Dating Chronicles: Tales of Bad Dates and Unforgettable Moments
Unknown Speaker 0:03
Ready, ready? Ready, ready, ready? Ready? Let's get it. Let's get it poppin what's poppin with rebels and welcome back to another episode of watch the show where we talk about all of the weekly trends and have different discussions about anything and everything. You guys loved my episode a couple of weeks ago about weird dates with the boys so I brought my girl Ashleigh here talk about the girl
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version what's poppin packs?
Unknown Speaker 0:42
what's poppin girl you know what's poppin Don't mind me he's weird dates these days weird dates these weird days you know like the boys had some weird ones we had a Scott just to catch you up we had a scat talk about him date himself dating a furry and then we had DD he was talking about how he got in a car crash after a date with a girl and then we had big D talk about some he went out to bingo and the girl she know I know the bingo sleep. Y'all know the bingos? I know the bingo stuff and then we had some really really sad rejection stories from Prometheus himself I know I did the same thing you will pay a Scott and I both looked at each other with like how many times can we count the oz during various story like it was really sad. I felt bad ideas but I know that we have some in the nicest terms possible some booboo stories that show in the most PG terms, those radio terms possible we got some booboo stories girl.
Unknown Speaker 1:59
Booty is PG booty. Yeah, that's a booty story. That's
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a booty stories. I don't know booboo was the fun
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so when I was telling my story last last time, I was telling the boys about a fun little story that about me paying for my birthday date slash dinner slash activities? Because homeboy got mugged quote, unquote, and lost his wallet. Or no, he's
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just a puppy. Right? Cool. Tune
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into our last episode together where we talked about lions and tigers and bears. Oh my. You name it the episode that my episodes don't have names. You should I should you surely should go back and name it that. But yes, he was a puppy, big time. And that's all I have to say about that. So I figured it would be a fun little episode for us to just go back and forth about our god awful deeds. Oh god. Relationships. And, you know,
Unknown Speaker 3:17
so tell the world are we talking like straight up dates or relationships
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because you can decide whatever stories you want to tell me because I mean, a scats whole furry story was a whole relationship. And then we had different dates. So we can just start naming things so people don't feel quite alone when they through my terrible terrible Tinder dates.
Unknown Speaker 3:44
My whole thing, right? Is the pure and simple fact that I have been on a total of three dates in my life. All but all of the like I've been in both, but for these relationships don't last very long for a reason. Yeah, for sure. But I've been in like four or five relationships. And none of them took me on a first date. But none of them took me on a first date.
Unknown Speaker 4:16
Why? chivalry is dead chivalry. No,
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romance is dead. Yes. Um, relationships are dead. I'm sorry. He caught me at a at a year and a half mark of not being in the, you know, steady.
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Eddie chick in Sheffield that
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should we start when we think okay, so I wanted to date a couple of weeks ago. And this guy. He Okay, so I matched with him on Tinder. Okay,
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and how not Tinder?
Unknown Speaker 4:51
I know. I didn't know those are going bad. Literally. I didn't use a tinder as soon as I got back from the date I deleted Tinder was that bad? It was that bad? No, I was like, I am done with this BS. Because the thing is, is that I've been put through the emotional wringer over the last like year or two. And so I'm like, Okay, well, if I'm gonna, if I'm gonna get into a relationship, if I'm gonna date somebody, it needs to be worth it. Right? Because I'm dating to marry. And I don't think a lot of people have that same mentality when they date. It's like, that's like you're dating to find your forever person. Right?
Unknown Speaker 5:30
And I can tell you that they are but yeah, no words aren't words don't mean anything. No, words
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don't mean crap. Um, but so I went on the state right next to a steak house. Okay, writing off good. So I get all dressed up and I'm, you know, I'm wearing a sweater and a skirt and, like, I look good. I look like Avril Lavine, to be honest. Like, I just looked pretty badass. Like, but like, dressed up right? And this guy pulls up in a T shirt and not cargo pants. But you know those like, shorts that guys have that aren't shorts. Like Dickies. Yeah, like dick. Yeah. So I think they're like, oh, Riley brand. Yeah, thank and boat shoes. And I'm like, boat shoes. I'm like, wait,
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go back to the boat shoes. Were they like the ones that like have the toes in them? Or were they like the croc looking like water shoes?
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No. Okay, so both shoes, like a like,
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Oh my gosh. Like the sock looking? No,
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those are like water shoes. So like, both shoes are like, kind of like, Hey, dude. Hey, dudes. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 6:42
But not as bad as I thought I thought you were talking about like the toes like bull sock things. Like, flippers.
Unknown Speaker 6:49
Oh my god, I was I would have not gone on the date at all. I would have gotten out of the car. And I'm like, okay, maybe the steak house. So I get in the car. And I'm like, okay, maybe the steak house isn't as nice as I thought it was right.
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It's always okay to dress up. Yeah, always go more always go more. You're good.
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And so we get to the place. And it is white tablecloth. Oh, and like, and those I'm sure like handles why tablecloth like the whole thing. Oh, and I'm like, Oh, crap. ounds like, and so when we walked in the host obviously addressed me because I looked like I knew what I was doing worse, of course. And so we go through the entire night, this man would not stop talking about himself. And like, that's my biggest pet peeve about writing out with somebody is when they only ever talk about themselves. And they don't ask any questions about you. And it's like, I'm a good listener. And I if I want to know more about you, I'm okay with it. Right. But you've already started off with a really bad impression. Right? Mind you. This guy was balding, too. So he looked nothing like
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the back. Was he receding? Or was he leading?
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And a little bit on top of the head. And I'm just like, I'm like your hair so fucking thin. And so I'm like, it's fine. And then right front profile. I have such a thing about noses. I am so so bad about nose. And like, I don't care if like my friends have like, wonky noses or whatever, me not talking about you. Because you have a pretty nose like it fits your face very nicely. But when guys have either too wide of a nose, too narrow of a nose or too long of a nose. Can't do it cannot do it. And I don't know why I've been this way since I was a child like I just hate noses. Right. Everybody has to thing right? I had a frat boy once told me that he could not go out with me because my teeth. Oh, lovely. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 8:50
So speaking of noses, you hate the guy that I was? Oh, getting lost.
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I despised him. I did not like how he looked. I thought you were too cute for him. And, you know, I knew there was some confrontation right going around it and whatever mind business business
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but like you hated the nodes. I hated the nose.
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I didn't like his attitude. Like the way he carried himself. Right? Because I'm like, I'm thinking I'm like, Okay, this guy's gonna ditch her for some other chick at the bar. Yes. Which I'm sure he did happen. Yes. And so like when we were like hanging out at the bar, and we were like, we're like, where's your man? Where's your guy? And you were like, Oh, he's out. He's like playing pool or he's getting a drink or whatever. And you had to convince yourself you liked that. Right? I was like, Ah, I'm like the same, right?
Unknown Speaker 9:43
No, I was literally like, when I was with him, right? I literally would think to myself every time I was with him and be like, dang, if we had kids, you would come out and be like, Look at the nose on that thing. It was it was bad. I was like match. Oh, well,
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the thing is, is that you got really lucky, right? Like, I know you are Middle Eastern, right. And so a lot of a lot of people who are Middle Eastern American have a little bit of a bigger nose, right? Like
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awkward hump. Yeah, like you didn't get that bridge and I didn't get that. Thank God,
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you caught a really pretty nose. So I'm like, I'm like, What do you talk about about it? I'm like, I really I don't I don't see it. Like, I'm a nosy person, right? Like, my mom literally has told me before dates, or before going out with a guy going out loosely, right? Actually, a date is being like hanging out hanging out. Talking and pulling a tape. I hate I hate talking. No, you want to hang out 10 o'clock at night? No,
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no, absolutely not. No, I
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don't want to hang out. I'm in bed right now. I just do my skincare routine. And I have a bucket of ice cream watching iCarly reboot?
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Yes. My puppy doing GIS.
Unknown Speaker 11:03
Exactly. Puppy snugs. What can you provide me that my dog is not?
Unknown Speaker 11:09
That is a great question that I'm going to ask on my next future date.
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Yeah. What can you provide me that my dog is not ride me? Nothing. Nothing. Nothing? Because my dog already struggles me. Great. Ernie kisses. Yeah, kiss snaps me cool.
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I talked to my dog My dog has makes great conversation. When I tell you my dog literally like I will have a conversation like I'll vent out loud or I'll talk to myself. My dog will literally look at me like, yeah, that's a good point. Like, the expressions on these dogs faces are out of this world. They make great conversation better than any man can.
Unknown Speaker 11:51
I swear to God, and they have cute noses. No, I'll come home crying or whatever. Because you know, I'm emotional. So come home crying or upset. Only will come up, lick my tears off and go get his toy for me. Not the toy. And I'm like, I love you so much. You're so good. So pure in this world. And like we'll talk in my room. Now he'll talk back right? Like he'll he'll growl back. Like, I'll be like, This is
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your day. You're gonna have a great conversation with a dog better than any man because they actually write they do. literally speaking of like, dog bringing your the toy though we call my dog. Casey, she's our middle child. She will bring us what we call her courage. And it's her little knuckle bone. Commerce little button. She's like liquid I got like she does this little wiggle and your tic tock and it's like the Bulldog walking is a happy guy. That's my dog. That's my dog. Yes. I'm back to Mr. Nose.
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He's just so unattractive.
Unknown Speaker 13:00
And what happened?
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We went to go see a movie, right? Okay. This guy did not shut the heck up. The entire time. He was asking me questions, talking about himself. And like asked me questions about the movie talking about himself. And I'm like, Good God, man Shut.
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I would have gotten up and laid left. I had no way home. Mom, come get me when I called you. Yeah. Next time. If that happens, I'm calling you. This is why ladies, I tell everybody. This is why we have code words. Pineapple, pineapple, pineapple juice, something that you can throw into a random conversation and just be like, Hey, did you pick up that pineapple juice earlier? And you know exactly. Boom, I'm running. I'm running.
Unknown Speaker 13:48
Did we make a pineapple? Because I feel like I've heard that one. But I always
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use pineapple. You might just give away my code. We're gonna have to come up with another one. It's okay. It's okay.
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It's fine. Like, no one's gonna remember. It's okay. No, it's
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okay. We're good. We don't have to talk about it. No. I don't care.
Unknown Speaker 14:08
Who are we talking to?
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who you're talking to? What? About what? But no, that's why you pineapple them.
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He wanted a pineapple me. Oh, eat like I'm like, Okay, well have a great night, right? He grabs my face for like a kiss. And I'm like, goodbye. I'm like, I can't get out of this. And so I just like leave. And then he texts me a few days later. And he's like, so I've really thought about it. And I've decided I'd like to see you again. I'm like you thought
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about thought about it. You have separation into it. I'm like, Okay, how many days was this? What how many days was this? Like, how many days later? Three. He took three days to say I really thought about this. He thought long and hard. He thought
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long and hard. And apparently the blood was not flowing to his brain because it wasn't when he was on the date with me. Yeah, that was awful. That was like God awful. I was like, I like I talked during movies, okay, wrong. I did not know a single word that these people said in the movie.
Unknown Speaker 15:11
You're gonna recite the movie back.
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I have no idea. Not a clue.
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This is where we have Theatre Etiquette ladies and gents. I'm
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like, okay, dinner movie. Great. You don't go to a movie to talk?
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No. Like, that's why I first date you don't go to a movie. Exactly. You go like bowling or something? Yeah,
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you talk you conversate whatever. But the conversation sucked so bad that I'm like, this doesn't he
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was as boring or I want to talk about me. You want to talk about it? I
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know my me my what I feel. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was just it was all about him. And I'm just like, like, awesome. Great. Cool. That's so cool. That's so that's crazy. You poor thing. Gentlemen, if you notice, if you're talking too much, and your woman is upset, more, she's irritated or she just doesn't want to talk anymore. Because her social battery's out because me impacts his social battery runs out pretty fast. Very fast. She will have crutch words. That's crazy.
Unknown Speaker 16:24
That's nuts. No. Oh, my God. Really? Sick. Wow,
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mine sick. Really? It's I say six sound right.
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But yeah, that notice where you were pulling those out? Oh, my God, literally.
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And then I started getting petty about it. And I was like, I want to watch the movie. So yeah, I was like, Can I please watch the movie? Like I actually want to watch it. Oh my God. And he was like, he was like, yeah, so sure. And then I covered his mouth at whatever point because he would not shut up and I was like, like, I was like a Oh disease. So I covered my I covered my hand with my sweater and covered his mouth. This man went to go lick my hand and got met with sweat. I
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did not. And I'm like,
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I'm like, I hate this. I hate this so much.
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I have not lick your hand.
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I have worst stories. But this is like the most time that I can share. Because, like going out on a date with the guy following him on Tik Tok and finding out that he's been on several dates in the last two weeks with different women.
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He didn't hide that.
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Oh, I was one of the tiktoks You were one of
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the I was one of the tiktoks food. So awful. Yeah.
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But that's fine. I'm like, okay, cool. I'm gonna with a player and then a dud. Oh, my God. I give up.
Unknown Speaker 17:57
Well, that's fine. I mean, I had this one guy that I was often on for a while. And mind you, tool good looking for his own good. Okay. So he moved back in town from I think it was Indiana. Yes. And he was like, Hey, come to this house party with me. And I'm like, okay, it was like the first time I like had really actually like gone out with this guy. Right? Yeah. Come to this house party with me. Okay, fine. tries to make a move. You know, guys try and do that. You got to say no, whatever. Yeah. So I leave. And I find out the next day he's posting about some redhead right after, like, the day after the day after was posted about some redhead, and I was like, okay, like, whatever. Like I'm just gonna go do my own thing. Now. See you later. Goodbye. You know? Yeah,
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like signal received. Right? Right. Received
Unknown Speaker 18:53
Okay, cool. Um, me being stupid. I did this twice. With this guy went out and the same redhead it he's got like the cycle. So it'll go like me, the redhead and then like some person, some girl that he would like, puts a ring on it and marries for like, a couple of weeks. And then he's like, Oh, hey, I'm back. I'm like,
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you. Oh, so he doesn't even stay married. Marry now. Is he married right now? Yes.
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Yes. And literally, he dies last night I saw an update on his status. And he literally because I still follow him on Facebook. But I like I can't I have it to where like he's muted. Like from messaging me now. So just I don't have to like worry about that. And I saw a status update on his Facebook last night and it was like, a profile picture change. And he had him and his wife on there, right? That was like, oh, oh, right. And his wife has like a picture on her cover page and he has like a tattoo on his wrist of like the day they got married. Go to On, quote, eloped, and I literally, that was gone off of her page. It was gone off of his page. She was gone off of his page. He was gone off of hers. And then this morning, they were back and I'm like, What did you divorce for a day? Like what's going on? Around
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marriage so haphazardly that I feel like relationships have just become this? disingenuous? Because it's like, I mean, when I was little date
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to marry anymore, no, nobody dates No, marry you date to marry and get divorced.
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And like, when I was little, I always wanted a family. Like, I've always wanted a family. I wanted to be like a working woman, right? Have a family like that's, that's who I wanted to be. Right? And with the society that we're in now, it's just like, this probably not gonna happen now. And it just makes me sad because now like, why even bother try? I'm a little jaded right now. Siri same but like, I'm just like, why even bother? Right?
Unknown Speaker 20:59
I told my mom the other day I said you better be happy with some Furbabies as kids in the near future, or like whatever future because those little talking walking babies they're not they're not happy no, that's not happening. And I was like, You better treat my little Furbabies just as well as you would with those little talking to Grandma Grandma babies. No, no, no, yeah, I'm not doing that. Because I am not going to have a kid with a guy be stuck with them for 18 years or however long when I could just have a kid or a little bit for baby be like that's my child. And then nine I don't need it. I don't need any ties with mine like that was my kid that is my baby.
Unknown Speaker 21:49
What's wild about this person to know um, so two guys that I kind of went out with it was like I don't want to say I was talking to because like it was obviously like playdates oh my god like playdates Yeah, sure. You know what? Screw it. Yeah, one guy on and off for like eight frickin years. My do like sophomore in high school, right? On and off, like playdates right? Talking to you kind of talking to you not really talking to you hated his guts, like in between, like the offs. Then I was like, Oh, I'm gonna marry him one day. Whatever. Right? We
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all have that one. That's fine.
Unknown Speaker 22:37
I hope he never hears this. Nine months ago, I found out that a girl that he hooked up with oh, oh, pregnant. Oh, and now he has a daughter running around there. Oh, and during that time he didn't. When she was born. She he did not think that she was his because somebody else's name was on the birth certificate. And so they got a paternity test was not the guy who signed the birth certificate did a paternity test for the playdate guy and who know. And so they tried a whole relationship thing. And I guess it just turned really, really toxic. I'm like, no crap, because it was a one night stand that didn't work out. Right? Of course. And sorry, he literally just texted me. Like, he's messaging me now. And he's like, I don't know what to do. And me being me. And I'm like, Oh, I can help. I'm stupid. And maybe your
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therapist, like that's what we do best. therapy.
Unknown Speaker 23:48
Therapy therapy. Literally, is fine. It's fine. It's fine, whatever. And then this other guy, right? That I went out with the beginning of 2020 like going into 2020 broke up with me because he was too depressed to be in a relationship with me. got together with another girl found out she was cheating on him in his bed. Oh, lovely. And then nine months later, out comes a baby. Lovely. And he took responsibility for the baby.
Unknown Speaker 24:18
Oh, yikes. That boy Have you told your like your horror story? My horror story. Your relationship horror story? I have so many of those. You want to hear one? One here. One that's really bad. Sure. Speaking of pineapples, right. So I go over to this guy's house. Right and his parents are there and nothing's happening, right? Yeah. He's like, Hey, you want to come over and watch or watch the movies? I'm like, okay, yeah, sure. I was young, naive. Didn't know what watching movies meant at the time. Right?
Unknown Speaker 24:57
How old were you?
Unknown Speaker 24:59
Oh, Um, I'm gonna sound really stupid. I was like 1718. So I knew what like watching movies meant, but I didn't want to like you were hoping it was. Right. Right, exactly. Okay, so yeah, I go over to this guy's house. It's like all the way out in Henderson, right? Stupid drive first of all. So I get to his house, he starts this movie and he doesn't even like watch and he's trying to like, make a move on me. And I'm like, bro, no. Mind you. I've had a crush on this kid since I was like in middle school. And we were we would like kind of like, see each other outside of like, my brother would play football with his brother whenever we'd see each other at games. Yeah, I had a little I had a crush on this kid. Whenever this house and he's trying to make a move on me. I'm not I'm not budging. Right. not budging a bit.
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Oh, no. So
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we're sitting there.
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Like your brother was like, wanted to harm because he was trying to make a move on you. Yes. Yes. So
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we're sitting there and next thing you know, he gets a phone call. And this phone call. There's a guy on the other line, screaming at the top of his lungs. I got stabbed. I need you to come here right now. Okay, so here I am stabbed up. Oh my god. Does he need help? Like you guys, okay. And yeah, this guy that I was with? He was like, no, no, I just gotta go. I gotta go check on him. It's fine. We will raincheck I'm like, Okay, fine. Like, I was trying to be like, really calm like about it. I'm like, okay, like, if you need anything like, let me know. Yeah. Come Come to find out. He like pulls away before I did. And he like, takes this roundabout way. Like, I see his car in a roundabout and it's like a, like a dead end. Yeah, I see him sitting there. And I'm like, okay, as I'm pulling out of his neighborhood. I drive away and I'm like, okay, he has a Snapchat location on right. He goes back home. He goes back home.
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Oh my God, his friend
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never got stabbed. Oh, I got pineapple because I wasn't going to make a move. I wasn't budging. So he basically need like, a day after he's like, Okay, I know. You know, like, what I did like, and I feel really bad about it. I'm like, no, no, no, buddy. No, he's got it got a baby on the way. So um, you know, good thing. Congratulations to you know, the girl. Maybe it's somebody maybe that's the one I got stopped. Who knows? Oh,
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you want to talk about you want to hang on? It's just I hate dating. So I went out was this guy that I had worked with, okay. And like, this was after I had quit the job. Okay. And we were still like, relatively close. And I was like, like, we were friends. Right? And I was like, oh, yeah, like, I thought he was like decent looking kind of thing. And I was like, okay, like, I'll go out with you. Right. And I trusted him to come to my house and pick me up. Oh, because he's been over at my house before. And this man picks me up. takes me to Sonic. And we get like, fucking slushies or something. I
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don't know. We love Sonic slushies. Yeah.
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But like, I'm like, I'm like, okay. Okay. Then we go to the infamous, the view off of Gibson. No. And I'm like, Oh, this is really pretty. And I'm just looking at it. I'm like, Oh, this is really pretty. I don't like look at these mountains. Do you want to climb the mountains because I'm ADHD man. I cannot sit still to save my frickin life. And so this guy, like, picks me up. And he takes me to the spot and I'm like, Okay. Do you want to go hiking like you and go night hiking? Like what do you want to do kind of thing. And I was not like, I was not into it. Right? And I was like, I was like, please, please, please, please, please don't make a move. Please don't make a move, please. It was obviously like a makeup spot. Because there were like four other cars there. Have one or two cars was moving. So I don't think they were making out anymore. Or are they still we're just waiting. Yeah. And so the key for you goes to make a move. And I'm like, I'm like, no, no, no. I'm like, No, absolutely not. And then he tries again, and then he puts his hand on my lady parts. And I'm like, No, I'm like, I grabbed his hand. I Put it back on his lap and I'm like, take me home. Good for you.
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And as you should,
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well he, like I knew him for like two years. And so it was like, Oh, I like yeah, sure one, right. And I'm like, chivalry is dead. You guys only want one thing. And I'm
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so convinced so tired of it.
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I'm so convinced that like, there's nothing we can say or do. That's going to be like, Oh, maybe I should respect her. Right? Right. Maybe just for thought. Maybe just maybe. out just don't they don't. Maybe. No, no, no, no,
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it doesn't happen. Like,
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yell at her. Don't disrespect her. Don't do anything nice.
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Be nice. Shana. Like you would your freaking mother shout out
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my ex boyfriend. Shout
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out all mine too. And with that? I think I think I think the final thing to say here is dating sucks.
Unknown Speaker 31:03
Dating sucks. chivalry is dead. I hope you guys understand why we have our walls
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up. Exactly. And I think that's what's poppin this week. I think this was poppin I think that's what's poppin this week. So thank you guys for listening. I want to take my girl ash over
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here. Thanks for having me. Of course. Of course.
Unknown Speaker 31:25
I always love our little conversations are very fun. Um, stay tuned every Tuesday at six o'clock on any 1.5 the rubble and don't forget to always stay
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