Diverse Perspectives and Disney's Missed Opportunities
Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NV studios on public radio K, u and v 91.5. have been sold already. You're ready. Ready? Ready, ready let's get let's get it poppin what's poppin what's hot Good evening rebels and welcome back to another episode of what's poppin with Pax The show where we talk about all the weekly trends and discussions you know how it goes you know the drill by now run episode 10 And I got my girl ash love here, back again. She's popping pop what's poppin poppin you know it's not popping though. What my voice?
Unknown Speaker 0:56
Your voice is Vegas wind
Unknown Speaker 0:58
one packs zero.
Unknown Speaker 1:00
You sound very mad. I know. Like that's just I know. I know. That's just your voice because of, you know, allergies right in the wind and maybe you shouldn't have had your bedroom door.
Unknown Speaker 1:13
Here here's here's the tea. I decided that it would be a good idea knowing knowing how bad my allergies are to sleep with my bedroom window open on one of the windier days. It was nice outside though. I was like okay, whatever. I woke up the next day and I was like, not a good idea. Not a good idea to get it was in poppin it's not poppin it's not poppin now it's not poppin I'm sorry. Do you This is how it's gonna be for like a couple weeks now. So I hope you guys all love the sexy voice.
Unknown Speaker 1:44
very sultry,
Unknown Speaker 1:45
right? This is my Phoebe sexy voice from friends.
Unknown Speaker 1:50
I want smelly cat right now.
Unknown Speaker 1:52
Smelly cat. The cat? Oh my god. Yes. This is my sexy voice. I hope you guys enjoy. Episode 10
Unknown Speaker 2:04
You can hear that bouncing off.
Unknown Speaker 2:08
We are going to be talking about a couple things today. Our first one we'll be talking about first topic.
Unknown Speaker 2:14
Here's my hot take. Okay. hookup culture today, like in today's society has ruined what our idea of a relationship is.
Unknown Speaker 2:26
Are you sure that the hot tank Are you like or is that just that lukewarm?
Unknown Speaker 2:29
Unknown Speaker 2:30
That's a cold take back. That
Unknown Speaker 2:34
is a fact that is a bold take cold case. No, I just you know I haven't having a sound like oh inappropriate person. Okay, I don't know what I'm allowed to say on the on the radio. I mean, the PG let's keep it PG PG here um, I've dated okay now and a lot of what I've gotten from guys apparently I'm wifey material.
Unknown Speaker 3:02
Right? But you know they don't want wifey material now. No,
Unknown Speaker 3:05
they they want to save us for later so they keep us on the back burner while they go around and you know do stuff with other girls. But I my main thing that I've gotten is your your two too. You're too much of a wifey. I'm not ready for a relationship. I feel like you want a relationship. And I'm like, Well, why are we why are we going out? Right? Why are we going out? But are
Unknown Speaker 3:29
we why are we doing this? Why are you wasting my time?
Unknown Speaker 3:31
Yeah, so I'm just kind of like, I don't know, I'm kind of a little bit fed up with everything. So I've just been, I've been on my villain girl are very black cat energy, you know? Nothing. So my, my take is that what are your thoughts, feelings and opinions? My thoughts feel other than the fact that it's a fact.
Unknown Speaker 3:57
So I'm gonna put this out there, right? So if you go on, like any dating website now, right? Every, maybe like every other person that you're going on and you see right. I'm in Vegas for the weekend. Look into just for you to show me around. Show me around the city. And then he's like, the little like icon button in your bio. That's like, what are you looking for? And it's like something casual and it's like, bro, I don't want that out of here.
Unknown Speaker 4:28
I hate the I hate the here for a good time. Not a long time. Oh, my God. Oh my god, that is my least will think casual. something casual here for a good time. Not a long time. I'm like, I like you. Okay, here's the thing. Here's here's the tea. Um,
Unknown Speaker 4:46
here's what's poppin here's
Unknown Speaker 4:47
what's poppin a lot of these guys want eventually down the line from what I've seen. I've seen the FYE reform and And later on in life, I have a friend who was major major F boy right on up like I've known him for eight or nine years, major F boy would would do it with anybody. If you read, he would do it with you kind of thing. And I'll know that one or two and now he's like, he's like, I just want I want a good girl I want I want a wifey. I want somebody that I can take care of. And I want like these, these traditional relationship roles, and I'm like, I'm like, bro. You know what I have to say to that? You're not gonna get it. You're not pursue that. What? No, no, no, no, exactly.
Unknown Speaker 5:42
No. Your time has gone. Good. Well, my
Unknown Speaker 5:45
whole thing is, it's like if you don't, if you're not putting in the time, you're not putting in the effort, you're not putting in the work to one be a better person and then to get it's not. This is what I want. It's Who do I need to be right? Find that kind of person. So that's just that's, that's my heartache is that a lot of people are in it for selfish reasons when it comes to dating, and a lot of them will leave you high and dry. So what is
Unknown Speaker 6:15
your opinion, right? So I've had I've had my fair share of guys in my life, you know, dating, talking relationships, talking
Unknown Speaker 6:25
is the dumbest stage for it is
Unknown Speaker 6:28
now what is your take on men who were left boys, right? And just all of a sudden, like, right after you were like, they find their wives, they have their kids, they get engaged, right after you got how do we feel about this? Because I know how I feel about
Unknown Speaker 6:48
it. So this has happened to me like three times it grinds
Unknown Speaker 6:52
my gears. It makes me that is the nicest way I can say it on the radio, it grinds my gears up in
Unknown Speaker 7:03
popping so I've had this happen to me three times where I was in the talking stage and things were going well, right. And then I was like, I was so into them. And then they were like, you know, I feel like it was the I feel like you want a relationship and you're just too good for me within the next year, they end up with a girlfriend a fiance Oh, she's pregnant. Yeah, I'm like I wouldn't say you're like B or two because you know we got to keep tabs yeah I toxic trait. But I mean, I you see that happen is like oh my god, I'm going to jump off a bridge. Like was I not good enough? Or were you just looking for somebody who I can put out or like what what was what was the deal? What what made her so special? Not that there anything special, but it's kind of like that's the thought process. It's like, why she's so special.
Unknown Speaker 8:10
I like to think what was wrong? You're the one that coach them up for. I don't want to coach anymore better for the better one, you know, and if I'm with my dogs, I don't want to cook for the rest of my life. Spooning my dogs on the couch for the rest of my life. And just coaching these men up fine. Fine. I'm not excited my job down though. I'm not I'll shut down I'll be like no motion. Here's the thing. Goodbye
Unknown Speaker 8:39
major walls right brick walls covered in cement. Great Wall of China. Me guarded by frickin platinum, whatever. Yeah, metal. Yeah, like those are the walls we're dealing with right now. But I don't understand that. But I'm not gonna coach these little baby boys who have money issues. That's not my job. That's not my job.
Unknown Speaker 9:05
I mean, make a job out of it. I didn't make it rain.
Unknown Speaker 9:11
I did a did trick a few guys into sending me money. Nice because they were like, they were like, oh, I want to see you and I'm like, Oh, I can I don't have gas in my car. And they're like, Oh, if I send you money, will you come meet me? And I'm like, Sure. And then I'll be like, Oh my God, my daddy friend literally just gotten to the hospital. I can't come. Oh, no, I was a girl.
Unknown Speaker 9:38
That's karma. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 9:40
I mean, that's karma for them. Yeah, if they're young enough to give me money. Good point. That's them. Good point. But it only have like I was only two guys but still I was good for you. I can have your daddy I consider it my emotion. Trouble damage fun, because they both created emotional of that damage
Unknown Speaker 10:05
clean it put a quarter in the jar every time. So where does your $1 know if I put a quarter in there? I'd be a millionaire. If I don't need $1
Unknown Speaker 10:15
I was gonna I thought you were going like put a quarter every time you got like a guy hurry, you know, like, I was like, Dude $1 You'd be richer. Have them give you $1 You're just saying make
Unknown Speaker 10:31
him give you 510 Will you play this all day?
Unknown Speaker 10:39
But going off of societal pressures and what's become the societal norm? Talk about Disney to Oh, because I'm
Unknown Speaker 10:52
really transition and good transition.
Unknown Speaker 10:55
I really curious what your take on the Disney live action remakes are so
Unknown Speaker 11:04
for you guys listening. We were looking this up. We're looking up the castings of different like remakes and stuff. And there's a new Lilo and Stitch coming out.
Unknown Speaker 11:17
It's really low. By the way. I'm
Unknown Speaker 11:19
sorry. I'm just my brains not functioning right now. Don't judge me don't cancel me please.
Unknown Speaker 11:28
We're gonna get we're gonna get canceled probably.
Unknown Speaker 11:30
Um, so there's a new Lilo and Stitch and the casting. A lot of people are mad.
Unknown Speaker 11:36
And rightfully so. Rightfully so. And Lilo perfect is perfect. Lila is perfect. She's this cute little Hawaiian girl. Lila was perfect. Now, Nani
Unknown Speaker 11:52
Nani, on the other hand.
Unknown Speaker 11:55
I question it. So basically, here's the thing. Yeah. Disney likes to racially switch characters in their live action, which, you know, it's fine. I understand. Like, I get that they want to do the whole exclusivity take on things, right had a little bit of a problem with the little mermaid one. Just because I am Danish. And that's like part of my culture. Yeah. So I'm half Danish. My dad is Danish. Okay, so, um, that's kind of where I'm coming from on that. But right in retrospect, I can also sit back and appreciate the talent that is, of
Unknown Speaker 12:43
course, that does
Unknown Speaker 12:45
play like Ariel. Like Little
Unknown Speaker 12:46
Mermaid Ariel went what's what's her name? Holly Berry. Yeah. When she like we were talking about like when she was singing. Yeah, like, I got it's beautiful voice beautiful, is a character perfectly. It's beautiful, great actress. I got chills when I heard the song. It
Unknown Speaker 13:04
flopped in the box office for reason, though. And it's because instead of projecting a political motive that is so obvious to both sides. I mean, whether you're for it or you're against it, there's obviously a political motive,
Unknown Speaker 13:19
right. You got to get a turn and everything political nowadays. Tell
Unknown Speaker 13:24
the story instead? Yeah, because it's not it's not about what color skin the character is. It's the story that you tell. And if you want to integrate other cultures, there is so much more folklore in other cultures that I would love to hear.
Unknown Speaker 13:41
Oh, yeah, like Coco honto Coco, Coco and
Unknown Speaker 13:45
Konto even wanna Oh, Seoul was amazing was beautiful. It was a great movie. I mean, if you want to go down south to this isn't the frog. Tiana
Unknown Speaker 13:57
I love Tiana frickin
Unknown Speaker 13:59
love that
Unknown Speaker 14:00
movie and ambitions. Her goals. Dude.
Unknown Speaker 14:03
I we are not we obviously don't look the same. But I love who she is as a character that I'm like, I want to be as ambitious and as driven as Tiana's. I just that's that's my that's my perspective on that. If they're talented, beautiful singer, don't make it a political game because then you've just put them in the middle of it. And all they want to do is be Tinkerbell or be Ariel.
Unknown Speaker 14:34
And I saw this tick tock and it was this. It was a girl and she was talking about how like, she's like, I don't look like Tinkerbell but I connect with her on a personality level. She's like her personality her her feisty little stomping her feet and twisting, wiggling or one. Her just her Little dramatic little vastness,
Unknown Speaker 15:02
messiness. She's like I could like to touch she's like sassy little girl. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 15:07
I love it. You
Unknown Speaker 15:08
don't have to in my opinion you don't have to connect with looks not we're all the same. We all believe so why do we have to politicize it? You know
Unknown Speaker 15:18
what? Yeah, exactly. And so my hot take on this is they're so focused on making white characters a different ethnicity. Fine, whatever the talented. No, I don't care. I mean, it's at the end of the day Disney's losing money because they're pissing off a vast majority of people right? Who watch their movies, whatever. Okay. My heartache is why are they then making a movie a remake? Live action Lilo and Stitch. They're making those characters white inherently lighter skin when they are supposed to be native Hawaiian people when it matters they're usually does not allows. That's like doing a remake of Princess and the Frog and making Tiana white. When it matters, Disney is not stepping up to the plate and it's B s
Unknown Speaker 16:17
exactly it is it's BS Tinkerbell Little Mermaid. Those are characters those are cartoons you know exactly. But like little or not Little Mermaid little Lilo and Stitch. Tiana princess in the frog. Those are based off real people, real people and culture. Yeah. So why are we changing it?
Unknown Speaker 16:36
And the thing to it's the same as if they were to take Milan and make her a different character. Or if they were to take Pocahontas, which I'm sorry, is the most racist Disney movie out there because it taught little kids that John Smith was a good guy. He was not Oh, of course.
Unknown Speaker 16:58
He was trash.
Unknown Speaker 16:59
He was absolute trash. He was whining he was white. He was trash. But that's not the point. No skin color is not the point. He was a trap personality
Unknown Speaker 17:06
sin personality traits. Exactly. And so full traits.
Unknown Speaker 17:13
It's like turning Pocahontas into more of a white character because they're a quarter or their whatever. Why don't you give these acting opportunities to people who are 100%?
Unknown Speaker 17:25
Go? Because I would love to see exacting opportunities, like you were saying earlier, to different stories,
Unknown Speaker 17:33
different stories. There's so much folklore. In other cultures, there's a lot of folklore in Indian culture. Yeah, that I would love to see, there's a lot of folklore in Asian culture that I would love to Oh, I'd love
Unknown Speaker 17:47
to see it. South
Unknown Speaker 17:48
American culture, Brazil, all those places instead of some stupid bird movie. Why don't you actually do a movie based off of those folklores and those fairy tales?
Unknown Speaker 18:00
If these creators of these movies, did their research and created another culture, within a movie, it would teach all of us
Unknown Speaker 18:10
that color does matter, right?
Unknown Speaker 18:12
We're all we all have our own cultures, dynamics, personalities, actually, we're all different. We're all the same. Exactly. And I don't understand why they have to take somebody's culture away from them. Instead of just making another one. Exactly. Teach me about teach me about other cultures.
Unknown Speaker 18:35
Because you can sit there and say we're living in ignorance all day long. But until you, you teach us it, instead of erasing my culture, or your culture or somebody else's, instead of trying to take that away from us, teach us something new.
Unknown Speaker 18:51
And that's like, I'm in concert was a great example of that, too. It's almost like take like when, like these schools are taking away history.
Unknown Speaker 19:00
No, they're literally they're not teaching certain sections of history because they don't want to repeat it. But when you fail to teach something, that's when you're doomed to rewrite it. That's why a large majority of people from the South are still racist. It's because they're not being told their racist history and they're being told what what was good about it, right. They're told that the Confederacy is a good thing. It's a different teaching entirely. And it's not it's not and that's that's the point to is when you when you take certain things out of history, you are going to repeat it. That's why there was the repetition of the kk k going on during the 2020 elections. It's because they've been teaching the people in the South that racism is okay. And this is because I've glossed over the whole Civil War thing, right. But that's just an example. That's just one small part. There's other things that people that these curriculums are taking out of our history. And it's like, when you when you do that, that's, that's when we're going to repeat it. I mean, I feel like nowadays, everybody's comparing some kind of segregation or some kind of ignorance or, or some kind of ism, racism, homophobia, like trans, like transphobic, or something along those lines, they're comparing it to the cost. I've seen that so often it's like, it's like, okay, are we actually going to learn about it? And then we're going to recreate, or are we going to recreate it now? Yeah. And I'm not like, I'm not saying that. It's comparable. Yeah. Because it's not. No, but at the same time, I've seen that happen a lot. And I feel like more history is going to be taken away.
Unknown Speaker 20:46
And I think, with Disney being such a big company, they have the power to,
Unknown Speaker 20:51
to teach that. Yep. They've been around for 100 years, right?
Unknown Speaker 20:56
They're just now celebrating their 100th year. Yep, they have the power to be able to be like, Oh, hey, by the way. By the way, here's it. Here's a story about this, that this culture. Well, I mean,
Unknown Speaker 21:10
when you talk about like, culturally to write Schoolhouse Rock did a great job at it. I don't know. I think it's called the America, the melting pot. It's a song. It's a great American melting. Yeah, yeah. It's talking about how all these cultures are coming together and the land of the free and all the others, like whatever. It's the idea of the land of the free, right. But I mean, at the same time, it's it's like, all these cultures are coming together and actually, like being a community. And Disney has that power to do so. And they're not no, they're not stepping up to the plate, they have that ability to make that melting pot. Exactly. They haven't that much power that much money, that much right influence, but instead
Unknown Speaker 21:55
they're taking away and not adding exactly, that's the problem. You
Unknown Speaker 21:59
can't subtract, you can't subtract from what's already happening. Oh, can't take away the racism that's happening in America. Now. You can't take away the sexism where the no homophobia or the transphobia, or any plethora of what the issues are. And instead, you can teach people that it's okay to not be that way right there. Their bad habits, right. Their bad habits that people have been taught over the years. And so I could get really heated about this. I really need to step back. Because I mean, I want to be in media, obviously. Yeah. But if you are outspoken about anything, no matter what side of the fence, you're on, you're done.
Unknown Speaker 22:40
Yeah, you're done. You're done. You're done.
Unknown Speaker 22:43
I just don't spiraled into a whole other topic. Nice transition is transition. But no, I think I think they did Lilo and Stitch really dirty. Because when it actually mattered, they could have taken different actors to step up to the plate and be those characters. I mean, the girl who plays Nani I've always known Nani as a curvaceous, sassy like, sister.
Unknown Speaker 23:12
She got a big ol booty. Big Booty,
Unknown Speaker 23:14
you know, she got them thick that was like, and they choose a skinny like almost like girl and I'm like,
Unknown Speaker 23:23
too. Big body inclusive, too. Yeah. Why did you all of a sudden put this little model Victoria's Secret model girl looking thing
Unknown Speaker 23:32
where you can do both at once? No, you can't be diverse along with being size inclusive along with not you know being some they
Unknown Speaker 23:43
need to figure out a way to do that
Unknown Speaker 23:44
they need to they need to pay me to choose their battles to do
Unknown Speaker 23:49
going back with Disney. Like why are they not able to do that? I don't get it. Why are they not able to figure that out?
Unknown Speaker 24:01
I think they can. I just feel like they don't want to go I really feel like they don't want to Yeah, I feel like when you piss somebody off. You get the numbers. Regardless, it's like okay, I got to see this movie now kind of I got
Unknown Speaker 24:17
to see this so I can talk bad about it. Yep, you know,
Unknown Speaker 24:21
they need they need to piss people off. You need to make people angry because that's what gets the numbers now instead of coming up with something actually good. You know how many times I have seen Coco and M condo and Mallanna Milan was my favorite for the longest time El Dorado the rota El Dorado that Oh yeah. I loved those movies more than I never liked Sleeping Beauty. I never liked Snow White. I think I've watched it once. No, they
Unknown Speaker 24:49
would have stupid they had high pitch little voices. So they were like 13 They were so nice.
Unknown Speaker 24:55
You know what movie was my favorite growing up? Which one? Aladdin? I love Yeah. Aladdin. Aladdin was my favorite. I would watch it before school every single day. And it's like that stuff. You know? Like those movies are the quality movies that they're looking for. And the next best thing and whatever else, but it's like, how are you? How are you going to do that? And do like, make these previous movies, make a live action? And then mess with your own characters, right? Like Rapunzel tangled, great movie, right? The ones that just came out are so much better. Oh, go when harbor said but if you want to go based off of looks. I am rebuttal.
Unknown Speaker 25:38
Oh, yeah. When you look like her.
Unknown Speaker 25:41
Do you look like her? And so it's like, it's like the green eyes, blonde hair or whatever else, right? I mean, if you want to go based off of luck, she should be my favorite. Right? She's not no, I've always loved Jasmine. I've always wanted to be Jasmine based off of her her wit how smart she was. Yeah. All that it was never based off with the color.
Unknown Speaker 26:04
No. And it's like with me with like the curly hair. Yeah, if we're going off the looks like Meredith should be my favorite. Yeah, because you have red hair with the curly hair the red hair. Yeah. She shouldn't be my favorite but she's not. No Bella's. Little Mermaid is Tinkerbell is like,
Unknown Speaker 26:26
yeah, it's not. It shouldn't be based off of the books that she read based off of personality. But if you are going to do a live action, you need to do your characters justice. Because otherwise you're going to piss off people on both sides of the fence. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 26:38
And it's like, I I love Belle because she's a reader. Yeah, she gives everybody a chance. Yeah, you know, and that's how I am I relate to that. I love Tinkerbell because she's feisty and she's just fire. She's just a little jealous little thing. And I just love her. She's feisty and cute. And I love Ariel, because she's just like a little collector of just little trinkets. And that's I connect to that to me. Yeah. You know, I'm not connected to the looks. No, I don't have a tail, though. Going off and Kissena mostre I don't have wings.
Unknown Speaker 27:12
You're not into beast reality. No. But it's just it's it's the concepts the
Unknown Speaker 27:18
concept of the things that I can connect to. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 27:21
I mean, my favorite characters were Jasmine Ariel. I love Maratha to surely want to when I when I found out about her. I was like, she's one of my favorites. Because their tenacity. No, yeah, she was. She's just very. She's very headstrong, and I relate to that. I loved Ariel because she's very she has such a strong wanderlust. And that's I relate to that, too. And she set out she she wanted something and she did anything it took to get it. You know if you if you look at it for for bass level. Yeah. Obviously, I'm not going around kissing strangers. Exact but I'm not Justin frogs. Jasmine was Jasmine is smart. And she's resourceful. And she I just I frickin love her man. She's definitely one of my favorite Disney princesses. Yeah. Her and her and Ariel are like on my list.
Unknown Speaker 28:22
No, they have, you know, so yeah,
Unknown Speaker 28:26
I just I think that I think the cares characters need to be made better in these live actions and they need to be done justice to because I mean, Nani did not deserve that. She was a single parent well, actually not being a parent and being a sister raising her sister on her own like
Unknown Speaker 28:47
and we all love Nani growing up. Exactly, you know, I just I think
Unknown Speaker 28:52
she was the mom character that wasn't really mom. Right?
Unknown Speaker 28:56
I think kind of with like the, the final kind of like summary of all of it is just like kind of, you know, stop focusing so much on focusing on everybody's color, and start connecting with each other through the movies through everything through personality and stuff. Just connect to each other with personality. Why can't we break free? Why can we not all be friends? You know, let's just all be a nice neutral shade of beige.
Unknown Speaker 29:28
And I want to be tan though. Like can I be chill? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 29:31
we're gonna leave him. Okay. Cool. Let's talk to you. Up to y'all.
Unknown Speaker 29:37
We all bleed red Brook. Right?
Unknown Speaker 29:38
bleed red. We all have red we all blue veins and red blood. We're the same. Yeah, we're the same. Exactly. But yeah, with that, um, we're gonna sign off for the day. Don't forget to listen to us every Tuesday, starting at six o'clock and don't forget to tune in to me on the rebel brunch on Mondays and Wednesdays 10 to 12. And don't forget to listen to Ashleigh right after my show on Mondays with the lid
Unknown Speaker 30:07
side row.
Unknown Speaker 30:08
What time are you on girlfriend?
Unknown Speaker 30:09
I'm on 12 to two
Unknown Speaker 30:11
to two. And please don't forget guys always stay poppin
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