous stuff. I came here for them. So I'm gonna celebrate and the Nikkei two goes on, we're having a good time. Next thing you know, they come over to our pool table. She didn't invite well, they just came over because they you know, compared to the two right next to each other, you could tell which one they were going for. And it wasn't the one that I rolled in with this. They're not all tip. They're not all tense. So, ya know, it's rough. Yup, it gets to the part. She's like, I think I really want to write down the schedule because we're getting ready to leave. We're gonna go to the Red Rock and we're gonna go play some bingo, go have a good time drink some more, you know, saying she was just I want to give them my number. I'm like, no personal
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file unnecessary. creepiness.
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She's like, No, like, Listen, give me like, give not do that, please. So we paid she took the pen from the checkbook. And she went to go write it on a napkin. And it was a pen was at work. And I said that's God and that is divine intervention. Do not do the see what are you doing? Do not do that. And we leave we go down to the bar because I got to take care of my other friends tab because he didn't have enough money with him. She takes a pen from the bar goes right back up to where we were and gives the guys their phone number. And she comes back now she's like, oh, yeah, I just gave him like, aggro, but I just gave him one. I was like, Why? Why are we continuing? Why are you wanting Why are you doing this? It was a nice little joke to begin with. Now you're doing all this what's going on with you? You know what? We're going we're leaving to the Red Rock. Now I got I got I got I got I got him in my car. I got buried in my car. I got my other friend Brandon in the car. And I'm not quiet often, especially when I'm mad. And that was one of those times where I'm just like,
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Yeah, usually when you're in a car ride with Diego, he's bumping with his music. He's trying to make sure that you're enjoying the car ride like he'll stop and he'll stop you and he'll be like Barry, why
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are you quiet? Why aren't you thinking watching along? Yeah, what's wrong with you car karaoke. And I was just in my head like oh my god and then just to find out that they were texting each other throughout the drive and she invited them to come down to the Red Rock and hang with us. No one wanted these guys there. No one and next. You know, we're playing bingo. They said they were gonna stay toward their own little sports book area. And now here they Come into the bingo hall and you can tell from me Brandon bury our friend Jose and are from Jasmine that you can feel the tension in the air like we do not want them here. Why are they here get them out and now and then my girl is just over here channel. Not only that I just dropped 60 bucks for you to play bingo to now you're over here talking with them I've never grinded my teeth and my hands clenched and fists so much and it doesn't help that the frickin guy across the line there was like maybe like eight people in this hall the six of us being in that group. There's this one other dude that just keeps hitting on every single row so me not winning me not winning any money. He's not making this any better than the guy
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did the sky turned dark and gray. Was there was there a little bit of lightning?
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I was pissed. I have never been this angry. I'm trying to contain myself because this was Barry's first time playing bingo. I want to make sure he's having a good time and it's just I'm grinding my teeth. I'm like I am ready to lose it. And I'm pretty sure if I did lose it right there no one would have blamed me no one would have blamed me was I'm pretty sure people would have gotten 86 for a restaurant at 16 Station casinos entirely Yeah, and that's where we'd like to go so it's just like Okay, I gotta choose my battle here because I can act like a fool right now or let this pass I'll deal with it on my own and then after we get done with bingo we go out hungry Oh goes to the bathroom all of us are kind of standing there and those who are trying to make conversation with us. You just see like this made us guys kind of look to them like go home go home. I had every intention to break up with her that night and I don't know what weird wave came after me but I calmed down and then she tried talking me Oh, I just wanted to make friends. I just wanted to see if you still cared and I'm like you crap for brains. What are you why are you I'm done with you um, though and it took me a while to actually finally for a head and heart to connect that yeah, this is done so that was the whole final nail in that relationship ah, these women out here I don't understand it you know guys too because guys have their fair share of being complete as we
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heard from PAX in the very beginning you know it's both ways so from a from a horrible horrible past relationship to to basically getting stood up a screen stood up to cat lady over here
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to car to car wreck in a car
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wreck combined aids and then ended off with a four year debacle right there.
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We got it all here on what's poppin
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I need a drink.
Unknown Speaker 27:19
I definitely I laughed through those. I was done through those. But yes, thank you guys for joining it. That was episode four of what's poppin with Pax we kind of did things a little different around here today. So that was kind of fun. Um, I want to thank my guests Big D and
Unknown Speaker 27:37
the place to be Dickey D here and your boy ace guy, aka the voices of Las Vegas, Prometheus
Unknown Speaker 27:43
and don't forget to tune in every Tuesday at 6pm on any 1.5 rebel and of course, always stay poppin Ooh, let's get it. Let's get it poppin what's poppin What's up
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