Reflections and Laughter: A Sentimental Throwback to Radio Beginnings
Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NV studios on public radio K, u and v 91.5. Would have been sold already. You're ready. Ready? Ready, ready? Let's get it poppin let's get it poppin what's
Unknown Speaker 0:21
poppin? What's Good evening rebels and welcome back to another episode. what's poppin with Pax The show where we break down all of the trends, breaking news, it's happening weekly. And I know you guys have been waiting for it all week. Today's episode is going to be a little different. I it's a little sentimental for me. This has been my first ever time on the radio. I've never had any experience on it before and K u and v 91.5. The rebel has given me the best opportunity yet and they took me in without any experience and took a chance on me. And I thought that it would be really fun to make today's episode a little bit of a sentimental throwback, bloopers all of the above episode. With graduation come in. We have two more episodes come in. We have to wait two more weeks together. So I thought it'd be really fun to kind of put a little show together of my favorite moments. Some of my favorite guests and I hope you guys enjoy it stay tuned
Unknown Speaker 1:43
brass doors arrow is five bars we watched or
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li streaming
Unknown Speaker 2:11
yay flag was still there. Oh bangle spangled banner
Unknown Speaker 2:39
Hello yay
Unknown Speaker 2:54
but no, we just sat on the bench and we were because she was an artist as well. She was really autistic so she was like doodling she was showing me her artistry in her notebook and stuff like that. And but yeah, the only reason why I did her was to say no and everybody looked at me with like, the weirdest expression of all time services one point ladies and gentlemen boys and girls people of the rebel AC to the number one college station in Nevada. I kid you not. She came up to me. And she she got down on her knees. Like she was like a lot or something. Like Stop. Stop and I'm not lying. I am literally not lying. I know and and I hate it. I hate admitting this and I always told myself I was going to take the story to the grave but here we are. Oh no.
Unknown Speaker 3:59
Jones okay, if you want to laugh, it's fine. I don't care. Oh
Unknown Speaker 4:09
I hope you understand. I don't think that's what he's laughing at. So when you said that she was artistic, he missed the art part
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did not know if she was autistic or not. There might have been somebody who was not connected. I would know I'm autistic. Trust me. All right, so back down. Okay, so So
Unknown Speaker 4:44
what is she she got?
Unknown Speaker 4:45
She got down on both knees. Yeah, she got down on both knees.
Unknown Speaker 4:50
Today, I have my girl ash love. She's back.
Unknown Speaker 4:54
I'm always here better than ever. Better than better than back and better than ever.
Unknown Speaker 4:57
She's back. She's popping, I'm popping. Are you popping backs? I'm popping. Okay, I'll pop it. Okay, we're almost done with this semester. I didn't think I would mind me that day come
Unknown Speaker 5:08
well you get to graduate, like God summer term and then fall term and then maybe I'll graduate. It's okay. You know, go My past is okay. Is this going by fast? No regrets. So we go through the entire night this man would not stop talking about himself. And like, that's my biggest pet peeve about writing out with somebody is when they only ever talk about themselves and they don't ask any questions about you. And it's like, I'm a good listener and I, if I want to know more about you, I'm okay with it. Right. But you've already started off with a really bad impression, right? Mind you. This guy was balding, too. So he'd looked nothing
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like the back. Was he receding? Or was he leaning
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on top of the head, and I'm just like, I'm like your hair so fucking thin. And so I'm like, it's fine. And then right front profile. I have such a thing about noses. I am so so bad about nose. And like, I don't care if like my friends have like, wonky noses or whatever, me not talking about you. Because you have a pretty nose like it fits your face very nicely. But when guys have either too wide of a nose, too narrow of a nose or too long of a nose. Can't do it cannot do it. And I don't know why I've been this way since I was a child like I just hate noses. Right. Everybody has to thing right? I had a frat boy once tell me that he could not go out with me because my teeth. Oh, lovely. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 6:45
So speaking of noses, you hate the guy that I was? Oh, meeting last I despised
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him. I did not like how he looked. I thought you were too cute for him. And, you know, I knew there was some confrontation right going around it and whatever mind business business, but like you hate it the nodes. I hated the nose. I didn't like his attitude. Like the way he carried himself. Right? Because I'm like, I'm thinking I'm like, Okay, this guy's gonna ditch her for some other chick at the bar. Yes. Which I'm sure he did happen. Yes. And so like when we were like hanging out at the bar, and we were like, we're like, where's your man? Where's your guy? And you were like, Oh, he's out. He's like playing pool or he's getting a drink or whatever. And you had to convince yourself you liked that. Right? I was like, Ah, I'm like the same, right? No, it
Unknown Speaker 7:38
was literally like, when I was with him, right? I literally would think to myself every time I was with him and be like, dang, if we had kids, you they would come out and be like, Look at the nose on that thing. It was it was bad. I was like
Unknown Speaker 7:59
hey, I hate I hate talking. No, you want to hang out 10 o'clock at night? No,
Unknown Speaker 8:06
no, absolutely not. No, I
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don't want to hang out. I'm in bed right now. I just do my skincare routine. And I have a bucket of ice cream watching iCarly reboot? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 8:15
My puppy. Yeah, geese
Unknown Speaker 8:18
Exactly. Puppy snugs what can you provide me that my dog is not?
Unknown Speaker 8:23
That is a great question that I'm going to ask on my next future date.
Unknown Speaker 8:28
Yeah. What can you provide me that my dog is not me. Nothing? Nothing. Nothing? Because my dog already struggles me. Great. Jeremy kisses. Yeah, kiss loves me cool.
Unknown Speaker 8:40
I talked to my dog My dog has makes great conversation. What I can tell you my dog literally like I will have a conversation like I'll vent out loud or I'll talk to myself my dog will literally look at me like yeah, that's a good point. Like the expressions on these dogs faces are out of this world. They make great conversation better than any man can.
Unknown Speaker 9:06
I swear to God.
Unknown Speaker 9:09
Today I have my girl ash love over here was far from this girl. And she brought her dog for emotional support today. Nice little audience very cute. Hello, Ollie. I was hoping for a bark there. He does. He really does. Alright, with that being said, let's get to the discussion. So we were just talking before we hit the play button the record button. Explain. Explain girlfriend. Okay. So
Unknown Speaker 9:50
something I've noticed I I've been through a plethora of different types of relationships. And I've realize at the end of every single one that I keep becoming more and more masculine, and not in the sense of like, anything other than I'm putting up a front of masculinity, right? And I saw this tick tock today. That was so true. So true. And I'm just sitting there and I'm like, That makes so much sense. So basically, the way she explained it was, every woman puts up a masculinity from when they when they are protecting themselves, right? It's in our Neil chi. It's in our nature to be feminine. It's in men's natures to be masculine. Right? Of course, um, some, some. And this isn't like a whole this is for strictly people who identify as men and masculine fi right.
Unknown Speaker 10:53
So that's a different discussion. That's
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a different discussion. And I'm not trying to offend anybody, right? This is just based off of the two this is like almost verbatim what the Tiktok said, so I'm just doing that. So basically, with that every guy is either a puppy, a snake, a bear or a lion. Interesting. And I like where this is going. And basically like a puppy is a sweet and nice and treats you right? And cuddles with you and treats you treat you fairly respectfully, right? I'm a snake is obviously a snake. Somebody who's toxic, we've had
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plenty of those. Apparently, red flags, red
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flags, it's like Python. And then they have our diamond backs. And it's just like the, like, you know how
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every diamond is a red flag
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every time it is a red flag. It's, um, and then a lion is like a protector. And they're the king. You know, they're the protector. They're the ones who are going to like shelter you on. Right? Stuff like that. And the whole point that the scroll was getting to, was that with guys who are puppies, what do you do with a puppy on the side of the road that's lost and you're it's in the rain. Oh, you tasted cute. You take it out of the rain, take it to the vet. Take it home, like cuddle with it, play with it a little bit and then you put it out in the back with the rest of the rescue puppies, right with a lion. Lion is the type of guy that you call when your car's broken down. Your dad's not answering. He's the guy that you feel safe around. He's the guy that you know, no matter what, no matter what fight you get into, you are protected by him. And he's that guy that drops that masculine in the front makes you feel safe makes you feel feminine. It makes you turn into the gross disgusting couple tiktoks that we see. But that's what a lion is. And it's up to it's up to us women to decide if we want a puppy or a lion. Now bear is an in between of that. Okay, so a sweet guy makes you feel protected. But also like, Is it super masculine? A lot of women date bears. Right.
Unknown Speaker 13:27
I have had my fair share of bears too. Yeah. Yeah. I don't see a problem with that though. Like okay, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 13:37
Yeah, it's a good it's a good happy medium. I think I come from such a, like, such a guy central household, right. Like, my dad's a Marine. I have two older brothers that are idiots but they're still like, very masculine men. Right? And then I have a tomboy for a mother. So it's like, my brain automatically is gonna be like, Lion row. Like, I don't, I shouldn't like I know I shouldn't go for the lion at this age. Because like they seem to a lot of lions are actually snakes. So that's s another thing and love that love that for me. I'm like a true like, respectful, masculine, right, like, protector type guy is the type that is going to make you drop those walls almost immediately. It's very smooth transition. Yeah, I've had the Zoom results. I've had three energy drinks and pre workout. Oh my. If my heart is not what I needed to get up on time, and so I got up on time. And then I didn't want to exist and so I drank some energy drinks. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 14:58
okay. Okay, what kind of energy drinks where we talk about like love times. Like you know uptime doesn't do anything for me. It didn't do much for me either Celsius, man.
Unknown Speaker 15:07
I don't like the zero sugar taste for Celsius. Really?
Unknown Speaker 15:10
Yeah. Oh my god. Oh, here's the thing freakin love.
Unknown Speaker 15:13
Alani new.
Unknown Speaker 15:15
That's right. That's right. Yeah. Have you tried that one?
Unknown Speaker 15:17
I'm obsessed with them. I'm absolutely Did you see the big Awani?
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gummies I don't need those. You.
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I have a Lani pre workout. I
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love those.
Unknown Speaker 15:25
I've had so much ilani Today it's not even funny. The pre workout the energy drinks like Good god, you're gonna you're gonna explode girlfriend. Fiberon explode by the time I'm 30. I'm not doing something right.
Unknown Speaker 15:36
I love that. All right, so who wants to start
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with the host? What was your ID the host? All right, ladies. Firstly,
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I will let y'all know that my dating experience has not gone well. At all. Oh, oh, I dated idiots. And we won't go into that. But I will tell you. And I mentioned this on my on my live show. We can't all be tense. Right? Right. I mentioned this on my show. I think the worst date that I've ever been on is when I had to pay for my birthday dinner. Mike. I will go into like a little bit of detail with it. So he took me he came to my house picked me up whatever, right? So we get to the activity portion. And it's ice skating. And I'm like, Oh, heck yeah, this is fun, right? So he looks at me at the desk to like rent skates and stuff. And he goes, I forgot my wallet. I lost it. He goes, I got mugged last night at the gas station and I don't have my wallet. My wallet, I got mugged at the gas station. And I looked at him and I was like, no, no. And I was like, That's suspicious. Okay. That's weird. So I was like, Okay, fine. Like, I'll cover it. That's whatever. So then he goes, well, like, are we still going to dinner? And I was like, like, are you going to like Venmo me like, what's up? And he was like, Yeah, I'll Venmo you. I was like, okay, cool. I go in I paid for the meal never been mowed me. Let's just say this guy was kicked to the curb. Very quickly.
Unknown Speaker 17:20
Windows this so there was no date. This was
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well, I dated the guy. He was this was like an actual like, official like.
Unknown Speaker 17:30
So you you. You went on his birthday. And then you're like, Okay, what's b for oboe?
Unknown Speaker 17:35
Like we were like, for real already. Oh, you already? We were already for real? Please
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tell me you didn't go on another date? No,
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I cut him off.
Unknown Speaker 17:42
Okay. So before this birthday date, how long was this relationship prior?
Unknown Speaker 17:46
I'd say like a couple months. It wasn't too long. Like maybe six months.
Unknown Speaker 17:50
Six months. He did that type of stuff. It was crazy. Birthday
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on the phone. And I was like afterwards he had a ring for me. But we won't go into detail with that. And I was like, goodbye like, you're scaring me. You're terrible. By like, I was like 18 And he was like he was military.
Unknown Speaker 18:12
Makes a lot of sense when you're drunk. Making
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we won't talk about served.
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Not pay for the birthday date.
Unknown Speaker 18:23
Do you remember how he lost his wallet?
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He got mugged
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if you if you served our country boy, he was in the wars. You go to get mugged by random by random crap.
Unknown Speaker 18:35
Like he was all the way out at Nellis. He was living on base. So he was like, Oh, I would stop at the gas station at like four o'clock in the morning and I got mugged and I was like, first of all, are you stopping at the gas station? Right?
Unknown Speaker 18:45
Who was the gas station on base come from someone who lived next
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to it was next to it. Okay, that's, that's that's pretty sketchy. It was like on Noah's Boulevard. Why are you stopping there? Four o'clock in the mornings a
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gas station on base. Right. So
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on your birthday dinner? Were you wearing a hat? No, you could have been like a cap.
Unknown Speaker 19:05
That was those. Remember? You remember how much the bill was?
Unknown Speaker 19:11
I don't matter.
Unknown Speaker 19:15
I mean, I know it doesn't matter. But still I like all the details. You know, I
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mean, ice skating like that. How much is that per person?
Unknown Speaker 19:21
You could ask? depends on
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the time of year I had to like 20 locks.
Unknown Speaker 19:26
The important question is did you get the military discount? Oh. Did he get if he didn't? He couldn't be like, Oh, I shaved my head
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for retail Oh, oh, oh. Oh, and not the theory and these huge choker chains that the chain will live. On not just a furry Patty issue. is Oh my daddy issue? Frickin Max. Oh, no. Would you say she growl? Does she go mu? Yes. Oh, but for some reason she showed a lot of interest in me. And I don't know why.
Unknown Speaker 20:19
The fact that you know compared to the two right next to each other you can tell which one they were going for. And it wasn't the one that I rolled in with this that listen, they're not all tense they're not all tense. So ya know, that's rough.
Unknown Speaker 20:37
You are not the man that's actually accident. That's dead. So we met that's crazy. So I actually arcs are being
Unknown Speaker 20:55
asked and that is all we have for today's episode. I, I think about the season that I've had and the semester that I've had on this episode, and it just, it hits. It hits close to home. I just I've been at UNLV for five years now. And it's it's been a journey. It really has been a journey. I cannot wait for you guys to listen to my episode next week. Don't forget to tune in on Mondays and Wednesdays to the rebel brunch with me 10 to 12 in the morning. And don't forget to tune in to our episode next week at six o'clock on Tuesday. I love you guys so much. I can't wait to finish out this season strong. And don't forget, always stay poppin
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