Sports, Sports, Sports
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Ladies and gentlemen, it would have been sold already. You're ready. Ready? Ready, ready? Let's get it. Let's get it poppin what's poppin? What's Good evening to all my rebel HD to fans and welcome back to what's poppin with the show where we break down all of the trends, breaking news and everything that's happening weekly. This means each week the content and the discussions will be constantly changed today, I'm accompanied by it's
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the voices of Las Vegas. It's your boy, a Scott, Dickey,
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D here, Donovan, I'm bearing edge boy, big D and the place to be. And
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with that being said, let's get to the discussion. So the first thing that we're going to be talking about today, so this would be a very sports heavy episode. So the first thing we're going to talk about is the eagles on the Chiefs going to the Super Bowl, but specifically, we're going to talk about what everybody's kind of calling the Kelsey bowl. So we're gonna talk about the Kelsey brothers being the first in history to play against each other. So anybody want to start off with that, that's gonna
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be a tough job for the mom to figure out who's the favorite son. The favorite son is going to be whoever wins the Super Bowl. That is, that's just how that's gonna go.
Unknown Speaker 1:04
Kelsey already has a split jersey. It's got one number on the other. Miss
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Kelsey. Like the parents W parents are getting a free ring. It doesn't matter.
Unknown Speaker 1:13
Regardless of families, whoever whoever wins the Super Bowl gets to pick where they go out to eat. You know, you know how you know how, you know how in elementary school, if you got all A's on a report card, or if you got like a B on a roll, whatever your parents are like, Okay, where do you want to go to eat? It's your choice. Shut your mouth, your bros. Grown brownie brownie.
Unknown Speaker 1:37
Because it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what you think it doesn't matter what you smell
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what the kale sees.
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It's honestly not that much of an age difference. Only a year, Jason's 35 That's and
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Jason took Travis under his wing because they went to the same college together. And Travis almost got kicked out. But then
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yeah, they both played together, right? Oh, I believe they were on the same team from what I saw. They had like they were
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Yeah, they're on the they were in the same college.
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Imagine being a Jason Kelsey has kids and you see and you see your dad and your uncle playing and you're like,
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that would be kind of cool. Anybody see that awkward video of Jason Kelsey after their last game after the touchdown and he was just wiggling like
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that mute the music I don't know what song they were playing with it it was like some raps on but he was on beat was
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he was just going I was like
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it was there. So for more looking on how many songs is Rihanna gonna play
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the national anthem? Who's getting the ball first? Those bets are goaded and that's about it. I'm looking.
Unknown Speaker 2:47
There's one thing you got to also understand packs for us guys who don't have our team in the bowl. Yeah, we look forward to certain things the bets halftime that's
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what color the gator is gonna definitely. Also
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too we also look forward to just a good game a blowout. Absolutely not. You don't want
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if it's a blog and a Super Bowl. It's just not fun for you all over again. Oh, yeah. 50 was
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not 50 Wasn't the blower? That's 48
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No. 50 was
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Dan 48. Were both blow now. Hold up. Denver got blown out by Seattle and then Denver blew out Carolina.
Unknown Speaker 3:17
I wouldn't consider that a blowout. There was definitely that was like the worst. It was gone.
Unknown Speaker 3:21
We definitely don't need another Super Bowl 53 where it was the most boring first half of football I've ever seen what's your follow only to be followed by a promising sweet victory SpongeBob halftime only to only the fanfare being played and then Travis Scott falling out of the sky from a meeting. Another thing I do want to say that I'm looking forward to in in Super Bowl 57 is how many times the Burger King commercial is going to play I just I like that. I just also want to make a quick disclaimer K u and v 91.5. The rebel 82 is not sponsored by Burger King. We just like talking about it actually.
Unknown Speaker 3:52
I haven't really noticed it so whatever the first offense is whatever the first half is. Riri she gets up she's getting on stage. What's the first song she's opening up umbrella umbrella? me that's not that's not a title song. Yeah,
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that one's the Black Panther.
Unknown Speaker 4:09
I think I think the first one is everybody's gonna cheer she's gonna put like a Michael Jackson he's not going to same thing at first as soon as the lights on it's please don't stop that music BUMP BUMP
Unknown Speaker 4:17
that's made way midway has made umbrellas either going first or going last
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Do you think he's gonna make it? Do you think she's gonna go Ultra new Ultra new so like for when she first started to her new her new stuff so she goes pond to replay SOS 207 Don't Don't Stop the Music umbrella. Might get played disturbi also falls in the oh seven category. Disturbia
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will get played first off although no, it has to. It has to I don't know. So are we going over under eight songs for the under under under? No, I don't I don't think so. Because you gotta remember last time you had you had Mary J. Blige. You had snoop. You had Dr. Dre. You had Eminem, you had Kendrick and they all performed at one halftime oh and 50 cent. I mean, you can do a lot of songs. Remember,
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they didn't really do full songs and they did snippets obviously of
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each song Yeah, no
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it's not gonna be the full song but they're still gonna be the song. Yeah, I
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think so too. I think it'll be the entire song
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I feel like she would kind of come up with like a mix she might blend them
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but it'll be a lot I'll be more than what brings
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out special guests. Yes,
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yeah. Thank you whoo that's for room to decide.
Unknown Speaker 5:23
I said JC if they do or maybe anything Eminem comes up daddy. Oh for for what monster? Yeah, anything you don't anything? Maybe but I don't know because they already used him for one Super Bowl I wouldn't mind seeing often you see somebody repeat appearance you can call it Bruno
Unknown Speaker 5:37
Mars done it well I mean there's going to be guests prints so we're not going to act like it's just going to just be her she's going to be got somebody I'm thinking her baby daddy because like you know it's on speed dial you're
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not really I don't know about that. I would love to see I'd love to see it like if she was performing work and all of a sudden I hear some you need to get done done the best believe I'm flipping my lid. Yeah, no,
Unknown Speaker 6:03
I saw some people like from both sides like from Kansas City and fields ever. Like can we watch the halftime show? Like come on now like out of all the years he got really you do it's when we're going it's gonna be a good one. I like how different generations they switch the tone of like the music because that's just what shows you know, matchups could still be legendary but you know throughout the generations that's where the halftime can really show like what the generate that current media likes.
Unknown Speaker 6:25
The game is like garbage. You at least know that there's a saving grace with the halftime
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Well, well, not all sometimes the job is Scott one and there was
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no job Maroon Five was pretty good. It was low key way. No. I agree. Your your wasn't
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that the performance was bad. The audio in that halftime show. Really awesome.
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It was he did it all himself. And it was just very, no,
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that's kind of messed up. You can't really do that because you got to empty stadiums. So you got to you got to have that in consideration. You have the whole COVID procedures and Breon factor. And then on top of all that his guest dancers couldn't even like really do anything with each other to begin with. So like he had a plan. And it was so good. Getting ahead. It's so good. The only part I didn't like in the beginning was the casino Vegas theme and Tampa. I was like I don't know why that was a theme. You
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got to think look at the was the Shakira JLo Super Bowl before them it was after it was
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before them before you live so this was just before COVID
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Not just because those are two of the sexiest woman alive. They put on a freakish
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they put on the show. Did you hear Shakira
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dancing, the music, everything so
Unknown Speaker 7:34
So when that's what will happen? Oh, not even so. So that's so funny story about that. When that Superbowl halftime happened. I was still in like my senior year of high school before COVID. And stuff happened. Have you guys heard? Yeah, yeah. And you know, when that happened, a lot of my high school teachers at a time how to sleep on the couch because they're like, one of my one of my teachers is what he told us on that Monday, he was like, he went over he looked at his wife during that time. She was like, you know, JLo is your age right? Straight to the couch like he did.
Unknown Speaker 8:03
For choice. J low 50. And she getting up on a pole. Yeah, making it work.
Unknown Speaker 8:08
She made it. She made work really good. Yeah, we made it work. They was a halftime show. I didn't hear none of that. You know, Mandy's after shows are getting a little too ridiculous. No, no,
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no. You'd be surprised on how many people were complaining when I heard the FCC. I didn't hear a lot of women. But it was just the people that were like, oh, you know, this is supposed to be a family friendly thing that that was everybody of all ages I was supposed to do. But a lot of people thought it was like overly sexy. So
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how long? How long is Chris Stapleton? Going to sing the national anthem. What's the what's the bet? What's the bet? What's the line? I don't
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know what the over under is, but I'm gonna say I'm gonna say it's a short one. No, I
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think he's gonna He's gonna drag it out.
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Like the like the like the one that happened in the Superdome. That one was a lot.
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I think he's gonna He's gonna hit three minutes. Three minutes for national national anthem. What is he? He's got
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a guitar on him. But yeah, he's gonna He's gonna
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only get but what about what about but what about his voice? Does he have like, the power to go that long? Like holding a note like, like the opera singers do? Oh, like, you know, some of the voice
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comes from angels. He's like, Oh, no.
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And they just go on and on and on and on. And all that type of guy. Yeah. No,
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I don't know if it goes like,
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yeah, it'll be fine. He'll be like, I
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have a question for you guys. What was your favorite Super Bowl halftime performance? And then what is your prediction for who will perform in Vegas? Oh, I mean
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for performers in Vegas. I'm just gonna throw this out there. I'm gonna say Imagine Dragons.
Unknown Speaker 9:44
I was thinking to agree with you. I think so. But I don't think it's just going to be Oh, I don't think so. I thought it was gonna be a collection of this the big biggest bands of care. So you know, they just broke up not too long ago, but it was gonna be panic, imagine and then the killers. You're going to have all three right there on stage, or you're probably going to have somebody do Do something Elvis related but Elvis hologram or something crazy?
Unknown Speaker 10:05
I don't get the money probably probably. I don't know this is kind of a stretch but Little John maybe maybe he's
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suing the ACES right now I don't think they do aces. He's suing a lovers and friends. They, they it was something that goes with one of his songs and he was not very happy. So he's sue in Vegas right now.
Unknown Speaker 10:24
I mean the I mean the atmosphere and what little John really describes in most of his music. It really describes Vegas and you can usually catch him at every VgK game pretty much every
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shots maybe Hey man, actually VgK he was there for the ACES did the halftime show when they were did when we went? I
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think he might have been at Raiders when I was there he was
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he didn't do the Raiders there. Yeah, in terms of
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everyone fair what the halftime shows
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only ones that you guys were alive for I think we should make that clear. Yeah, we didn't witness yourself. I think that's fair. Like you were you were cohesively watching it.
Unknown Speaker 10:56
Right. The ones that are entertaining one that you Yeah, that you see with your two eyes
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when Timberlake came out. Timberland timberland because your first or second time second time, okay. What it was in Minnesota, that was a good one because they covered his whole thing very well. And then after that, I would have to say when chili peppers were up there and then Bruno, okay. And those flip every now they want to feel it.
Unknown Speaker 11:19
For me. My favorite would have to be a tie between I think it was can't forget, I think it was Super Bowl 51 When Gaga performed was it 51 She did Super Bowl, I believe Yeah, she did. Yeah, she
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did. She had
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she did it was either Gaga or this last one with Mary Eminem. Snoop Dre. So
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I'm gonna take a hot take right here. Last year's la woof all those celebrities all the big times. I think that was so cornball. It was so cold but it was good. It was normal. But who cornball? It's alright. 80s la that's so overplayed this this Superbowl halftime should happen like years ago. Like
Unknown Speaker 11:57
I agree it wouldn't have it wouldn't have happened. It couldn't have happened. No,
Unknown Speaker 12:01
I understand that. But like I get it. It was like a more collaboration type of thing. But like if you were trying to go for like an LA vibe type of thing. You can get more modern artists that could have fit that role much better. I don't know. I think I don't know. I saw I was just really corny and I was like, I like it for I'm not jamming to this but my uncles and my ads are Gemini there's like they're they were feeling it. I was like, alright, it's cool. I get it. I just it just wasn't speaking to me. It's not like a household title. Like for example, like I don't know, I think I'm just really biased here because I really enjoyed the weekend what he had to do all those things he had to accomplish over and he still did a great show that one and probably Miami and that bunny bunny were featured in that so you know, it's crazy how that happens. Oh, Daddy Yankee. Oh, who was it? Zuna. For
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mine. It's gotta be tops. Gotta be Bruno. Probably. I
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mean, I grew up first or second time. I think the first one is better. Oh, yeah. That was in San
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Francisco. stole it from Coldplay. Yeah. Coldplay didn't
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need all the attention. That's true. Coldplay, got
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on play should have got that whole play guy themselves,
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ya know? So you guys didn't like it. I like the whole thing today, hopefully started and ended. I think that's why they started in the end today. Coldplay?
Unknown Speaker 13:07
Coldplay was the act. And it was well, they didn't show
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up. But I think that's been a halftime problem is that like, fairly recently finally got it together. But like, there was a point where like, they did horrible matchups together like they kind of wanted them to fail. And they were just making games. But together, it's like, Oh, this isn't making a lot of
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mesh. It wasn't it wasn't good pairing.
Unknown Speaker 13:27
There was another symbol. I think it was the one the one with the SpongeBob Travis and stuff like that wasn't it wasn't good because it didn't mesh. Well. Why is this happening? There
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were good ideas there. But it just wasn't it wasn't I good trying
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to do as much broad music so you can reach out to as many audience as possible when you do it that way. You lose everybody, because everybody's just like, this didn't work. I
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mean, it was bad enough that that that suit rule was a complete crap show and then you have a performance like that. I mean, I mean, I mean, I do enjoy sicko mode a little a little bit. I got sick of it once it started getting overplayed on one night, but I think because this was at the time that the creators bummed about Stephen Hillenburg rip he passed away and so he passed away right before it right he Yeah, he passed away right before it and everybody's why they
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did the SpongeBob things. But I would have figure if they would
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have included that. I felt like they would have like included the whole thing at least. But um, I don't know. Everybody thought it was extremely disrespectful that they didn't do the whole sweet victory. Then we have the audition. And then a few days ago, and then a few days later, the Dallas Stars of the NHL they came through
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we forgot that Katy Perry I was about
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I was literally about to bring that up.
Unknown Speaker 14:29
So next you've been in Vegas, what kind of scenes what kind of what kind of what kind of music we're trying to think of? So like my
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my whole thought process is like when they come to Vegas, for example, does the halftime show really have to be a concert or can we get some of the Cirque shows to come in? That is really smart, which you said I could see Vegas doing something like that. But one thing that just
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popped up into my mind and Panic at the Disco did this in 2018 when the Golden Knights were in the semi final was that they performed on the Bellagio water as the fountains were coming up. Do you think that They would take the halftime show like inside Allegiant Stadium in some parts they do it outside of
Unknown Speaker 15:06
one of the fountain you do one in the stadium you probably do another one do another
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one like towards the toward Well, I
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said, Well I said Little John, that's the only artists that I have in mind. I
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don't think they could go Vegas. The one person that they were talking to that was supposed to do this year was my girl Taylor Swift. She went she went touring, so I don't
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know if Taylor Swift fits Vegas. That's fine. That's might be a good show, though. That sounds like that wouldn't be good.
Unknown Speaker 15:28
I mean, like, I mean, like, I mean, did Katy Perry fit Arizona when she did Arizona Katy Perry fits anywhere.
Unknown Speaker 15:36
I think what's so interesting here is that like you know a lot of places either a dome in the East Coast or sunny Miami or sunny California it's usually how it goes it's either a dome sunny Miami, sunny California you got an interesting situation because not only do you have Vegas, but it's like first overtime in Vegas but the team of Vegas only existed a couple years ago so there's a fresh identity that you can really associate anything with so I think for me it'd be cool if you just did like a bunch of like you can go star after Star Three Star or star throw them all over the place have them film in multiple places because you know if you can't afford several tickets because they're gonna be God awfully expensive let's keep it Oh, so I think I think a great idea was have you have like I would say like eight or nine heavy hitters do what you did for like the LA thing you get heavy hitters of like everywhere a little bit of everywhere have like maybe like East Coast popularity in front of New York New York somebody from Bellagio like hit everywhere and then like performing all together and do like a little slot thing of course because of course you will you know a little slot chips you know make it seem like oh yeah this is a fast life city so act after act and all around the strip so people can at least Joy something maybe you do like you know Metro Boomin in there and he does something and he does like a big mix is nasty remix that has like all these different people that mesh so well for whatever reason even though it should it and and all the stuff I could see weekend drag 21 You know I can see rapper wise you could see like I know Beyonce for like music child like you can go a lot of different routes with that
Unknown Speaker 16:56
I could Loki see Katy Perry as a as a guest. So she already has a resident you she already has a residency here and she kind of fits to Vegas. That's another
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route that they can do.
Unknown Speaker 17:04
I'm thinking maybe because Vegas has so many casinos, we have EDC here. I'm thinking maybe they can put some like DJs in and do a nice little like EDM again. I
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see marshmallow for sure I can see it again. David get it? Yes, that
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was interesting. Steve Aoki,
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wouldn't you have somebody I know this is like the most tours thing to do but once you have like a band in front of the sign at the loss of welcome Las Vegas, you kind of would have to right where you would probably start Yeah. And
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you know, they'll probably have their for the Las Vegas they'll
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probably I would say Barry for the introduction. It would be cool to have it at the Las Vegas sign but a person that I think would really fit to do an introduction Michael but oh, he's gonna always definitely they got to first
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open up the game he's gonna come up front like you don't when they have the Yeah. He's gonna be he's just gonna be like, yeah, it's tough coming from the NFC we have team from the AFC team.
Unknown Speaker 17:55
So one thing I like to like to do because I like I've been part of various things with the draft and so you know, like how every Super Bowl has like a color theme to it so like based on the city and stuff I'm gonna love like what they're going to do with Vegas and the merch you're gonna sell at that and all that it's
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purple because we went to the super very good purple that's like
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retro and why why purple though?
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It doesn't scream Vegas silver makes sense. Like a neon that's the Silver State makes sense. So have silver I don't know I kind of like silver I'll do what that was about. No see silver now silver and black this is
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where I really do black gold and red for the sole fact of you want that casino like Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 18:32
yeah no,
Unknown Speaker 18:33
that's I'm saying yeah, and for the logo itself they're going to have a replica of the Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas awesome.
Unknown Speaker 18:39
Oh, I love that
Unknown Speaker 18:40
you know there's something that I've been thinking because you know that I think that and I keep bringing up Elvis for this whole thing because I every time I think Vegas you know Viva Las Vegas comes in my head you know they gotta get awesome Butler to enjoy it and Loki
Unknown Speaker 18:51
Oh my
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I know it's not exactly a great idea but you know it can happen Viva Las Vegas is gonna get played out so it's gonna be what opens it up it's gonna start off slow
Unknown Speaker 19:03
so maybe when you do that you do the Viva Viva Las Vegas in Dota castle and that opens with Las Vegas does have I was just not by yourself. I don't be shy. But it's a strong feature though. But she can open and friend the sign she got glasses with the Las Vegas song. Okay, you can do both.
Unknown Speaker 19:20
And as they're introducing they have a small video montage of the roulette wheel slot machines the sounds folding of the car, the car it's the sounds of the of all the dinging and all the the cards and to even get more vigorously if you want to go the extra route whether you want to introduce the beginning of the game or the halftime show. I am imagining that they're going to have some sort of introduction where they include the show girls
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too. Yeah, it's gonna be Vegas you know me celebrities going to come down here. We
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literally sat next.
Unknown Speaker 19:55
We're going to be like the next LA at so far where there's so many celebrities just sitting in the crowd just for No reason that's gonna be Vegas too because we're gonna get we're gonna work
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on Cisco there's a lot more people that actually live here in Vegas than there probably isn't there already
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featuring and showing a bunch of like celebrities at the Raiders game so I can I can only you know what
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we're probably Loki maybe blown that out of I just never thought about this first Super Bowl performer here you probably get ice cube because everyone Dobson president of Raider Nation you haven't do it in the Raiders but
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no I don't think that would fit because everybody everybody knows him as a California guy. Not a Vegas guy if
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the Raiders make it in if the Raiders make it definitely yes watch it be ice Cuban. But
Unknown Speaker 20:33
but here's the thing. You got to plan a Superbowl halftime show. Yeah, months in advance. That's not something that you don't carry Illumina scripted.
Unknown Speaker 20:42
Whoa. If the Raiders made to the Superbowl next year, I will agree that scripted during the way not
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because if that was the case, the colonel should have went this year. You know, it's not that was
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the big trending thing this week. Pax is the NFL script.
Unknown Speaker 20:57
I don't know. We're on the topic of scripted. What about the Brady news Brady just retired
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on the same day, last year, it's all front he'll be back playing football again next season.
Unknown Speaker 21:12
So here's here's what I'm saying. I'm not even gonna acknowledge this conversation until week one of the NFL star Thank you. Can you know if he's actually not there? All right. Well,
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we'll talk about I see when I see him in the booth. You want to watch when
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I see him in a suit and fox sports? I will agree. Yes. There's a
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reason why I say he's pretty serious this time. Did you watch the he got emotional? He did. He did not get emotional to laugh. He's like, Yeah, I'm chilling here in Florida. This was like guys, and I lost my family.
Unknown Speaker 21:38
Well, yeah, I you know, my kids, it's kind of weird because money than God, it's all to get bounced. But
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what's weird about his retirement is what I noticed to most retirement videos I've seen. It's kind of like, Oh, I'm going off to the sunset, or I've never won the big one. I've never reached these aspects of my career A, B, C, and D like JJ watts. You know, obviously, he's one of the greatest to ever play. But you know, due to things and factors, his legacy wise just wasn't what he would have liked it to have been, he would probably would love to play in a couple at least AFC NFC championships. You know, he never even got a chance he was a he couldn't even do that. Well, I mean, not handle like, right, right. So you know, when you have those facts, but he's still was like, Oh, I'm thankful I'm going to spend time my family. My kids that ended up when you saw Brady, he has all the accomplishments he has the statue of to be well, not to be he is as much as I hate to admit it, the goats of NFL football. And when you saw the emotion, he seemed lonely, miserable. Like, it's kind of like I did all this, but at what cost? Like he
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had a Hall of Fame career in his 20s, his 30s and then his 40s I
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see Brady as a huge troll. And every time I think of a possible Brady retirement, I always think of the marriage between him and Giselle, when he was with Giselle, she basically was like, okay, Tom, you're getting older, you have kids that are at home, they can't see their dad every single day, come home and spend more time with the family. That's all I ask. And so when they got divorced, because Brady loves football, and I see that in him, even though I don't have a lot of respect for the guy just because of his attitude and whatnot, you can't deny that he's a go to football. And so when he was with Giselle, it was it was kind of like, okay, Tom, I want you to be home as much as you can. I understand that you got all these football responsibilities, but I want you to be home. But in Brady's mindset, he's like, Okay, I do care about that stuff. But Football is my life. It's in my blood. It's in my heart. And so when they got divorced, it was like Brady's all access pass to play football whenever he wants to, and wherever he wants to. It's like, it's funny. The day they announced their divorce, Twitter was blowing up, everybody was like, well, since Giselle is not in his life anymore, Brady can play until he's 90 Or until he's in a cane on his deathbed walking in a wheelchair.
Unknown Speaker 23:43
So here's my opinion on it. I think you mentioned being retired as a patriot. I think he's going to I think he's going to do the same thing that Tony Gonzalez did with the Chiefs go for one day put the jersey on and be done I personally think he's done I think he's 45 it looks just hurtin you look done this season. I just I was not IMOCA
Unknown Speaker 24:04
video like compared to the one that I'm sorry I didn't mean is that compared to the one that he did last year right there was still a little bit of fire does that you look at it this time of the Man What more does he have to get? I think he's going to take the Jordan approachment gold recognizing goat Jordan came back granite one he's
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not retired again. No, he's not going to be
Unknown Speaker 24:23
I'm gonna I'm gonna add one of them may catch you off the video is also DS on a beach somewhere. He's not he's not at his home. He's not where was the last video taken out? He was not just it
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was in somewhere.
Unknown Speaker 24:33
I think you guys are putting too much into this video.
Unknown Speaker 24:37
It looked like he was done. Yeah, it looked like he was ready to just you guys. I
Unknown Speaker 24:41
think I think you guys are reading it. Like I don't know the way I read into his like, yeah, there's fire and so I think he's just like when I saw that video, I saw regret. He's like, Man, I really sacrificed all this stuff. And I didn't I like I don't know, I feel like it's different. Like let's say this whole divorce thing happened and you still have to prove like okay, now I can win the Super Bowls. I could do this really change your legacy. I'm not a Patriot edited he did all that plus more he could have done all that and he could have retired as the face face and none of this other stuff and now it's just like, oh, I don't know. I think when I saw that video I saw like I don't really give all this up for for just one year and I do I didn't even do what I wanted out of this year didn't get
Unknown Speaker 25:14
much action even more concreted in my head that he's done it whether it's his fire that's out or the regret that he left his family behind but the
Unknown Speaker 25:21
question is does he retire a patriot or a Patriots? I don't even know No, I mean No, I mean like if he were to sign a one day contract with the Patriots
Unknown Speaker 25:31
but that's the thing I don't think he will he's already done like you guys are saying oh, he's gonna He's gonna sign this one day contract he's resigned to being paid the man if the man's retire the man is retired like the Patriots. They gave him his video Don't worry nobody's gonna be wearing 12 ever again. That's the next time you're probably gonna see Tom Brady is when they retire number 12 If he's truly done but the man's retired well bucks is a you
Unknown Speaker 25:53
got to have the Bucks he's gonna get his jersey retired I want to
Unknown Speaker 25:56
say jersey retired by the bucks but he's definitely got his name in that I yeah Ringo.
Unknown Speaker 26:00
i You don't you don't think so? No one one
Unknown Speaker 26:03
reason why one year grant it may have been his first year he got there one year he did it six times in New England there's a reason he's not Jackie Robinson level
Unknown Speaker 26:13
I'll get though though put it in
Unknown Speaker 26:14
May God is not his number retired for both his teams
Unknown Speaker 26:18
Denver was we with Bill Denver Denver
Unknown Speaker 26:20
he was with Denver Blake is the tail end of his career because he were good on both teams
Unknown Speaker 26:25
well just one each I get it I get it look obviously you're getting retired renewing but you got to remember to this was phased of legacy they were trying to blame everything on Brady legacy train he goes he's like you know what? It's not the Patriot way I am the reason so you got to remember when he pulled the whole I'm the reason I went to do my own thing people listen to me and I'm still gonna make this work He still made it work
Unknown Speaker 26:44
alright, so I want to go around the room and I want to kind of see what your what your favorite trends are. What's your hot takes? What do we think in top 20s I don't know it could be any genre any topic go around explain kind of like what's going on with it all right.
Unknown Speaker 27:01
So the real big trend that's been happening right now is this NFL script right my girl Olivia robbery we're gonna be presenting at the Grammys
Unknown Speaker 27:11
But speaking of Grammys at Israel She
Unknown Speaker 27:14
gonna be presented at the Grammys and then she's gonna show she'd be like guess what oh are to drop in tonight so it's gonna die so
Unknown Speaker 27:20
we're Grammys who's winning movie of the year
Unknown Speaker 27:22
that's Oscar that's Oscar Emmy
Unknown Speaker 27:23
Oscars Top Gun
Unknown Speaker 27:24
is probably getting what is even
Unknown Speaker 27:27
What about Robert Patterson? You don't think he's gonna you know what the Batman they do not like the Academy does not like superheroes I
Unknown Speaker 27:35
think it's gonna be top gun I got big big
Unknown Speaker 27:40
it's gonna be between I guarantee you Top Gun everywhere everything everywhere all at once I'll quote on the Western Front and Elvis
Unknown Speaker 27:46
it's I'm saying it's fable mins or banshees? I guarantee I know both those movies one two at the Golden Globes I don't want to award
Unknown Speaker 27:53
I say top gunner Elvis one of the two I think the fan favorites is probably talking to Elvis but I think they're gonna give it to Steven Spielberg and disables mins
Unknown Speaker 28:01
I just got it tonight I wish they would do some sort of award show that
Unknown Speaker 28:05
have some fan voting fan voting I think we should have a say in the academy I definitely we should like the the the academies can still like make its debates and all that stuff but then the fans should open it up to the fan voting and then have that have have it waded in into I
Unknown Speaker 28:21
think would it be smart as you open up to the fans first get their opinion so that way if they have an outrageous take then you be like no that obviously you guys have a way different opinion without fans out.
Unknown Speaker 28:31
I have a feeling it's gonna be that like last week. All right. So
Unknown Speaker 28:34
there you have it rebels your weekly recap of all those crazy trends for the week. I want to thank my guests Diego.
Unknown Speaker 28:43
Unknown Speaker 28:44
Prometheus Donovan
Unknown Speaker 28:46
Dickey D and a sky aka the voices of Las Vegas.
Unknown Speaker 28:50
And don't forget to tune in every Tuesday at six on 91.5 rebel and of course always stay poppin All right, so that is all we have here on what's poppin with PACs tune in every Tuesday to hear the rest. I will talk to you guys later.
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