Panic at the Disco's Farewell and NFL Playoffs Drama
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Ladies and gentlemen Ready Ready Ready, ready ready let's get it let's get it poppin what's poppin What's Good afternoon rebels Welcome to the very first show what's poppin with Pax The show where we break down weekly trends that everyone's talking and raving about. So to my right I have Miss Ashley Liebig you know her as ash love
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and to my left we have Diego Escobar who you know as Big D please
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was going from two to three
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so on this episode we're going to talk about some things going on we got some Panic at the Disco going on we got some sports to talk about we got playoffs going on so that's why I got the bullet whistle boys here you know we got the good stuff going on. So let's start off with the crazy talk about Panic at the Disco.
Unknown Speaker 1:10
All right, so here's the thing, right? I know everything that is to be known about panic, right? I remember a few years ago he had tweeted out or said something in an interview. He doesn't want kids. Okay? Yikes. No, he's quitting. dismembering the bed entirely. And the like I need to focus on my family know that no, you didn't want kids to begin with I
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just needed to wrap it up in order to protect that okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:39
It is so much stuff has come out and cancel court culture towards this man that he's like, Yeah, I'm gonna focus on my family now.
Unknown Speaker 1:48
He just wants to make himself look good. Oh, yeah. Goodbye. Yeah. Or he wants to come out with like
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the solo like Brendon Urie instead of
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to me it already is like him as a self. Like as I was saying this earlier, somehow he made the entire band the rest of the band of panic. Ringo? Oh, yeah. He Ringo to everybody. It's about how you got to be John Paul and George Otto himself. Go? Well, it's
Unknown Speaker 2:11
the way he talks about it in interviews, too. Even when the band was still together. He was the frontman. Like no, nobody else was talking in interviews except for him and he wasn't hyping up his other bandmates and them either, right? It was just him. I know. He's my favorite band. And he's a little bit of a narcissist and whatever. But like, I like to just like shut up. You don't have to like the person to like their music. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 2:38
no. Point. Michael Jackson. Yeah,
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only a few others. A lot of the top names. A lot of those top names are like, Well, you got good music. I mean,
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like I'm not the biggest fan of Ariana Grande. Does that mean she has bad
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music? Yeah, she sounds like she's singing with peanut butter in her mouth. She's
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the top of her girls who cheat on their boyfriends and then blame the boyfriend for them cheating. That's what she thinks. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 3:09
Who does it you know? No, but literally ever so everybody knows that. I love panic. Right? And so for the last Shut up. The last few days. I have literally gotten text from all my friends. My boss, my co workers. I messaged you immediately you message me immediately so did my boss. And I just got a text maybe like 15 minutes ago from my mom being like, Hey, did you know like yes, I know you're late.
Unknown Speaker 3:39
Mom. You're very late
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your day late and $1 short I love you Yes, I know stop rubbing it in I've already cried so who's gonna
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be ready for the reunion once it gets here for Super Bowl because we all know Super Bowl is gonna be held here next year because we were
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talking about that remember we predicted that when the Super Bowl comes here that they were going to play because they're local
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they're one of the biggest bands now it's probably gonna be imagined dragons it'll probably honestly
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be imagined dragons if it's going to be anybody because like they're still together they're still together but also the most mainstream that everybody's gonna write but you know what?
Unknown Speaker 4:11
They managed to like get all three big Vegas bands out there Yeah, so if you got panic killers and Imagine Dragons all like on just one stage that make the city go crazy falling
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and reverses a Vegas fan to them too, I guess but you know, really? Ronnie Fradkin is from or Radke is from Vegas would
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you put that into like a big three conversation because like, oh, no, that's I just named off a big big.
Unknown Speaker 4:32
Oh, no, they're big three. I mean, the thing with the killers though, is that they only have two big kids. Everybody's like oh the killers because you know two of their songs all
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you need. That's true for the all you need. Yeah, but like sometimes I understand longevity. I get it. It doesn't
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make sense to me because it's like, it's like okay, panic had three good albums right. And Imagine Dragons has a ton of viral songs. Why is the killer is lumped into that
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because Mr. Brightside isn't anthem for everybody
Unknown Speaker 5:01
honestly, yeah, you play that song at a club every single white person
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they played it at Stony is about a year ago when I was vibing in a country bar listening to Mr. Rice,
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like you go anywhere and that song is playing. Oh yeah, and me personally, I don't listen to like that, like that kind of music but like, I know that one and I will sing that one and I'll headbang and I'll just like go crazy
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once it's on, it's like you can't turn it off. No, you got to finish it. Mr. Brightside has the same feeling that what other songs that I don't want to lose your love tonight that won't lose you love gives you the same vibe as that and Jessie's Girl, they give me the same.
Unknown Speaker 5:48
Give me the exact same. One of those songs that's going to like our kids are going to be listening to me you had Oh, honestly, I love all the Vegas bands that have come out of here because I'm such an advocate for the local music scene because it is a tough Cedar City ultimately to get out of. And this man was doing it for 19 years, two of his band members had drug addiction and we're in and out of frickin rehab. Everybody's like, oh, he drove him away. No. to it. We don't know that but what I'm saying is there is literally a three part song dedicated to one of his old band member that's the this is gospel. Emperor's new clothes and then there's a third one and I forgot what it but she's the
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biggest fan and she forgot. Wow, we're gonna have to take that title.
Unknown Speaker 6:43
Oh Say amen. There we go. The title. So basically it starts with same and and then you watch this as gospel because that's the second part. And then and then you end with emperor's new clothes and it was kind of dedicated to one of his old band members who had like a drug addiction. So I mean, honestly, you can't really say too much about that front. He did lose his songwriter this last go around for the album's which is why his last album sucked. But um, which I found out about.
Unknown Speaker 7:17
But honestly, she was still jamming out to it at the concert though. She was going hardcore.
Unknown Speaker 7:22
I will always go hardcore my man Brendon Urie, I mean, granted, I'm happy that he was talking about Meadows mall and stuff in Vegas related things. You're right. But I mean, honestly, I respect him. He got out of a really bad city and he was able to make something of himself for 19 years. So whatever you got to say about him? That's fine. But honestly, this man is going into retirement at 30
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retirement. I don't think it's retirement. I don't think it's a breakup. I think it's
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gonna come back now and they're gonna be fine. Everyone's
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going to just explode Yeah, once they once they hit the screen because no one's gonna remember pretty much I Write Sins Not Tragedies did it.
Unknown Speaker 8:02
Jonas Brothers break up and they came
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back and then boom, it took over the world for
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1000s Okay, for brothers obviously never gonna come back.
Unknown Speaker 8:13
No, because they all went on their own separate directions. One became a family man. The other one became a singer started a whole new band had a solo career and was an actor. Right. And I think the other one was just an actor. So it's just, they had their own little things like, you know, what's a good would be a good cash grab right now, which was
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just an actor.
Unknown Speaker 8:30
I think that's Joe.
Unknown Speaker 8:31
I think he's right. I think it was bad.
Unknown Speaker 8:33
No, Nick, you're That's Nick. Nick. Nick. had his own solo career make his own solo and then he made that any form the other one that did kick by the ocean? No, that was Joe. No, that's Nick. No, I might be wrong on this. But no, I refuse. It
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said, Nick. Jonas is a singer songwriter, actor. Lookup DNC,
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EBIT, dance,
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lookup dance, now it's DNC translates today. The DNC is dumped.
Unknown Speaker 9:07
Y'all DNC was Joe. Whatever. Does that mean? Like Kevin was the actor?
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doesn't play anything was the family man. He's a family man.
Unknown Speaker 9:19
He's not even a fricking artist. Yeah.
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Kevin is the equivalent to Ringo.
Unknown Speaker 9:29
Right you got a Ringo. Everyone's
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got to Ringo.
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Ringo in one direction. Leo. The
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first one who left Liam. Oh, saying I got name Liam. Those two are the ring goes. Harry's definitely either the Paul or John whoever he wants.
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He's very carries hardcore. He's got he's also compared
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to compared to other members. The other members didn't really do much after like they had a few songs. There was pillow talk that came and then As everyone else kind of just fizzled, I guarantee you there's gonna be one direction renewed. And at some point now that's when everyone goes,
Unknown Speaker 10:06
Oh, my 2000s hurt is where you Directioner I was on a Directioner. But I You were a believer of God. No, no, I wasn't really any of your rusher, you'd be talking about No, I like Big Time Rush. But I was I was never hardcore on like the boy bands. I really wasn't
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not me wanting to have been in a boy band when I was a kid. Still, okay, now,
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back to let's change the subject and the
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panic, I mean, good job for them. 19 years of music. I mean, that's kind of a hard feat for a lot of people to
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do. A lot of people don't withstand that long. I mean, even like one direction only lasted like by I feel like
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those boy bands don't last long. They're not built to
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a lot of them. Temporary. If you look at a lot of the boy bands, so history, they're not built to last, they get a good period of time. And then all of them end up there. They grow up and they want to do solo careers. And then once they realized that the solo careers aren't exactly working the way they wanted it to. That's when they go back. But by the time they go back to being in that band, they've gotten too old, their demographic is now moms, they the kids aren't going to do that. Like, like insane soccer moms, I think is a good example of that. Because the only one that became truthfully successful out of that was Timberlake, everybody else kind of just fizzled out with the exception of like, I believe Joey Fatone, I think he's the one who came out in Big Fat Greek Wedding. Yeah. And then
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the second one or the first one both both played
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a brother, but a backstreet boys, same thing. That kind of they had their hiatus, they came back but also none of them really had much good solo success. So they all just stayed right New Edition. Another one they all spent off and had their solo stuff. And then when they realized that they were losing hold on the 90s came back,
Unknown Speaker 11:50
I just feel like their band and their group eras or like their trial run. And then they like try and go out into like venture out solo, they make a name for themselves, whether a group they venture out and then they're like, Great, I'm just gonna come back.
Unknown Speaker 12:05
The Jackson Five a good example of this. Michael was the biggest star out of the mall he went on became one of the biggest stars on the planet. The rest of the brothers not too as much success, but when they all got back together, it was this whole big oh my god, it's the Jacksons. It's I wouldn't say it's a free trial run. It's a this is what we all sound like together and then once one gets a little bigger than the others and they try to venture out Right, right. That's my sense. That's the way it isn't bands. That's the way it is in boy bands. Yes. And that's why it isn't a lot of groups honestly the way it is in life. That's why a lot of us are expecting Braden URI to come out as just bread in the area this honestly he just needs to do
Unknown Speaker 12:42
that because like that's kind of what happened with Black Veil Brides is that they still have they're still Black Veil Brides but there's also Andy black, which I mean, he has like 5 million names where it's Andy Biersack and the black end is six like
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he did not take on the six last name six with two x's he did not bite off at Nikki six. Hey, probably did someone bid off a motley crew? Okay, but I mean, I'm just saying
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like, I see this happening, and I don't see it being the end, but at the same time, like my early 2000s heart is like, it's like Damn, it's never gonna be panic again.
Unknown Speaker 13:16
Do you think that he'll go solo? Oh, absolutely. Doing it
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for like 10 years now.
Unknown Speaker 13:21
Right cash grab hold. Yeah, I mean, did he didn't write any of his songs or any of those albums? Nope. Nevermind. I'm about to say he could write something real quick. But
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well, I mean, he could write something. He's very talented, musically. Like he's good with vocals. He knows how he I think he said he could play 17 Different instruments. Like he knows how to play music. And honestly, I think if you were to buckle down and just write the songs if coming from a place of like, what they used to be, or even at a place that was more real, they would come out really really good. But at the same time is it's kind of like my is the most fun a girl can have without taking off her clothes. What kind of song title is that?
Unknown Speaker 14:02
Yeah, that's yeah, that's not but that's one of them. All right.
Unknown Speaker 14:08
So just because the title doesn't make sense doesn't mean the song and gold slab there's a song Yeah, the song
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slaps the lyrics don't make sense. Now we're off can get a girl yeah, there's
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a song called Shut up. My mom's calling has nothing to do with the
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right this. There's just one song from from them from the early 2000s called a build God and then we'll talk and okay. Sorry, it's the substandard motels in the corner of the fourth and Fremont Street appealing only because they're just that unappealing any practice Catholic would cross themselves upon entering the room have hints of as absorbs pestis and maybe just a dash of formaldehyde. Why and the habit of decomposing right before your very
Unknown Speaker 14:57
left sounds like a really bad fit. fever dream.
Unknown Speaker 15:00
No, all of their songs aren't that's actually the name of one of the album. It's on fever dream.
Unknown Speaker 15:06
It makes sense. It makes what sounds like a fever dream or a really bad trip.
Unknown Speaker 15:11
You know, the one the one last thing I'm gonna say on this. I mean, congratulations. Not Well, congratulations on making it that far. Yeah. And stepping back because I understand as someone who has a family man myself, you know, family is everything and you want to spend these years to, you know, be together. Yeah, well,
Unknown Speaker 15:24
the same way too. So, yeah, so so
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it's like, he's probably gonna do what Adele did. Because Adele just, you know, did her thing for a little bit. Then as soon as she came back, boom, there comes everybody. Like, oh my god, it's done. That's probably what they're gonna do. It's just like, hey, you guys ready to give this back up again? Yeah, I was gonna give it a try. But you know, the question I got for y'all. What do you think is gonna be the one song that everyone remembers panic for? Because for me? Because, you know, this is you know, we said this earlier with the killers. They only got the good one or two songs, but that's how you know, it's that, that that's theirs. That doesn't matter. They're just their discography, everyone will always know that beginning doo doo doo, doo doo, doo doo doo Well,
Unknown Speaker 16:02
like you know, sometimes like a song you know, that first chorus that first like couple notes like, that's exactly what it is. And if somebody mentions like Panic at the Disco, that's the first thing I think of is that song immediately.
Unknown Speaker 16:16
And he hates performing it hates it.
Unknown Speaker 16:21
He kind of seems like it Not gonna lie.
Unknown Speaker 16:25
His best ever right? But it's also probably one that he outplayed so far, you did so much, so he's probably burnt out. So I guarantee you if and when they decide to do a reunion tour, that's gonna be the one to either end the show, or it's gonna look kicks it
Unknown Speaker 16:42
off, right? So I have a little quick trivia for you guys to end Don't panic. So while I was driving earlier, I heard this question and it's the top Googled question about panic. And it's how does panic How did Panic at the Disco get their name? Does anybody know? You should know this?
Unknown Speaker 17:00
I can give you some crackpot theory.
Unknown Speaker 17:02
That's what I know the answer. I actually don't so I was asked to I honestly, I It's a good question.
Unknown Speaker 17:09
I think it was something it was something stupid. I think it was like they wanted to do like, you know, like the song Play That Funky Music Yeah, I love that song. It was early 2000s kind of thing. So it's like punks, not dead. I think it was something along those lines. But let me fact check myself because I think I'm wrong. Maybe someone
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was having a panic attack at a dancer. So
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that's the first thing that came to my mind was like, I'm having a panic attack at the disco and I need to leave like,
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because panicking at a disco isn't something that you do right? So maybe it's again, we're gonna have a panic you're gonna make you Panic at the Disco or maybe that was a two because that type of music they were playing. That's a good one.
Unknown Speaker 17:51
Make you panic. Because we are so hardcore. You're gonna pay I'm
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gonna make sure that your kids wear all black with wearing pastel right? Okay,
Unknown Speaker 18:00
it came from the Smith song panic with the chorus of burn down the disco. Running Yuri has sent stated that the name was actually taken from the lyrics to a name taken song Panic at the Disco sat back and took it so slow. Are you nervous? Are you shaking?
Unknown Speaker 18:18
Interesting? Click little trivia. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 18:23
it was taken from a song.
Unknown Speaker 18:26
All right, so we're gonna go on to the trends of sports. So we have the football playoffs going on the Super Bowl is almost here. I'm gonna let you start off with the Diego. What do you what do you think? What's going on? How are we feeling about these playoffs? Oh,
Unknown Speaker 18:44
no, they've been they've been fairly entertaining to watch. If you watch it's really a lot of the new next generation coming into play. Right? Because a lot of the quarterbacks that we have playing in playoffs right now are within their early to mid 20s. Right. And the youngest one is 2322. He's somewhere around something like that. I think that's Brock Purdy over there for San Francisco Go Niners. But it was everything has been very interesting to say like, let's see the bills, loss of the Bengals last last week. No one saw that coming because of all that happened with the more Hamlet situation right when he had to you know, his heart stopped and everyone was thinking that you know, Buffalo was going to play for him in the city and that they were going to run off into the sunset and Cincinnati said No, listen, we remember that the game got canceled and we feel bad prayers out for him. But you ain't running away from this. This beatin here. We're not taking it easy. Yeah. So that was great to see. Patrick mahomes The golden child of the NFL today the one that girls just can't seem to like unfair them. For some reason. The man needs to go put some more ketchup on his steak because truthfully, he has he suffered a high ankle sprain, but is yet going to try to play through it. That is very scary, especially for someone like him who is a mobile quarterback because that exact same injury happened to the running backs. I got the Dallas Cowboys Tony Pollard and you saw his ankle kind of just fold they took him out for the whole game. Yeah the whole game the way that Patrick mahomes wanted to go in there I mean granted it's cool it shows that you're tough Yeah, but buddy think about your future here for a sec because because listen, the AFC West me being a Raiders fan is not very strong. You got the chokers in LA you got the raiders who just can't seem to get it together and then you got the donkeys so it's just it's not exactly any don't you give me that look as you know they're the chokers don't think I was first round exit I see you. But
Unknown Speaker 20:35
it was just I think that game was paid off. It was not paid off. It
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was not paid off. The NFL is fixed might be but that one was?
Unknown Speaker 20:44
Why would you think that one especially is not
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because it was Duvall versus the Chargers it was sunshine versus sunshine. Clemson versus
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what even knows who the Jaguars are. I didn't even know they were a frickin team.
Unknown Speaker 20:59
Team. You're just barely started watching the 16 weeks ago, I
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started watching the NFL I knew about the chiefs. I knew about the
Unknown Speaker 21:09
team before you started the heavy hitters. Team before you start rooting for the Chargers. It's actually always been the Chargers. Uh huh. No, actually, how did bandwagon when I asked you earlier last semester? What's your team? You said the ducks. So listen, I will give you Okay.
Unknown Speaker 21:27
Um, my family friends are from San Diego. And so I've always kind of routed for the Chargers. But now I actually have my own personal reason. So I was actually
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talking with my dad this weekend. I was watching the games and stuff. And I was telling him I was like this has to be one of the most exciting playoff seasons I've seen in a long time.
Unknown Speaker 21:45
It's a lot of storyline. Yeah, there's a lot of storyline. to it. There's the rumor that this might have been the last ride of Tom Brady, right? Because now he's a free agent from Tampa Bay and no one knows if he'll retire there's rumors saying that he might come to Vegas personally. Keep his 45 year old self over there. I think he's ran his time. But you also got to look at more the whole Mr. Hanlon versus the Cincinnati thing that fell through you had the 40 Niners playing with mystery irrelevant or Mr. irrelevant now and Brock Purdy and he has still remained undefeated, the man is going on a killing spree throughout the giants who everyone was hoping that they had the 2011 2007 aspirations of beating the Patriots in the undefeated seasons and just getting completely blown out by the Eagles. The Eagles are gonna be the most dangerous team out there in the east and this week because now we get into the conference championships. We have the Chiefs going up to the Bengals, the chiefs have lost to the Bengals consecutively. Very scary game. You know what that means? One right after the other the Bengals have had their number each and every time. Joe burrow and Patrick mahomes are just not a it's a fun match to watch. But now with Patrick mahomes being injured, everyone's kind of be like okay, they might just end up rolling over. We really got to see how they play. And then you got San Francisco going into Philly. And then we got Superbowl or two days before Valentine's Day. So it's just going to be it's fun to watch.
Unknown Speaker 23:05
I wouldn't be surprised if Philly goes to the Superbowl. No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't be surprised.
Unknown Speaker 23:12
They did. They took out Tom Brady in there.
Unknown Speaker 23:14
But yeah, I definitely think that they're gonna go in. I'm thinking with this cheeps Bengals game. It's gonna be tough. And I was even talking to my dad because we are Kansas fans. I was thinking would it really hurt Kansas to let mahomes Rest for that game? Yes. Do we really think it'll hurt them that much? Because our matchup is Yvette
Unknown Speaker 23:35
doesn't matter if your backups of the Jetsons backup is Joe high stakes, Flacco won the Super Bowl, I think what was it 2012 Super Bowl MVP, and now he's carrying spit buckets. It doesn't matter if you got a veteran on your bench. It's just how you play what your system is built around. The system is built around Patrick mahomes Not Chad henne. As much as I respect the guy, he isn't going to get you very very far right. So respect to him. If they play him. You're gonna get blown out by Cincinnati if you keep patching mahomes If he is willing and healthy, he is your best shot till he is hurt. And then as soon as he gets hurt, it's gonna look back on the organization. It's gonna look bad on Andy Reed, and it's gonna look bad on probably mahomes his family because everybody hates his wife and his brother. So it's gonna be a whole a whole thing.
Unknown Speaker 24:20
It's gonna be it's gonna be a rough game to watch I think and it's it's definitely going to be one of those like, but also your hearts can be found in watch if he
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plays and if he wins he everyone's gonna call him you know the second coming of Christ because it's just oh, he they're gonna lose it. They're gonna Kansas City's gonna lose it Kansas City fans are about to turn, you know untolerable like Dallas fans are every year it's not going to be pleasant. So
Unknown Speaker 24:42
you you said you think what how's that gonna play out in the Superbowl? How you thinking? Um,
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see, and Cincinnati and the 40 Niners and that was before injuries.
Unknown Speaker 24:51
Gotcha. What are we thinking over here? Ash, any predictions? See, I
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really want to route for the chiefs to go to the Super Bowl. And honestly, they've lost So to the Bengals how many times three times in a row okay great fourth time this is this shot so I mean and honestly I want to see the Chiefs go and I want to see the Eagles go
Unknown Speaker 25:09
That's what I'm thinking chiefs Eagles Super Bowl I think I think the
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Niners go and the Chiefs go funniest thing in the entire world the
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rematch matches so
Unknown Speaker 25:20
no, so there's just there was a few matchups that I would want to see I mean let's say the Chiefs do lose angles and the eagles that would be a fun game a
Unknown Speaker 25:31
good one it would be a very good one Yeah, I wouldn't I would still take Philly all the way does anybody else think it's funny that like every team in the NFL and every fan like if you don't make it to the playoffs or like we'll get them next year like they're just so like optimistic
Unknown Speaker 25:47
about that actually like next year we'll get them next year
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or so like that and then there's others of I've been through this for the last like 40 years
Unknown Speaker 25:57
all right so Mr. ESCO is brought to my attention that there is a two story drive through talk about Yeah, we're getting fancy with this so first thing that came to mind was like what are they like hinting at flying cars now like what's going on? What's going on? So pretty
Unknown Speaker 26:13
much it sounds it's self explanatory. They've made a double decker drive thru here and it's complete with food elevators pull on food elevators so
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like you know how like you stick your checks in the bank and they go up that to I'm
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assuming so that's it sounds like no better place to do try that with that attack. I just want to know what what the traffic for that it's going to be? Is there
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just going to be like is there ramps Do we know where this is? Because I would love to make a trip talk about
Unknown Speaker 26:38
opens futuristic two story drive thru complete with food elevators the fast food chain is redefining the drive thru experience with four lanes two stories and a food delivery chute so yeah, just like it would be with the food.
Unknown Speaker 26:50
Bank food shoot just to like play with it. Talk why? Honestly
Unknown Speaker 26:55
3000 square foot two story pickup spot aims to reduce the challenges of traditional drive throughs with a system that keeps delivery time down to two minutes or less the new location will have four lanes to accommodate customers which will be dedicated to pre orders made via the Taco Bell app as well as pickups for delivery drivers. Only one lane will be reserved for customers looking to have traditional drive thru experience. They're calling it talk about the five locations
Unknown Speaker 27:19
I'm so confused and I talk about the find I mean what is up with these fast literally
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got pictures. So this is so this is what it would look like if they got literally like they pulled it out on the Jetsons what
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is up with these fast food chains getting so fancy like I remember McDonald's that used to be like the playground and all that stuff. The playground see like scuzzy what's up with the chandeliers now McDonald what's up with the drive thru guys the story trying to make
Unknown Speaker 27:49
it is was that is down the street here in Vegas it's on the street here this this unique Taco Bell is located on Harmon corner in the heart of the famous Las Vegas strip you heard it here it's on Harmon you heard it here and Hartman's on hot rolled up. I might have been premature on that one.
Unknown Speaker 28:10
Dumb dining. Oh, I understand. Now this is where ESCO got a little confused.
Unknown Speaker 28:17
Right yeah. Okay, pumped pumped up the cantina instead of the
Unknown Speaker 28:21
No. So there's the cantina but they're also opening up a no dining room experience for Taco Bell here and actually sit
Unknown Speaker 28:28
down and eat in the dining rooms at Taco Bell. I don't.
Unknown Speaker 28:31
All right, so that is all we have here on what's poppin with PACs tune in every Tuesday to hear the rest. I will talk to you guys later.
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