Super Bowl Traditions, Cinematic Continuations, and the Art of Storytelling
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Ladies and gentlemen, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready? Let's get it poppin let's get it poppin what's poppin what's hot. Good evening to all my rebel HD two fans and welcome back to what's poppin with PAX, the show where we break down all of the trends and breaking news that's happening weekly. This means each week the content and discussions will be consistently changing. Today I am accompanied by Big D
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in the place to be and to my left Tyrese Hall.
Unknown Speaker 0:33
I'm so excited for this one. So with that being said, let's get to the discussion. So it's kind of that time of year Super Bowl season. So for this episode, I wanted to talk about Super Bowl traditions and what you guys like to do on that Sunday night big game. So let's get started with that one. So my favorite tradition is just kind of sitting at home with my parents. When the chiefs are in my team, we just kind of sit around with their jerseys on and all red and my mom makes like good food last year. I think she made like pigs in a blanket and she makes like good cakes. And I love the food. Like my favorite.
Unknown Speaker 1:10
Go to with with just food.
Unknown Speaker 1:13
It is it really is food. And I mean, a couple of drinks here and there. What
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type of what type of food like specifically like what type of dishes is like the Super Bowl?
Unknown Speaker 1:24
What's the one that you always see?
Unknown Speaker 1:26
I mean, that's a good question.
Unknown Speaker 1:31
Nice, nice little reverse trick. I've been at work the last few Super Bowls. So like, so you know, shout out gin, Korean barbecue bowls of rice, a Korean fried chicken.
Unknown Speaker 1:41
It's Super Bowl meal right there.
Unknown Speaker 1:43
But normally it's like barbecue, because the family will usually get together. So the grill will be on. So you get a mixture of like tacos, grilled chicken, my theme, Michelle and her family. They're Filipino. So now we got a whole mixture of everything. And then you just kind of sit there and watch the game. And the thing is, is that majority of my family is Raider fans with a few other fandoms sprinkled out there. So if you're watching the game, you're primarily eating, you're mad that you didn't get there. Or you're just not even watching the game because you're too busy. I don't know, I guess you kind of are because they got all the prop bets and they play squares. Well, I
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would say the people that didn't make the Superbowl they would probably be there just for halftime.
Unknown Speaker 2:24
That's what I do. That's the main thing I focus on. With the exception of you know, I have to watch the game because you know, shut up blow the whistle on top, you know, because it's livelihood. But it's but no usually it's halftime that's that's always the go to because usually most of the time the game there's a good percent that it might just be trash. So you always gotta look forward to the halftime.
Unknown Speaker 2:43
Well, it wasn't like what, last year? Last year's halftime show with Dr. Dre Snoop Dogg and all them does what last year? Yeah, last year's. Yeah. So last year was like pretty solid in with me. I was at my friend's house last year. And they and their Brazilian so they had a whole bunch of dishes I couldn't I couldn't even begin to explain what they said here. I said okay. Feed me Seymour. Seymour.
Unknown Speaker 3:07
Heck yeah. Um, but yeah, so like, what what do you guys do for Super Bowl Sunday? Do you party? Do you just kind of like hang out besides going to work? What is your ideal Super Bowl party Super Bowl Sunday work?
Unknown Speaker 3:23
No, Super Bowl. It really depends. It depends on what like what side of the family I'm on. So like, when I'm with my mom, there's always a little have barbecue chicken. She'll make a cake. Usually varies anywhere from strawberry lemon to Ooh, she made a spice cake once which was just sounds
Unknown Speaker 3:38
good. Oh, so good. That was nice cake.
Unknown Speaker 3:41
Oh, yeah. What is that? So essentially, like a ginger like a ginger cake. So what you would make for ginger bread, you just turn it into a cake and then you sprinkle powdered sugar on it. And it is. So that's happened so fast. Normally we'll do that. And then we'll watch the game. And then after that it's kind of just you know, it's not because my mom isn't the biggest sports fan but you know, she she also likes watching Super Bowl. So we'll just have some food and watch the game and that's our B now my dad's house. That's where you know, everyone's there. He enjoys hanging out with everybody but he hates planning it because for some reason our house got de facto as this is the Super Bowl house. Oh man. I told him not to do it. And he didn't listen to me. Because when we first moved into the house, we got this the giant TVs around. So he got he was like, yeah, we'll have the housewarming party as the Super Bowl party. So you know, we did that the one year it was great. And the next thing that would just became a yearly reoccurrence. And he just started getting pissed. Like I got all these damn people coming. I've been tired of this and I'm like what you wanted this? This is what you wanted, right? That's the mixture of food and friends and then the games on. And normally if you have bets on the game, you're watching the game. Oh yeah. Most of the time you're really just I guess it's almost like a Sunday barbecue almost. It's just families there Yeah. Miss Sunday's Yeah, you're You're just morally hanging out especially like if you don't care about the game you're not really paying attention. Yeah, but there's food it's a good time so there's betting a lot of my family the men and my family like to smoke cigars. Cigars so that's the only time I see it is Super Bowl Sunday. That's it smoke cigars.
Unknown Speaker 5:16
Well, that's like my family like my dad if if the chiefs are in he doesn't want anybody at our house does not watch it
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he does not want anybody at the house. It is so funny because he just gets so he gets so stressed. And I'm like, It's football. It's supposed to be fun. Let's just enjoy the commercials now for the
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diehards on our very own I'm Chris the moose is actually an Eagles fan, right? So you know, tomorrow they win and he's gonna be talking to a lot of a lot of mess to us.
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imagines the Chiefs when I got to deal with this one oh, well, I mean,
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it should have seen us when the when the Chiefs beat the Raiders it was pretty good.
Unknown Speaker 6:05
The first time because it was that close the second time I was what can I say about hasn't been said about a lot of other things right, bombed out and depleted.
Unknown Speaker 6:15
I was gonna say that if the Eagles lose me right. I'm a Cowboys fan DC full l not so but understand. Understand if the Eagles lose, right, that's good for you. I ain't good for me because I can just talk, talk mess to move all I want and be like, Ah, you guys are like the Golden State Warriors. You guys went to 70. You guys went 73 and nine. So the new record but lost in the Super Bowl. You couldn't get that ring. We still got four and y'all still got
Unknown Speaker 6:47
with the cheese one. It's getting a little iffy now. And the reason I say because by the time this comes out to what would have already passed, but cheetahs may or may not have already kind of sealed their fate. You know, the one rule that was literally laid out do not do anything to the rocky statue. Someone went and put a Travis Kelce jersey on the road. Yeah, hear me out. No, no, no, it's done. Hear me out. That's done.
Unknown Speaker 7:07
I'm just going to literally went to the team and was like, Do not test the statue. Well, the team didn't do it. The team did not do it. I am convinced that was an inside job from somebody in Philly. Ready to just, you know, mess with achieves it. I will stick with that until the end of the game.
Unknown Speaker 7:26
Unknown Speaker 7:31
You cannot convince me any other way.
Unknown Speaker 7:33
Y'all lose. The Chiefs did it. Okay. Okay, let's be honest here.
Unknown Speaker 7:41
I heard my mom was actually telling me too, that there was an article out there that said that the guy that played Fonzie is like a huge cheeps fan. So I guess there's a Fonzie statue in Philadelphia and they actually put a chiefs jersey on him to like kind of celebrate his. Okay, that's a chiefs fan. Hans. Heck yeah, I
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just lost respect.
Unknown Speaker 8:02
I got it. I gotta make a bigger respect for Fonzie. So love
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Fonzie took some of that away from me right now.
Unknown Speaker 8:14
I was like heck yeah, you go man. You go. Do you guys have any like Super Bowl like superstitions or anything like that? Well, my family. My dad will make us wear the exact same uniforms and exact same outfits that we wore for the championship.
Unknown Speaker 8:32
The Raiders haven't been to a Super Bowl since Oh, two. I don't really have a super. There was one season that 2016 season. I have this away, Rod Woodson jersey, that my dad let me wear and we weren't we won. And then the next game that the Raiders want to go play because when they played the saints back in 2016 They beat the saints in you know, spectacular fashion awesome. The next game they want to go play my dad took the jersey back and I was just chilling in a Raiders t shirt. And the raiders were losing and my dad's like I don't understand how are you doing this good. And then this bad is just because we're in the jersey Let me wear it. And as soon as I wore they started winning again. Oh, there you go. So I wore the exact same jersey for a majority of that season. Let's see I'll do that. No, because that was the next season and Raiders because that's what they went for in 12. And then it was done after that. Okay, so that has worked so I don't have really any superstition. Besides don't talk trash before the game starts exactly yeah.
Unknown Speaker 9:31
We've seen the you know people have talked trash to the Eagles before on the internet and I'm pretty sure that these players have already be gone. So you know it's gonna be with even with the age of internet because back then understand you could talk smack to each other until you saw each other on field. But now you can tell us about before the game which does rouse up everyone's energy and it's like okay, well when I see you on the on the field, it's go time.
Unknown Speaker 9:56
Like there was an example again with the Raiders reference the charge Keenan Allen was calling the Raiders a barbecue chicken. Yeah Raiders beat the Chargers pretty badly. Every every team every team in elevators, barbecue chicken, chicken.
Unknown Speaker 10:12
That's like our group chat though. Like when it like comes to talking crap to the other team. Eagles Eagles fans are like going nuts. Right? Right. I'm just sitting there so quietly
Unknown Speaker 10:23
I wouldn't say so quiet. You were a little active this morning Miss read kids read.
Unknown Speaker 10:27
That was it though? That was it know
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how long that was about 15 seconds before we got switched to Blue kingdom. And then Chris wanted to know for sure for sure. We're not here for that.
Unknown Speaker 10:38
No, no, no, it went it went it went from eagles to red kingdom to Blue kingdom
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to bolts to
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bolt down. boats down.
Unknown Speaker 10:51
That was that was moving. Then I changed it. I was like, I put I put their DC for L and then it got changed to something about our president. Yeah, it was an inside joke with our president. And then
Unknown Speaker 11:08
I switched it to a bunch of slurs that we cannot say on the air. But I didn't see that.
Unknown Speaker 11:12
I didn't see that one. I kind of don't want to see it. It's not bad.
Unknown Speaker 11:17
It's not bad. But for radio for radio.
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TV. Yeah, it's the words.
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The thing is with this,
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it fits.
Unknown Speaker 11:27
It does but like it's funny how no one has yet to change.
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Talking with Barry shadow Barry one time and I was like, watch. I'm gonna do this. No one's gonna touch it. No one.
Unknown Speaker 11:40
No one touched. It was like we all kind of subconsciously agreed. It was like yeah, okay. It makes it makes sense of the group chat name.
Unknown Speaker 11:47
What was I immediately I dumped because we had like the four emojis at the time. I called it the sheisty group chat. sheisty. But now it's just you know, that, that
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there it is that for sure. Yeah. That that definitely for sure. For sure.
Unknown Speaker 12:06
So let's change this subject over so just recently, Disney announced that they are coming out with Toy Story five. Now? No. I personally thought that movie series was done at three I liked four but I feel like three was
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so jogged my memory will create three was
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three was when he gave the toys to the girl he was going to call and cycle there. So what was four? Four was just kind of saying it was like they got
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a spork into like a weird makeshift Yeah, the
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sport the trash, and it
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was like Bonnie's toys got lost or something.
Unknown Speaker 12:53
Which one? So which one was when they went to the daycare?
Unknown Speaker 12:57
Daycare was three was three, three. Yeah. And that's that's when Barney came into play, and met the toys. And then
Unknown Speaker 13:05
for where
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was when the sport score came into. Yeah. And Andy was like, out of the picture. This was him in college there Bonnie's toys. They went on the road trip they got lost and Bonnie had to like go search refused,
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refused to watch for the for the because it ended off perfectly in my eyes. For a trilogy of movies, Toy Story was really well written. Even with the second movie that was supposed to be a straight that was a straight to DVD release. Being as big as it was three wrap that up nicely. So long.
Unknown Speaker 13:40
Yeah, three was like, perfect. It was a perfect standoff. It was the perfect setup. It was good. You know, four was okay, now that you've got my memory on four or four, it was Yeah, but I don't know what they're gonna do with five, right? Why would you even? Why would they even make why would they even try to milk it? They're trying to milk it for as much profit as possible. Sorry to be true, but this is how but how
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it works. Just rereleased the first three, maybe at
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least do a release or revamp? Like a remastered version of them or just re released them
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just like how they do with the Star Wars movies like yeah, like 10 years, right? You'll see Phantom Menace come out and they'll know graphics will look better. Everything will look nicer the redo and not saying that, you know, the toy store this Toy Story franchise at least the first day for me? classic, classic. Yeah, there's not really much you could do for when I saw it. I was like, there's not really a need for that. Right? They closed off the story very well in my eyes. And the only other way that they can close this out like has there been a trailer released yet? Or is it just yeah, the only way that they can make this wish they wouldn't do because then that means you know and you're gonna have to go back and take his toys back. Right would that if he gave the toys to his kids? That is how that would make sense in my eyes, then
Unknown Speaker 14:52
they would have to age the toys. Yeah, because Andy's grown and the toys you know, everyone knows toys. don't always stay in tip top shape
Unknown Speaker 15:01
feel like that would be so that would be depressing because depressing ways from Bonnie Jackie. It was probably a teenager now to
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like think about it. If they go to the future, right? Yes, it was just an announcement. If they go to the future, it's going to be, I would assume it's going to be Andy as an adult. Yeah. out of college has his degree has his whole life going devil family has his own kids. And then Barney would be around a teenager, young adult about 2021 Definitely wanted to go to you know, just about just about going into college already in college, you know, she's trying to get rid of her toys. And then the plot would be Oh, Andy, and then, you know, Barney may go to the same university and he went to or the same university that Andy's living in like, in the area, like the state. Then Andy meets her and they're like, oh, you know, I have my kids now that can I can I take the toys? Yeah, going to college. And then Bonnie's gonna agree and give him the toys and then the toys go on to Andy's kids and
Unknown Speaker 16:00
he plays with his kids with his toys. See? That? would
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see that would make sense to me. That's like the only way that they can see you unwrapped the nicely package that you had put in for now in my head. You got to you got to retry that rule. Right? You don't you don't need a five just like how I just saw yesterday, the trailer for Fast and Furious 1010
Unknown Speaker 16:22
I'm surprised they're still going with those.
Unknown Speaker 16:24
I just rewatched the first one the other day, so far off from right, where it was meant to be. Geez, sometimes some movies don't need extra sequels or to keep going they would It would probably be very best if they just just leveled out right. It stayed there.
Unknown Speaker 16:42
And that's like I was going to ask you guys so like I'm a big fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean series. Very, very
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good series.
Unknown Speaker 16:48
So I did not like how after three it kind of went on to like this completely different like plotline and then somehow in the fourth one, they tried to bring it back and now there's no Jack Sparrow and the next one like oh, well, Johnny
Unknown Speaker 17:05
Johnny after after the trials, right? Because everyone knows about the hamburger trials and Johnny who publicize the whole nine yards. Everyone knows I don't care what you say.
Unknown Speaker 17:13
She did the turd she did.
Unknown Speaker 17:15
She did she did the did. But Johnny did say he is willing to come back. Nothing has I don't think nothing has been confirmed. You guys can look it up if you want people listening. But as far as I know, as far as I can remember Johnny Depp did say he is willing to come back and play Jack Sparrow.
Unknown Speaker 17:33
I would like that. I would like that. Like they were trying to like replace him. Pirates
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of the Caribbean without Sparrow right? Because
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no one can replace them. No one could play that part. That's good. That's one of those roles,
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because you see actors that have portrayed certain characters and movies that can never be replaced. Like Hugh Jackman will forever and always be Wolverine. No one else will touch that Jacksboro is that's Johnny Depp's that's him. That's him no
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one else can do. It's like It's like Iron Man. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 18:04
Robert Downey Jr. Great. There's gonna be no anyone else that feels that no one now if they were to do another one this is the thing that I've liked about the Pirates of the Caribbean series is that granted you still need Jack Sparrow and it usually work but that plotline because I think I the last one I watched was dead man's chest. Yeah, yeah. That was
Unknown Speaker 18:25
the that was like the final farewell when they when the when the sun sets into this the green little bursts and then like the ship disappears in the end. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 18:32
So that's the one I remember watching. And then after that, that for me.
Unknown Speaker 18:40
I was like I just cut it off there. I was like, Yep, that's it. I'm not watching anymore.
Unknown Speaker 18:43
Because I didn't watch there was the one word I think he ends up bringing in the black beard at some point.
Unknown Speaker 18:47
That was that was the black war with the AIDS
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there was one with no there was another one with mermaids. That
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was for with the mermaids that was Blackbeard
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that selector was the one with the mermaid.
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That's the one I have faint, faint memories of
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almost terrible.
Unknown Speaker 19:04
I watched feels like a fever dream.
Unknown Speaker 19:06
I watched it multiple times. And it is you know, there's a lot of symbolism in that. Yeah. You know, people that you know, believe in the whole conspiracy theories and how things are connected and whatnot. You know, there's a lot of symbolism in that owl like mermaids and stuff. Mermaids are said to be mythology. But today people start are claiming they found mermaids on beaches and whatnot.
Unknown Speaker 19:30
Pretty women on beaches. That's what I see. That's just pretty lucky women on beaches. Let me let me truthfully like, what what was even the last movie about that? I think what the fountain of youth I think
Unknown Speaker 19:44
the Fountain of Youth wasn't that no, that was that was I think that was dead man's chest.
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i This is where it goes where I've lost point.
Unknown Speaker 19:51
And I did I did see the fountain of youth the founder
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was that 1/5 One was new and it was Was it was like kind of tried to like angle it back to the whole
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it was like it was Jack Sparrow was like original Captain. They had
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well Turner turret like showed up at the very end and they kind of tried to like bring the whole try to connect it. They tried to connect it back to that with Dead Man's Chest and Davy Jones, David Jones who tried to like bring that in and the end credits which I was like,
Unknown Speaker 20:25
Oh, I don't think they ever went to David Davey Johnson,
Unknown Speaker 20:27
Davy Jones. Jones came into because he came to take Jack Sparrow because of like, there was a deal that was made. Yeah, where the Black Pearl and David Jones came to collect. Okay, that's what they have the whole fight while Dragon comes out. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 20:43
that was my favorite. And I think it was the best way to end that whole series.
Unknown Speaker 20:47
But I did. And that was the world's Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest at Worlds End was the third one. That's what that's what I remember. So what's the other two new are the most recent one was 2017 that was dead men tell no tales? Yes. Okay. I didn't I and then On Stranger Tides was the one before that.
Unknown Speaker 21:03
I sold a lot. This last one like once? I might have because I was like, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 21:10
The original came out in Oh, 320 years ago. Oh, wow. Three years old.
Unknown Speaker 21:17
Shout out to my 2000 Double Oh, is my favorite number. Right.
Unknown Speaker 21:23
Yeah. So with that being said, with all of these sequels coming out? How do you guys feel about that? Do you think that all like they're they're ruining the storylines of the shows? Do you think that they're good? Do you think that they could like what's the limit for a good movie? So
Unknown Speaker 21:40
I'd say about, you know, three or four depending on how long it takes? Because you know, Pirates of the Caribbean there's what five of them now? Yes, yeah, so like the first three or were very good you know, a completed story as I say it same thing with Toy Story. Everything from one to three connect sometimes you do as a good send off to to go past a trilogy. Yeah, a trilogy is cool. Like no, no Frant no movie franchise or a series ever has gone now actually, because we have a Netflix and they have different seasons. Right. So let me rephrase that no movie franchise that I know of has increased their revenue after the trilogy. So everything from 4567 and so on after three is usually the market they're either trying to milk it or they're trying to gain some type of money off of
Unknown Speaker 22:31
it. You know, I was having a conversation about the something similar with this for movie franchise and has another movie coming out in March. That's also because it's mindless action in day one on there. The John Wick franchise. First three movies, although the it seems like senseless violence, it's very oh my god, you get to see a kind of world essentially, this world of assassins, and he is still somehow one of the scariest dudes in it. And now you got for coming out. And my dad's like, now it's just kind of getting repetitive, right? Because now it's like, what What more does he have to conquer? See, when it comes to certain trilogies, and my dad says to sometimes it's better to do the prequel than it would be to do another sequel. So like, you already essentially told the story now show them how they got there. Right. And then the use of that kind of wraps,
Unknown Speaker 23:11
you have the fillers and that's, that's even like with TV series, too. Like my family is big into that show Yellowstone. So they have like the main storyline and then they've had like two other seasons of like prequels. And that stuff is going big, like they are huge with these seats with these prequels. And it's like, I love a good storyline before the storyline you're watching. Yeah, I think that's so cool.
Unknown Speaker 23:38
I think it's I think it's nice along those along those lines. It's where I don't know what it was that I've seen, but I was I always think of a movie to be like, really good. You would have two different storylines, right? You have one person live in the say on the West Coast, another person living on the East Coast, you know, they just somehow decided to take a trip on the same day to Yellowstone, meet each other at Yellowstone become best friends and then now their paths are one so like having those two things two different upbringings but still meet you follow two different paths when it becomes the one becomes the one path and then you help each other like succeed in whatever you need to do you know
Unknown Speaker 24:14
what I think is they tried to do this and I thought they had some fairly good success when they did it. I was a big Karate Kid fan, Karate Kid. So when I watched the original trilogy I tried watching The Next Karate Kid was all right wasn't as much as it was to the after Jada and I was like, the gym one was not half bad either.
Unknown Speaker 24:32
It wasn't happened. I've seen the original ones to Mr.
Unknown Speaker 24:33
But then when they snuck on with Cobra Kai Cobra Kai was so bad you don't you didn't like it? I didn't like it. I actually thought they did not have bad Now granted, it's getting on further now where it's kind of like okay, now you need to kind of wrap it up a little bit, but the initial idea was not half bad. It was to give that fans of that what they do now. Okay, you got to see that the rules are switching and they're not all bad guys. I actually grew up and they actually understand listen, I think the only thing that's cheesy about it is that you got these dudes that are deaf. be in their late 40s, early 50s out here, throwing kicks and stuff like they're still in their teenage years. That's the only thing that gets a little like rough for me to believe. That's like the Star Trek's
Unknown Speaker 25:09
Star Trek Star Trek.
Unknown Speaker 25:13
Star Trek is been around since what? 19? Something
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heavenly 70s or 60s? Because you have the original with Kirk and then you went on with Picard with Patrick Stewart. Yeah, and that one is still same universe two different storylines.
Unknown Speaker 25:26
So yeah, because like with the universe, we base it so that you can have multiple storylines. Well,
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not only that, like the the Marvel did that good to win. Now you got all these different? That's what made the Infinity saga so good. That one was good. And now they're kind of I think they're slacking a little bit now with his multi. Yeah. And I think the only reason why is because they're trying to implement a lot with the shows,
Unknown Speaker 25:47
and they're trying to follow the shows and the comics. And yeah, and as much as I thought the
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shows were pretty good idea. Not everyone's gonna pay the money for the shows. So there's like certain things like certain Marvel movies that I've watched as of late, I think that could have been like a little mini series, like, like the Eternals Eternals
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a lot. It's actually a movie coming out. But we got another one coming out and phase either this phase or the phase six, I
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believe, because it was a good movie, but I feel like they could have did a lot more character development and exploration. They'll probably do that. And if they would have did that in a series right? Because then you would have got there got there got there. But when sometimes when you try to force everything with three hour movie, it misses certain points a lot.
Unknown Speaker 26:29
So going back to Star Trek, the very first episode to date episode like to come out was on September 8 1919 66. Wow, the final episode today. This is just the episode. Yeah. Was in June 3 1969. Wow, those those were just episode that was the what the original? Yeah, the original one through 29 episodes was the original see,
Unknown Speaker 26:53
and now they're going on with the no
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they have now they have the sequels and the movie.
Unknown Speaker 27:00
movies on the gun now Florida. They're still pretty good. Like, yeah, so they had, what's another one that they did really well, when it comes to a universe movie. I mean, granted, DC has failed at this a lot. You can use the you can look at a lot of the superhero franchises. And you can see where they tried to hit that mark. And you know, Marvel's had this big success. But that's also because they knew they would they were great storytelling throughout every dc dc tried to mimic that formula. And it didn't really work all that well. It's when it comes to sequels of movies, you need to know what you're doing, especially from the first one and then you need to be able to follow it hit it right there on the head. A good example of this top cut very top gun came out in the 80s It was good. You had all that time when I heard that it was coming out. I was like what are they going to do they tie that off pretty well. There's not really didn't even leave a door open. Usually most movies leave a door open or the target didn't and they just like made it a whole brand new thing. Like that's well done.
Unknown Speaker 27:49
I say you may you may or may not agree with me. But transformers. Ooh, yeah. I would say they did a pretty good solid job
Unknown Speaker 27:57
transformers gets me and loses me every time because I do agree with you in a certain sense. They had to because they're Oh, cheese what movie early on now?
Unknown Speaker 28:05
They're the most recent one. I'm not sure what the title is. But not Age of Extinction. Not a dog extinction was the last was the last to this. Yeah, whichever
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one were Optimus Prime got mind controlled. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 28:18
So that's the new one. That's almost the same as him. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 28:22
I think it just has to really do with the writers and the storyline and how they kind of keep it going. So good story. It'll
Unknown Speaker 28:32
work. Right. So the first one was transformers in 2007 transformers. Revenge of the Fallen was number two. Darker than Moon was number three. Age of Extinction was number four. That one was alright. Michelle, the last the last night was the one word Mark Wahlberg. Yeah, it was the last the last night was that one. And then in 2018, they released a side one for Bumblebee because Bumblebee became because he became very famous off of that. And then this new one is rise of Rise of the beast. Oh, yeah, that's
Unknown Speaker 29:08
right, because this is where they're gonna have more. Oh, it's like
Unknown Speaker 29:10
it's like the gorilla. Yeah, cuz
Unknown Speaker 29:12
you know how you remember how they had the dinosaurs? Yeah, yeah, this one's gonna be more like gorilla gorillas and And okay, so it's gonna be more like Adam like beast. morphers. Yeah, essentially. Gotcha.
Unknown Speaker 29:21
So this is a little thing of the new movie. It says during the 1990s, the Maximals protocol, cons and Tara cons joined the existing battle on Earth between Autobots and Decepticons. So this is going to be set in the 1990s. We're
Unknown Speaker 29:35
going back, back, okay. It's kind of like that's not if they do it, right. Because a lot of these times where they like to jump around in timelines, they need to do it right. Or else it's just a complete a lot of a lot of times when it comes to movies like this, whether it be for Transformers or other things in the comic, and nerd cultures. They usually do it for fan service. Yeah, and if they do it strictly just for fan service, it will not hit its mark. I mean, granted, everyone be like Oh, Yeah, that's cool to see. But it's like, you get no sustenance from it. Right?
Unknown Speaker 30:03
Yeah. And I, like I said, I think it really just depends on your school's writing at the story writers if they're really trying to keep it going and where that storyline is headed, and I think the best, the best ones are the ones that are just keeping on with the storyline. Yeah, but yeah, there you go, rebels. That is your weekly recap of all those crazy trends for the week. And I want to thank my guests, big D. And don't forget to stay in tune every Tuesday at 6pm on 91.5 rebel and of course always stay poppin what's poppin What's up
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