Relationship Insights and Hollywood Drama Unveiled
Unknown Speaker 0:01
Ladies and gentlemen, ready? Ready, ready. Ready. Ready? Ready? Let's get it poppin let's get it poppin what's poppin? What's? Good evening to all my rebel 82 Fans and welcome back to another episode of what's poppin with PACs, the show where we break down all of the trends and breaking news happening weekly. This means that each week the content and discussions will be constantly changing. Today I have my girl ash love over here was far from let's go girl. And she brought her dog for emotional support today. Nice little audience very cute. Hello, Ollie. I was hoping for a bark there, but he doesn't like it, he really does. Alright. That being said, let's get to the discussion. So we were just talking before we hit the play button, the record button. Explain. Explain girlfriend.
Unknown Speaker 1:09
Okay, so something I've noticed I, I've been through a plethora of different types of relationships. And I've realized at the end of every single one that I keep becoming more and more masculine, and not in the sense of like, anything other than I'm putting up a front of masculinity, right? And I saw this tick tock today. That was so true. So true. And I'm just sitting there and I'm like, That makes so much sense. So basically, the way she explained it was every woman puts up a masculinity front when they when they are protecting themselves, right? It's in our Nilai it's in our nature to be feminine. It's in men's nature's to be masculine, right? Of course. Some, some. And this isn't like a whole this is for strictly people who identify as men and men, right?
Unknown Speaker 2:13
So that's a different discussion. That's
Unknown Speaker 2:15
a different discussion. And I'm not trying to offend anybody, right? This is just based off of the two this is like almost verbatim what the Tiktok said so I'm just doing that. So basically, with that every guy is either a puppy, a snake, a bear or a lion.
Unknown Speaker 2:36
Interesting and I like where this is going.
Unknown Speaker 2:39
And basically like a puppy is a sweet and nice and treats you right and cuddles with you and cheats you. treat you fairly respectfully, right? I'm a snake is obviously a snake. Somebody who's toxic,
Unknown Speaker 3:00
we've had plenty of those.
Unknown Speaker 3:02
We love states, apparently. Red flag, red flags, it's like the pythons and then they have our diamond backs. And it's just like the, like, you know how every
Unknown Speaker 3:12
diamond is a red flag every time it is a red flag.
Unknown Speaker 3:19
It's, um, and then a lion is like a protector. And he's the, the the king you know, they're the protector. They're the ones who are going to like shelter you on. Stuff like that. And the whole point that this girl was getting to, was that with guys who are puppies, what do you do with a puppy on the side of the road that's lost and you're it's in the rain. You tasted cute. You take it out of the rain, take it to the vet. Take it home do like cuddle with it, play with it a little bit and then you put it out in the back with the rest of the rescue puppies right with the Lion. Lion is the type of guy that you call when your car's broken down. Your dad's not answering. He's the guy that you feel safe around. He's the guy that you know, no matter what no matter what fight you get into you are protected by him. And he's that guy that drops that masculine in the front makes you feel safe makes you feel feminine and makes you turn into the gross disgusting couple tiktoks that we see. But that's what a lion is. And it's up to it's up to us women to decide if we want a puppy or a lion. Now bear is an in between of that. Okay, so a sweet guy makes you feel protected, but also like isn't super masculine. A lot of women date bears,
Unknown Speaker 4:48
right. I have had my fair share of bears too. Yeah. Yeah. I don't see a problem with that though. Like okay, yeah, yeah. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 4:58
it's a good it's a good happy meal. Um, I think I come from such a, like, such a guy central household, right? Like my dad's a Marine. I have two older brothers that are idiots but they're still like, very masculine men, right? And then I have a tomboy for a mother. So it's like, my brain automatically is gonna be like, Lion row. Like, I don't, I shouldn't like I know I shouldn't like, go for the lion at this age. Because like they seem to a lot of lions are actually snakes. So that's another thing and love that love that for me. I'm like a true like, respectful, masculine, right, like, protector type guy is the type that is going to make you drop those walls almost immediately.
Unknown Speaker 5:54
That's, that's deep, man. Yeah, that's really deep.
Unknown Speaker 5:57
I saw today. Where you found that it was it was on ticket. It was on my for you page and I was like, okay, cool. Great. Awesome. I love the ticky tacky ticky tacky target. You gotta love the tiki tiki.
Unknown Speaker 6:10
I always feel I always feel like Tic TOCs trying to get at me, you know, I always feel like they're targeting me. Well,
Unknown Speaker 6:17
I get a video like that. And then I get all these videos that have like the long quotes or whatever, like, right, today's not your day, but it's okay because you're powering through or like some inspirational bullshit. And and it's like, it's like, okay, like, that's fine, but like, you guys are literally targeting me because I don't need this right now. Right? I want the stupid Family Guy videos.
Unknown Speaker 6:45
I just want to laugh. I just want to laugh. You don't need to be attacking me. You don't need me making me cry. Jim inspiration. Maybe that's it? That's it like I want some sort of like Disney video. I want something that's gonna make me laugh. I want puppies. That's it. That's all I want on my tick tock. I brought you a puppy real time she brought me a puppy. I want to go home to my puppies. Speaking of puppies and lions and relationships it was brought to my attention that Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber are getting a divorce when this happened because I was popping you know Pax is kind of out of the loop here. I did not know this was happening so when did this happen? I don't
Unknown Speaker 7:35
know officially if they're getting a divorce but all over the internet that they might be right they probably our it's like a probably I
Unknown Speaker 7:44
want to know what happened
Unknown Speaker 7:46
I don't know what it was on Justin side I've no idea what it was on Justin side. But for Haley and her friends which include Kendall Jenner. They made it tick tock and a lot of people presume it's about Selena Gomez, where she started to get body shamed. Cuz she I mean, her weight has fluctuated so much over the years you would think is it you know? You wake up in the morning and you're like you're the skinniest you're gonna be in the morning but you having morning skinny
Unknown Speaker 8:19
because you fasted Yeah, you have your breakfast you're breaking the fast.
Unknown Speaker 8:24
Thank you. I didn't think anybody else knew why it was called you breakfast the
Unknown Speaker 8:28
fast. You get to like your normal weight.
Unknown Speaker 8:32
Ie you go through the day.
Unknown Speaker 8:35
You go to bed. You do do your business. Yeah, you are you go back to bed and you wake up skinny again. I don't understand it. Like leave the girl alone. And
Unknown Speaker 8:45
the thing too is especially with age like getting older, your weight fluctuates right and especially for women, right? I mean Jesus we could look at a cookie and gained 10 pounds. Like please leave her alone and she's such as she's so beautiful inside and out her heart is just amazing. Every single live everything that's been asked of her about the relationship with Haley and Justin is Hey guys, send them love send them appreciation. Like I don't want any drama. It's very like anti right like just get me out of it good
Unknown Speaker 9:15
for herself. Honestly, like honestly it's been doing very good for her. She just I think she just produced I think she produced a show called only murders in the building. I think she was part of the production she produced that with
Unknown Speaker 9:30
Cheaper by the Dozen guys. I don't remember his name.
Unknown Speaker 9:33
I could see their faces but I can't come up with the name right now.
Unknown Speaker 9:37
Oh my god who's the other guy we gotta play Jack Frost
Unknown Speaker 9:39
and Jack Frost. Frost. But yeah, they produced it. She made a good amount of money off of that they like just doing good for herself. She really is she
Unknown Speaker 9:49
she's she's the she's the eye candy for the show too. But people are basically coming around and body shaming her right? Which makes me so bad. but not the point. The point is, Haley Kendall and some other girl is she's famous. I just don't remember her name. Um, made a video or Tik Tok with the audio. I'm not saying she deserved it, but God's timing is always right course.
Unknown Speaker 10:17
Of course he's always looking for he's looking out for you, you know, Mr. Mann's watching down.
Unknown Speaker 10:24
But they were saying in a petty way against Selena Gomez because she was getting body shamed that she deserved in
Unknown Speaker 10:31
and we don't like putting us we are well you do not.
Unknown Speaker 10:38
And so basically, it kind of started to down spiral from there, where she had over laminated her eyebrows. She put so much show on her eyebrows, and she's like, Guys, I think overlaminate
Unknown Speaker 10:55
is it's like real though. Yeah, she's
Unknown Speaker 10:57
very real. She's very like, true to herself. And to her fans as well, right? We share a birthday I love her. I'm sorry. I'm like I'm biased but later on, Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner and Hailey Bieber. Bieber I don't like her. I really don't like her. It's just the stuff that she's done. Like she's gotten on the call her daddy podcast. And she started like talking about how, like the whole relationship with them. And she was dancing around the answer. She never answered anything like solid, right. And as journalism majors, it's like, we see that from a mile away.
Unknown Speaker 11:40
Like I'm on to you. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 11:42
it's so it's just like, it's like, I don't know, I just I'm not the biggest fan of her. I don't think she's she's she's one of those Hollywood.
Unknown Speaker 11:52
She's not genuine. No,
Unknown Speaker 11:53
but also, what's her talent? Right. She's like a Jenner, like literally, a Kardashian. Like,
Unknown Speaker 11:58
Unknown Speaker 11:59
what are their talents? Their talent is building businesses and making money off of their family name. She doesn't even have her family name anymore, but
Unknown Speaker 12:08
not anymore.
Unknown Speaker 12:09
Most you might get back.
Unknown Speaker 12:10
I don't know. I don't I don't know. Probably not a good family name to get right now.
Unknown Speaker 12:15
Baldwin? Yeah. Yeah, he's
Unknown Speaker 12:18
in some he's in some stills he's in. He's in some mess right now. Still? Yeah. It's been over a year. It's going it's going on? It's going down.
Unknown Speaker 12:28
We're talking about the the incident that Alec Baldwin had shot somebody on set. And that was a while ago. It was it was a while ago. But do
Unknown Speaker 12:37
it? Did he not do it? And that's the debate. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 12:42
But I think that's probably why there's probably going to get a divorce is because a lot of people don't think Justin really wanted to be part of the relationship or
Unknown Speaker 12:55
so I was doing like research on it on. Yeah, Twitter and trying to see like what people were talking about and stuff. And there's people that are talking about how they think that he's gonna go back to Selena. But when you go and like see, like, how Selena has kind of grown from this, and she's made a lot of money with like, songs about it, and she's gone on and like interviews about and she's been very open with her emotions. I don't think she's taking him back.
Unknown Speaker 13:22
I don't think she's taking them back either. I
Unknown Speaker 13:24
think he's gonna be one of those. He's gonna be, he's gonna be proud. But we're gonna go back to the puppy analogy, and he's gonna come back like a little puppy and be like, I want you back. And she'd be like, goodbye.
Unknown Speaker 13:37
You bought the ham the Fed. Right. Goodbye. Yeah. And she should. She should she's in line us. Right. Right. She showed I did. Turn on it right. Now, but I really don't see this working out for him. No, any way that it gets spun, because it's like, she is so far beyond where she was at when she was dating him. And even when she was dating him again, right before Haley. Like, she was already on the fence about it. Right? And then all that went down. It was like, it was like, like, how do you how do you go back to that? Exactly. Especially after the way that all of these fans, all these people, everybody has been talking about her. It's like, right in spite of or it's in light of their relationship.
Unknown Speaker 14:26
I know. It's everything that they've been talking about husband in spite and I feel like that whole that whole relationship has just been like, Oh, I did it better than Selena. I'm doing it better than that. She can't she can't do that. She can't do that. She doesn't look like me, you know, and it's just like, that's like, so I thought I saw this thing and it was Justin Bieber was giving out like, goodies at his birthday and I don't know what it was. It almost looked like a lighter or something. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 14:58
they were like A birthday party favors something like that.
Unknown Speaker 15:02
It was like party favors. And it was engraved. And it said something along the lines of I'm glad I didn't go. I'm glad I didn't go with what I thought I wanted or something like that. And he gave it to everybody. And everybody's talking about how like that was targeted at Selena Gomez. And then now they're like getting divorced. Or
Unknown Speaker 15:22
allegedly, I didn't even hear about that side of fries
Unknown Speaker 15:24
sought earlier. So when I was looking at Twitter, like you gotta go back and do the research and it was like something he gave out and his birthday. I'm like, it could be fake news. Could be fake news, but I saw it and it was like engraved and oh, no, that's not good. There's so much
Unknown Speaker 15:39
pettiness aimed at Selena. And it doesn't make sense. Like it honestly doesn't make us she left quietly. It's always the it's always the people who leave quietly like catch the most heat though, of course.
Unknown Speaker 15:51
So of course, that's how it is, you know, you know?
Unknown Speaker 15:55
That's so that's so freakin ridiculous. I
Unknown Speaker 15:59
don't I don't get it.
Unknown Speaker 16:00
I don't get it either.
Unknown Speaker 16:01
But it's rough. I'm I'm excited to see where this goes. Because this celebrity relationship drama is always fun to watch fun. So fun to watch. Like, let's be honest here like the Johnny Depp. Amber Heard thing relationship. That was that was that was the highlight or 20 That was fun.
Unknown Speaker 16:20
That was so much fun being like, Okay,
Unknown Speaker 16:23
did you watch it? Watch it right. Who's in the wrong who's like it? Fun?
Unknown Speaker 16:29
Well, did you hear that? Camilla Kibeho is engaged. What? I think she's engaged.
Unknown Speaker 16:37
Oh, weird. Um,
Unknown Speaker 16:39
basically, I've been seeing the stuff on my Snapchat provides my news.
Unknown Speaker 16:45
My celebrity gossip powers. My my Twitter supplies me with that?
Unknown Speaker 16:50
I don't have Twitter. Actually. That's right. I write I never got it. Because I wasn't allowed to have social media until I was 13. By the time I was 13. Instagram was already right. So I don't have Facebook and Twitter just seemed to too many words, to be honest, oh, reader, but like it was just too. I don't know what it was. When
Unknown Speaker 17:12
I first started on Twitter. It was so weird. Because like, what? When you're not following a lot of people, there's not a lot of stuff to look at. So that was just like random people's conversation on my feet. And I was like, What is this? This is like, weird. I don't understand. I didn't get Twitter there for a minute. It was bad.
Unknown Speaker 17:32
What a lot of what I've noticed with a lot of my friends is that they get all their memes from
Unknown Speaker 17:39
Oh, 100%. And so my memes come from Instagram.
Unknown Speaker 17:43
My memes come from either Instagram or the tiki tiki. Not even that. Really? No. Do you remember the app? I funny?
Unknown Speaker 17:54
Still five funny I don't.
Unknown Speaker 17:55
My friend does. He sends me stuff knows from I funny and I'm like, I'm keeping that. That's hilarious. That's funny. I'm going to
Unknown Speaker 18:07
great crime.
Unknown Speaker 18:11
It's against the wall. Because I had pre workout and I went to the gym and I'm on some zoom eg
Unknown Speaker 18:17
we call it zoomy juice. And she definitely she and her dog both have the zoomies is absolutely amazing. It's it's great. It's great. Speaking of the zoomies, so I could tell you were you had the zoomies earlier on the ticky tacky was born I could tell you had something going on. You had some images in you. And she was going off about the old Barbie movies. So as much as I love the Barbie movies. Let's use that to direct ourselves into what our favorite childhood movies and TV shows were. It was a very smooth transition. You definitely had the zoomies.
Unknown Speaker 19:12
Yeah, I've had the Zoom results. I've had three energy drinks and pre workout. Oh, it's my heart's just not what I needed to get up on time. And so I got up on time. And then I didn't want to exist and so I drink some energy drinks.
Unknown Speaker 19:30
Oh, okay. Okay, what kind of energy drinks were we talking like of times, like no uptime doesn't do anything for me. It didn't do much for me either. Celsius, man.
Unknown Speaker 19:39
I don't like the zero sugar taste for Celsius. Really? Yeah. Oh
Unknown Speaker 19:43
my god. Oh, here's the thing. freakin love. Lonnie. New. That's right. That's right. You had me try that one.
Unknown Speaker 19:49
I'm obsessed with them.
Unknown Speaker 19:50
I'm absolutely Did you see the baker? Lonnie gummies
Unknown Speaker 19:53
I don't need those. You. I have a Lani prework I love those. I've had so much ilani Today it's an IT I'm funny. The pre workout the energy drinks
Unknown Speaker 20:02
like Good god, you're gonna you're gonna explode girlfriend.
Unknown Speaker 20:06
I don't explode by the time I'm 30 I'm not doing something right.
Unknown Speaker 20:08
I love that.
Unknown Speaker 20:10
I'm just saying, Arnold Schwarzenegger only got like five hours of sleep when he was getting started, right. I don't need sleep. That's about
Unknown Speaker 20:17
what I'm that's about what I'm up. So, I mean, look at us success success.
Unknown Speaker 20:22
We're on the radio. So great. Um, what's your favorite childhood movie or TV?
Unknown Speaker 20:29
My favorite childhood? I'm gonna go a TV show. Okay, because I was at TV junkie not not like not like the iPad kids, but I liked my TV shows more than my movies. That's fair. Um, I loved bear in the big blue house when I was like a baby. Do you remember that one? I do. Every time I see that on the ticky tacky, it always brings some nostalgia heartfelt memories that I didn't know I had until now. And I also what else did I watch? I loved the wiggles. Fruit
Unknown Speaker 21:02
Salad yummy, yummy.
Unknown Speaker 21:08
I was big into like, I was a Nickelodeon kid. You're a Nickelodeon girl while I was a Disney kid. I was a Nickelodeon kid up until I was about 10 Okay, and then after that, I was like alright, I want to I want to watch Hannah Montana. I don't want to watch everybody has those days Selena Gomez was a waiver Waverly Place like I want to watch the sprouts twins.
Unknown Speaker 21:35
You know, I will say I was a Nickelodeon kid for a little while. I was obsessed with Zoey one on one
Unknown Speaker 21:42
I had I had a key I had a key that I wanted
Unknown Speaker 21:46
to key. I work you Of course you did the Elvis movie came out Yeah. Every every girl in their mother's like oh my God asked him Butler's so attractive. I'm like girl Zoe one on one. He was attractive men. Attractive now. Like he's just he's aged like a fine wine.
Unknown Speaker 22:11
I think that was good.
Unknown Speaker 22:12
Cheese. My
Unknown Speaker 22:15
good soup. Good. What was going on? No, I think that was probably one of my first like childhood crushes. And I was like, Hello. I'm not a blonde person or puppy.
Unknown Speaker 22:35
Oh, he looks like a lion.
Unknown Speaker 22:36
You think so? I think he's a bear.
Unknown Speaker 22:41
I don't know. Crap. Maybe a bear? Maybe?
Unknown Speaker 22:45
I'm thinking the bear. I'm thinking a bear.
Unknown Speaker 22:47
Did you ever watch like the PBS programs? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 22:50
yeah. Do you remember fetch? No, but I remember Arthur.
Unknown Speaker 22:54
I can't remember Arthur. But there was a show it was so it was so much. It's like buried in my memories. So sure.
Unknown Speaker 23:01
Is that a fever dream?
Unknown Speaker 23:03
It's not I looked it up. Like a year ago, because I was like, Is this was this real? Basically, it was real kids and a cartoon dog. And they had to like complete tasks to win. But it was like, it was like, Did you ever watch word girl? No, we're part of the different like, it's like, you're like the cut off. Right? And like I was there, but I wasn't entirely there like a watch like Lizzie McGuire and Zoey 101. And, like,
Unknown Speaker 23:31
I was the cut off of the night. Like, I wouldn't say like, I'm an I'm not a nice nice kid. Obviously. I'm a 2000s. Baby, but I was like, early 2000s. So I so kind of like, went into the 90s kids.
Unknown Speaker 23:43
Yeah, it's as much of a year cut off too, right? Because I'm on a one baby. Right? And like the shows I watched when I was like seven or eight. But you would have been like, nine? Yeah, like eight or nine or nine. And that would have been when you were like transitioning over to Hannah Montana, Montana. And that's when everybody has those days. But like, I mean, I was so obsessed with like all the Disney movies all the Disney like TV shows. I wasn't I was big of a fan of my car. I got so much iCarly March iCarly and like I loved Wizards of Waverly Place. I asked for it every year for Christmas and I got iCarly and I was like or Hannah Montana cuz she was blonde and I'm blonde. And I'm like, I'm like dang it but like I was so obsessed with with all those Disney's like movies
Unknown Speaker 24:37
and stuff. Yeah, no. Do you remember so I was that kid that I would sleep with the TV on right down? Literally no. So I Disney on that set like when I was in the Disney phase and they would have those. Let's watch a Disney Channel movie late at night. I think Kids do the toe touch. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 25:01
It's like it's like, it was like the white background with like Disney sign with the outline and they were like doing toe touches on like, Green Wave is.
Unknown Speaker 25:12
Yes. And I I'm telling you right now those late night Disney movies, everything they hit everything you want and I telling you right now there's this movie, there's one that I loved and I would wake up at like two o'clock in the morning. I have school in the morning. What was it? I couldn't tell you the name of it describe it, but I can tell you the plot. It was this guy and he moves. You know. I mean, look what the boots. I mean, it was it was a Western like this guy. Ranch. I don't know. He moved to a ranch and he like he
Unknown Speaker 25:46
did he move to a ranch and he was helping out young family.
Unknown Speaker 25:50
Yes. younger kid or something. There's like a tree house like, I loved that one. And they would come on like, like once a month maybe? Yeah, it was like two o'clock in the morning. The
Unknown Speaker 26:03
one that I saw the time was Johnny tsunami.
Unknown Speaker 26:07
I've never watched that one. And I've heard that one's good.
Unknown Speaker 26:09
Or the Even Stevens movie.
Unknown Speaker 26:13
That one fan. That was weird. I didn't like it. No, but
Unknown Speaker 26:16
I watched it a ton. One of my favorite movies actually isn't like one of my favorite childhood movies isn't a Disney movie at all. What is it? Actually? I don't know if it's a Disney movie. I can't say that.
Unknown Speaker 26:26
Um, fake news.
Unknown Speaker 26:27
Fake News. It's full of
Unknown Speaker 26:32
fake news here. what's poppin
Unknown Speaker 26:34
it was a series of unfortunate events. I really love that movie. Really? I watched it at like all the time that that Aladdin and Jumanji? I refuse to watch the new Jumanji is because rip Robin Williams I just don't think they can replace them
Unknown Speaker 26:52
laundry scared me at first. I was kind of I was a very scared child for some reason. I was very anxious. weird kid.
Unknown Speaker 27:01
I liked being skipped my first horror movie was the Hills Have Eyes. I was six. I think God like I loved all this like creepy kind of stuff because of that because I was so like, I was like, How can somebody do that? And then I just got intrigued by it. And I'm like, this is fun watch.
Unknown Speaker 27:19
She's over here watching the Hills Have Eyes and I am over here terrified at Coraline.
Unknown Speaker 27:25
Oh, I love Coraline. I loved it. It was so weird their fingers like all the Tim Burton
Unknown Speaker 27:30
movies I was obsessed with god she's a weird she's a weird child.
Unknown Speaker 27:34
I was weird. I am I was currently thriving living whatever.
Unknown Speaker 27:39
Weird Child Yeah, yikes.
Unknown Speaker 27:41
I was also I was also really into there was a spin off movie of ET and was called makin me and it was like early 2000s And it was such it was a weird movie. But it was it was the same ideas et and every single time I ate mac and cheese I had to watch Mac in me and I don't I my brain works like that. I was like I made mac and cheese. I have to watch this movie now. And I was like
Unknown Speaker 28:12
Is it like a spin off of friends where Joey goes and has his ces first hit and it's called mac and cheese
Unknown Speaker 28:22
know what the robot it's very similar to et so like Alien comes down to earth and we move into this new neighborhood alien comes down to earth. The brothers are trying to hide the Alien and then they travel cross country so that he can go home at home. Yeah, I will always be
Unknown Speaker 28:48
those those were like my talk. I would watch unfortunate Series of Unfortunate Events religiously.
Unknown Speaker 28:54
Interesting. I don't know why it was so I don't know. Why didn't pin you as because I'm bubbly.
Unknown Speaker 29:00
Yeah, yeah. Interesting. Yeah. Well, I think I think creepy movies are so interesting. Because it's like, I'm like how did that how did you think of that? Like, how did we get here? I didn't
Unknown Speaker 29:11
like like horror movies are creepy movies until like, maybe 2018 I didn't watch them was I again? Have you watched The Conjuring Oh terrified. Scared child. Still? See caught Condrey. My inner waterline terrors are still they still haunt me.
Unknown Speaker 29:31
See, you would not be able to handle House of Wax or the house of us. No,
Unknown Speaker 29:35
thank you. Yeah, no,
Unknown Speaker 29:37
thank you see my one of the biggest horror movies for me that I like got into was as above so below, but the Paris catacombs Yeah. Everybody dies. In the end. It's fine. But like it's about how they're haunted and like demonic and just, it's freaked me out so bad. I was like, 18 I watched it and I was groan. I watched it and I'm like, Oh, my God. And I went to this whole like deep dive research on what the Paris catacombs are. What's down there? And it's, I mean, it's a cemetery right make sense?
Unknown Speaker 30:13
Interesting. Interesting. With that we are going to phone home and slow no
Unknown Speaker 30:28
she said it is 1140 right now.
Unknown Speaker 30:33
Oh, right. So there you have it. That is your weekly episode of less problem with hacks. I want to thank my guests over here. Miss ash love.
Unknown Speaker 30:47
Thanks for having me.
Unknown Speaker 30:48
Thanks for coming and saving my butt.
Unknown Speaker 30:52
Catch you baby girl.
Unknown Speaker 30:56
Rugged to tune in every Tuesday at six o'clock, pm on any 1.5 for the rebel and of course, always stay poppin
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