Triumphant Returns, CMT Nostalgia, and Rising Stars
Unknown Speaker 0:03
Ready, ready? Ready, ready. Ready? Ready? Let's get it. Let's get it poppin what's poppin? What's Good evening rebels and welcome back to another episode of what's poppin with Pax The show where we discuss all of the weekly trends and discussions happening on the rebel HD two. today. I have my girl ash love she's back. I'm always here better than ever better than better than better than me. She's back. She's popping. I'm popping Are you popping box? I'm popping Okay, I'll pop it Okay, we're almost done with the semester. I didn't think I would mind me that day come
Unknown Speaker 0:45
well, you get to graduate like God summer term and then fall term and then maybe I'll graduate. It's
Unknown Speaker 0:51
okay. You're not gonna die fast is okay. Is this going by fast? No. Ever grant I have I have the senior itis
Unknown Speaker 1:00
you also have like 15 hour days. Right? And I'm trying my best to avoid that. And it's
Unknown Speaker 1:05
I don't know why I did this to myself. But like every concentration that Greenspun like offers, I'm taking it, I'm taking at least one class in it.
Unknown Speaker 1:13
So what is your degree? Exactly?
Unknown Speaker 1:15
Journalism, just straight up journalism. Yeah. Yeah. I don't have a broadcast concentration, broadcast concentration,
Unknown Speaker 1:24
how many credit PDR is the same amount?
Unknown Speaker 1:26
It's just like writing, my concentration is writing your concentration is just straight up, right? Pretty much but then article writing, but I'm taking every other Why don't you do that? Because Okay, so growing up dancing. They always taught you to be like an overcharge triple threat.
Unknown Speaker 1:41
Oh God, which
Unknown Speaker 1:42
like what dancing, it was dance, singing, acting, or dance singing gymnastics or something along the lines. But that's just been like instilled in me at this point. So now I need to be the jack of all trades, ones triple threat.
Unknown Speaker 1:57
You can't be all at once quadruple
Unknown Speaker 1:59
threat. I don't even know how many there are, how many concentrations there are. But
Unknown Speaker 2:02
there's podcasting radio,
Unknown Speaker 2:04
which is why I haven't done podcasting. But I mean, you're on the right am on the radio. So let
Unknown Speaker 2:10
me think there's sports, there's broadcast, there's pure marketing. And then I think there's journalism, straight up writing.
Unknown Speaker 2:18
It's not fun. No social life.
Unknown Speaker 2:23
This is your social life. That is why you invited me on the podcast because you're like, you're my friend.
Unknown Speaker 2:29
And it's so funny, too. Because like, people will be like, well, you have no social life, do you? And I'm like, No, my social life is at school. And my friends are at school, so it's fine. No, it's fine. I'm almost done. Yeah, it's okay.
Unknown Speaker 2:39
You got what, like five more weeks? Yes. Yes. Almost out. You're killing it. You're looking great doing it. So thanks, girl.
Unknown Speaker 2:46
Thanks. That's what's poppin this week. See you later. I'm just kidding. We'll see you next week. But speaking of social social life, I might my only social life this weekend was watching the CMTS with mom mod today, because everything else was schoolwork. And I couldn't
Unknown Speaker 3:07
even get you out of the house this last week. Go. No. Didn't hear from you at all on Sunday. kind of heard from you on Saturday. I didn't hear from you on Friday on my phone. In my room. I'm over here like checking your location. Really? Well, I miss you. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 3:22
But you know, if you're not on your snapshot enough, then your location turns off then it's just like, Okay,
Unknown Speaker 3:26
we really go. Is that what your location turns off? Okay. Yeah. So
Unknown Speaker 3:30
like at night, yours turns off, like everybody's like, everybody goes radio silent. Really? Yeah, that's the more you know, I don't know if you guys knew that. But you learn new things on what's poppin with packs.
Unknown Speaker 3:44
Right, it's crazy. But
Unknown Speaker 3:45
yeah, so we were watching the CMTS and CMTS last night, and they weren't there were some things that were a little shocking to me. And then there were some others that I was like, okay, but so it's so weird to me though, because like, I don't watch music videos.
Unknown Speaker 4:02
I don't either. I haven't watched a music video since I was in like middle school, but like the CMT is
Unknown Speaker 4:07
like my mom said, like my mom last night. She was like, no, like, Oh, if I'm trying to like wind down at night, I'll turn on CMT, like channel country music, television, and she's like, I'll just watch the music videos.
Unknown Speaker 4:17
They have a countdown, they'll play on Sunday, something like that. I remember. So my whole thing with country is I grew up listening to the country countdown every Sunday. I think it was on Coyote. Yeah. And every single Sunday I would have my mom turn it on on my pink Barbie radio. And
Unknown Speaker 4:35
Barbie radio. Yes, yeah, I would have her
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play princess in the popper soundtrack. Little Mermaid books I love Little Mermaid it Yeah, no, it was a whole thing. But I had her so that was that was me. And then I would also watch CMT awards or countdown or whatever, like top 10 or top 20 or whatever with my dad on Sunday mornings. Okay, and so like, Sunday is just Country Day. Right? So I guess that makes sense that they had the awards on Sunday. Yeah, makes sense. Makes sense. I just drew that connection in my brain. While most
Unknown Speaker 5:10
award shows on Sundays though, I don't know. I don't know. I don't keep track of the days I don't either. I usually record them and watch them and I'll like fast forward through all the talking or all the commercials and just like there's a performance or there's somebody, like I just watched it for that. I feel like our response time
Unknown Speaker 5:25
has changed so much in the last decade, just based on like Tiktok and Instagram alone. Oh, 100% Like it's insane. Our attention spans and our response time. Well, I guess I was but not the point. God my brain is so ADHD the last few days that I'm just like, I start going out on tangents. Like I had my lesson earlier. I was talking to my, my teacher. Yeah, I just went on this tangent. Oh, shit. And I'm like this poor woman. I'm like, Do you want a cookie? She's like, No, I'm okay.
Unknown Speaker 5:56
I'm sorry. If you give a mouse a cookie. Yeah, exactly. I love it. I love it.
Unknown Speaker 6:03
So what's for you? What does country music mean to you? Oh, shoot. Um, how important is kind of
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always in your life always listened to country music. And we talked about this on your show a while ago? Oh, yeah, this is a must show. But like, it's that's just like what I've grown up with. It's like, either country. Classic Rock or like top 40. Yeah. And that's it. Yeah, that's it. That's fair. So I guess it's just like it's it's a lifestyle.
Unknown Speaker 6:28
It's a it's a lifestyle. is the last time I was talking to somebody earlier today about how if somebody has a really drawn out southern accent, they're the from like, super white, Tennessee. Yeah. Or they're not from the south and they're just trying to sound Western for the country music. Yes. Because if you listen to like Merle Haggard, or Marty Robbins, or one of the older ones now, they're not super thick on No, no. And so it's just funny listening to like Morgan Wallen or something. Right, where it's like, walling
Unknown Speaker 7:02
drives me nuts. And we will get to that a little later when we get into his.
Unknown Speaker 7:07
I have I have opinions and Morgan Allen,
Unknown Speaker 7:10
we have we have strong opinions Ladies and gentleman, I think the entire internet does E. Yeah, probably racist. Yeah. Um, so the first winner of the CMTS last night was this winner of the CMT performance. And I think that was for 2022. So the winner of that was till you can't Oh, yeah, from 2022 CMT Music Awards was Cody Johnson until you can't Okay, I let me just tell you for here for a minute. I've been listening to Cody Johnson since he was a little tiny performer no name at stoniest. That was only a few years ago, though, right? He has grown out that fast down that fast. And I was telling him I was talking to my mom last night and he was winning all these awards. And I was just like, we're never going to be able to afford tickets
Unknown Speaker 8:04
to him again. No, no, that's no, that's why you go to the content now. Yes. Like Michael Ray. He's it's Tony's on the 27th. Right. And it's like he's he's not sticking around guys going off Jackson Dean. He's another one that I see gone.
Unknown Speaker 8:15
So much for those $20 Study tickets. Yeah, right.
Unknown Speaker 8:18
Except, you know, for us. 510. Right. Right. But you
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know, it's fine. But yeah, like till you can't and that one like that song blew up.
Unknown Speaker 8:27
That song did blow up. I know. Since you work at boot barn. Yeah. hear it a lot, don't you? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 8:33
A lot when I work. Yeah. And that's the problem too, is like when you work at a Western like Western environment. All you that's all you hear. So like, I love Cody Johnson so much. But that song is like, I can't now I literally can't do it now. Well, like
Unknown Speaker 8:47
with the lyrics themselves, too. I was I played my mom till you can't. And my mom is very like lyrical bass person. Like we most of the time when people listen to songs. They're for the beat or for the lyrics, right? A lot of country music is lyric, right? Because they tell stories. Yeah, that's it, but it's the same melody. It's the same beat. It's the same everything for country music most of the time. And I played it for my mom, and she was like, Oh my God, she's like, this is so good. I love this. It's a good song. Yeah. And so it's a great song. It's just I fear, it's gonna be one of those songs that like gets overplayed. It already is it is. It's just I guess I'm just worried that it's going to be like Morgan Wallen, right, right. We'll talk about later,
Unknown Speaker 9:31
we'll talk about later. But like so that was for the 2022 CMT Music Award performance. So this past performance that he did, he'd sing his song Human, and he went very classic. And I told my mom was like, he's like George Strait and concert. He sat there on his stool, played his guitar tapped his foot with this classic get up and it was like it was good. Well,
Unknown Speaker 9:53
I feel like I feel like a lot of people who have the talent don't have to put on the bloemen
Unknown Speaker 9:59
no That's like a perfect example of those classics. They just sit there and they just play and it's like you look you let your song do the rest yeah because once again it's about the lyric Right exactly. Um speaking of lyrics female video winner was heart like a truck by Lanie Wilson how do we feel female video have
Unknown Speaker 10:18
Okay, so I don't and then you know in caution of sounding like a pygmy I have a hard time with female artists because they all sound the same they do and Lanie Wilson is no exception the one the one new female artists that I love and I will pay however much to go see her in concert is are the newer one obviously like Carrie Underwood Miranda Lambert are a go to for me but um yeah, but Carly Pierce I think she should have one yeah, that's my opinion at
Unknown Speaker 10:48
least because
Unknown Speaker 10:51
I went through a breakup at the beginning of the year and her song What he didn't do right was on that playlist.
Unknown Speaker 10:58
You know what some it's an every girl power play laws Yeah
Unknown Speaker 11:01
Unknown Speaker 11:02
If you guys don't know what that if you guys don't know that song go listen to it. It's very much it's
Unknown Speaker 11:07
a great song. Yeah, like can I see some of the lyrics go for it so the lyrics are treat me right put me first be a man of his word. Stay stay home because he wanted to always fight for my love. Hold on tight. Like it's something like he couldn't stand to lose the devils in the details. I won't tell the hell that he put me through. All I know is in the end. It wasn't what he did. No, it was what he didn't do. Okay, cool.
Unknown Speaker 11:32
Just take a moment to appreciate appreciate that one.
Unknown Speaker 11:36
I just felt like that one should have won and Carly Pierce was also like, voted best female artists of the year last year. I just, I mean, that's my own opinion. I'm not the biggest
Unknown Speaker 11:45
Laney Wilson I think Laney Wilson so like with
Unknown Speaker 11:49
she was also a studies performer, wasn't she?
Unknown Speaker 11:51
I don't know. I feel like she was I know Carly Pierce was like Gillies, Carly Pierce was Abilene. I saw I saw her and Gillies. I was just old enough to go. What like just jealous. But
Unknown Speaker 12:04
Morgan Wallen at Stony knees. Or you were just barely old.
Unknown Speaker 12:09
Yeah, I was just barely. I don't even think I really paid attention at that point. Because I was just so into like, I want to dance like, yeah, that was it. Yeah. I just want to be at the bar like that. Was it? But I don't. I don't know about that. Like, I was telling my mom last night Lanie Wilson. She's good. Yeah. And she's got a good like, she's got a ARTitude and she's got a cute little style that I'm sure is gonna come up and yeah, be it take over country, but I think she needs to add maybe like 10 more songs to her lineup. And then I'll be like, okay, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 12:46
I think she needs to add songs that have nothing to do with beers trucks, right? Like the classic country thing, right? That is the reason why people don't listen to country music because the ones that are good, are the ones that it's it's not about, it's not about the Western culture. You know, like till you can't it's not about the Western culture. It's about like loving hard, right? Doing the right thing and, like being the best you can be and you can't. And what he didn't do is about heartbreak. Right? But I mean, it's, I think just arriving from wanting to be that culture so bad that you're like wanting to fit in, you're holding it so tight that we like we see through it, right. I mean, obviously not all of us because she didn't win on the ward. But yeah, at the same time, it's just it's one of those things were there. I think
Unknown Speaker 13:37
it was a good song, but it just, I feel like there's better but there's other people that think differently, you know, so it's like, okay, a
Unknown Speaker 13:46
lot of people view country music as like a lake day kind of thing to you. Right? So I think a lot of people just, I think a lot of people view it for the beats, and the snap and the clap and the right what's going to get your toe tap and kind of thing, right.
Unknown Speaker 14:03
So this one was actually the very last award that I saw on the the Gothic words people were check the last one on the lineup jelly roll from or was son of a sinner. That one one for male video. And he actually beat Cody Johnston's human, which is one of my favorite songs at the moment.
Unknown Speaker 14:36
I SON OF A sinner one because it's on tick tock.
Unknown Speaker 14:40
Yeah. Like this one. Okay, so I keep saying I've said this in a couple other of a couple other episodes of mine, that these award shows really need to be people based. They need to be like, hey, we want the people to vote. Yeah, if you care and you want to watch this, like okay, well, we'll let you do that. He used to do that. That was like kids choice and teens choice and all that stuff like, Oh, I loved doing right. And we talked about that in the past episode a couple of weeks ago. And I, like, I liked this country Television Award because it allowed people to vote and like this one was going all the way until the end, and people were just voting and voting, voting and voting like now. And I liked that. But I do think that because SON OF A sinner is on Tiktok people voted people voted for it, because that's the only one they know. Yeah. Well,
Unknown Speaker 15:31
I mean, a lot of people aren't very cultured with it either. Right? I think she had me at heads Carolina should have one. Really? i Okay, so I told my friend, like a year ago, that gotta get out of this town. We gotta, we gotta leave. We gotta go. Kind of thing. And I told her I was like, heads Carolina tails, California, right. Excuse me. Um, and basically, I don't know, I heard that song. And there's been a lot of like response songs that have been coming out. But I think it's cute. And I like Cole Swindell was the first country singer that I saw live and I saw for free because I was working the concert. Yeah. And it was it was just so cool. And I had all these people who listened to like r&b and rap making fun of me the whole time. Right? As I was like, sitting in the wave pool kind of thing. And I was like, so there's a special place in my heart for Cole Swindell for sure. And in the concert, too. He had played like Tim McGraw and stuff like that. Yeah, but I liked that song. I think. I think songs that like are responsive, right. Other songs are kind of cool. It's a good take. Yeah, so for sure.
Unknown Speaker 16:51
So this one this one wasn't a shocker to me. She's dying. Ladies and gents. Allergies sign. Allergies, the wind. Oh my god. So this one didn't surprise me at all. collaborative video. And the winner was waiting the truck Laney Wilson and hardy. Okay, that didn't surprise me. That one blew up. Yeah, so quick.
Unknown Speaker 17:17
I think anything from Hardy blows from Hardy. Anything that Hardy comes out with people be like, Oh my god, I love country music and then it's like, who's Hardy?
Unknown Speaker 17:26
Who's Hardy like, okay, George Strait. Garth Brooks, right. Donna Fargo? Yeah, no, no, no. No, you'll be so speaking of not knowing right. So what I was watching the award ceremonies last night was I thought every single time they would show somebody that was like singing the song or like watching the performance live or whatever. Every single person that they showed did not know any of the lyrics to any of the songs. Are you kidding me? And they're like singing the wrong lyrics. And they're kind of like, around trying to like dance and like cute like, I'm on camera, but they didn't have the songs and I was like, What is this? Why are they there? What is this going on?
Unknown Speaker 18:10
Why are they there? When Cody
Unknown Speaker 18:11
Johnson saying human? Nobody knew it. They were all just standing there kind of smile and like what? It's good and like, cheese. Are you kidding? It was bad. It was bad. It was like why do they keep Shaw
Unknown Speaker 18:23
she's taking a shot every time they did that.
Unknown Speaker 18:27
Oh my god, I would read a good thing. Soldier good.
Unknown Speaker 18:30
Stress Relieved
Unknown Speaker 18:32
Right, right. Um, but yeah, that kind of bugged me. I was like, stop showing these people like show the people that are singing rocking out like that's, that's me, man. That's me.
Unknown Speaker 18:41
Oh my lord.
Unknown Speaker 18:42
I'm digital first performance. Jelly Roll.
Unknown Speaker 18:50
Every other person on that list is better.
Unknown Speaker 18:52
Yeah. Scott McCleary. I liked it. I really liked Damn straight. Damn straight. That was a good one.
Unknown Speaker 19:03
Which one who thinks that one?
Unknown Speaker 19:05
Scotty Scotty McCreery. Oh yeah? Sorry. Scotty McCreery. He thinks that one. Alright, like I like Tennessee orange.
Unknown Speaker 19:13
I don't know Tennessee orange. That's
Unknown Speaker 19:15
a cute one. You gotta watch that one. I
Unknown Speaker 19:16
will. Let me think which was drinking. I liked Wishful Drinking. I like to illustrate
Unknown Speaker 19:27
I like Crockett. I just like
Unknown Speaker 19:29
because he's got that old twang to it right.
Unknown Speaker 19:31
I don't know. I
Unknown Speaker 19:32
don't know. The better option.
Unknown Speaker 19:35
I feel like that one again is a tick tock toys.
Unknown Speaker 19:37
That is a tick tock does have tattoos on his face. Yes. Oh my God. You're kidding. Have
Unknown Speaker 19:41
you seen his wife?
Unknown Speaker 19:42
Oh my God. You're kidding.
Unknown Speaker 19:44
Have you seen his wife?
Unknown Speaker 19:45
Oh my god. She looks like Barbie. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 19:48
she like her name is bunny. Oh my god. Her name is bunny and he has tattoos on his face. Are you? Dory with Jelly Roll in his wife. I looked this up last night with my mom. How's it This happened. He actually was performing at the local country bar in Las Vegas, which we all know. Sony's so he's performing Estonia's, and I guess he walked outside. And his now wife was standing out there had no clue who he was. And they hit it off. They don't match and they've been together since like, 16 or something like that. I read.
Unknown Speaker 20:25
They don't match. Nope. He looks
Unknown Speaker 20:29
scary. He got like,
Unknown Speaker 20:31
you're like, he looks like the type of guy you wouldn't mess with. No,
Unknown Speaker 20:34
but also he has paystack I think he like had I think he's kind of having an upbringing with his life. Well, that's good. Yeah. So I'm like, okay, good for you. But he has face to face that's a little scary.
Unknown Speaker 20:49
Oh my god. You pick that over Scotty McCreery? Are you kidding me?
Unknown Speaker 20:52
That's Mr. American Idol.
Unknown Speaker 20:55
Scouting crew. McCrary. I love him. It's like, no matter how old he gets, he always has he'll always have that boy face. Right boy face
Unknown Speaker 21:06
and that deep voice I know. It just doesn't make sense. It doesn't say and I love him by him. But you know, it works for him. dorable,
Unknown Speaker 21:13
Unknown Speaker 21:14
I know. Like,
Unknown Speaker 21:17
he's adorable. I'm sorry. He's super
Unknown Speaker 21:20
cute. And he picks Oh, my god are jelly roll. I'm so for digital. I have some faith in the country. I'm
Unknown Speaker 21:26
not 100% sure what that is digital first performance digital first performance, like okay, but I mean, I still think there's better options. There were better options, right? music wise, like Song wise. He has good lyrics. Yeah, he has a voice. Good voice.
Unknown Speaker 21:45
He has a good voice. I just think
Unknown Speaker 21:47
that's better options, right? Exactly.
Unknown Speaker 21:50
Nothing against any of these people either. No. There's just better. There's better options. So
Unknown Speaker 21:57
what does equal play mean? That's
Unknown Speaker 21:59
a good question. I was trying to figure that out while I was watching the award show. But should I attain one?
Unknown Speaker 22:10
You're looking enough. I like Shanaya. Twain, I had to I mean, I think she was the only contender though.
Unknown Speaker 22:17
I think I think it was like that she just like got nominated and was like, Oh, she's the one for this.
Unknown Speaker 22:22
Unknown Speaker 22:26
So, since equal play does not exist for women in historically excluded artists and country music. Their powerful voices and legendary songs have influenced and defined country music, get they're not played streamed towards signs are awarded at a level they deserve. It's time for us to take action dramatically increase representation and country music to create an equal playing field. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 22:52
we're not Carrie Underwood.
Unknown Speaker 22:55
I think I think they play Carrie Underwood a lot more.
Unknown Speaker 22:58
Okay, so just kind of like equaling it out?
Unknown Speaker 23:02
I guess like who's a big voice in country music that needs to be more represented. Like I was telling my mom last or a couple of nights ago. I was like, I think that Shania Twain has more of a pop pop more of a standing. Yeah, with our generation. i Yes. Then what she like started us. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 23:26
because those are big. I think more women like Shania Twain that are our age than women are?
Unknown Speaker 23:33
Because we're very much like, we're the girl power generation. Very much like, oh, yeah, Rock on. Like, she could do that herself. Like, yeah, you know, like, it's all good. Yeah, women like, I feel like she's very much like, I guess she stands for that. Where?
Unknown Speaker 23:50
I think it's like any man of mine. Right kind of man. I
Unknown Speaker 23:54
feel like a woman. I'm gonna feel like a woman kicked out a door and go, you know? You're like, let's go down the door. Like it's it's just, you know, that's just tonight. Twain. Yeah. My dad loves her. My dad loves Shanaya Twain. I think she's cute.
Unknown Speaker 24:13
I think she's cute. i My mom's not the biggest fan of fur. Yeah. My mom's also not the biggest fan of country music in general. Yeah, yeah. But I don't know. I think I think she's good. I think there's a lot of women artists that were overlooked in the 90s. Yeah, so like Martina McBride. Yeah, you know, so like singers like that. Were just like, yeah, I get it. I mean, there's a lot of women artists nowadays that are starting to get more recognition but should I join definitely is still holding in her own right. She's really cool. Don't
Unknown Speaker 24:52
get the equal play. Yeah, next year. So I am going to skip the group do OB cuz I mean usually it's either Zac Brown Band or Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum and Zac Brown Band one that wasn't really a big surprise to me. Yeah, um, you know, Jelly Roll one again, break through bail video. Jelly Roll run three times.
Unknown Speaker 25:17
Yo, Cory Ken was nominated. Dude. Do you know who he is? I've heard of him. So he had a song a while ago. He was on the voice. And he had a song A while ago called I think it was like find a keeper. Oh, and the lyrics were like, till you find a keeper. That's what it was. Or I want crazy.
Unknown Speaker 25:44
Okay, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 25:47
Yeah. Crazy. I haven't. Tang. He was nominated for him. He's had a very slow road.
Unknown Speaker 25:56
They I like how they have some of these like Lower, lower tier lower tiered names on here, too. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 26:03
I mean, they're never gonna be upper tier until they get the oh, they
Unknown Speaker 26:05
need that. Yeah. We have breaks. So email video. If you wanted to. He would. should have I should have got that one. I think Oh, I agree. I love Kylie. Kylie Morgan. She was so nice to I did I go to that one? I don't think so. I didn't go to that one.
Unknown Speaker 26:24
That was recently though, wasn't it? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 26:28
You don't actually know the girls that she had dancing behind her. I don't agree. She did. Yeah, I you know, there. I grew up dancing with them. But Tennessee, Tennessee orange one. And I liked that song. I think it's really cute. You should listen to that one.
Unknown Speaker 26:41
I'm gonna I'm gonna have to listen. I think so orange. Okay, I can't backtrack really quick. Do it. Okay, so break through male videos, right? Yes, Jackson, Dean. Don't come look in. I'm sorry. Like, yeah, that man. I like, he's so good. It's so good. He's so talented. He's so nice. Like, he's just like, he's attractive. And I'm just like,
Unknown Speaker 27:07
I think a lot of these guys should be on CMAs and see where they go. I agree. Because we got we got the country music, television, but like CMAs I think they could get pretty far. I agree. I let's see if they get nominated for it. Right. You know? Well, I
Unknown Speaker 27:23
mean, this band is like 2021. I think he's like 21 or 22. Let me double check. He's 22 years old. And he's finally making some sort of breakthrough in the industry. And I'm just like, I'm rooting for him in his corner. Like, anytime somebody asks me about like, country music, I'm like, check out Jackson did know, because I saw him perform wings as an opener to Kristjansson. Oh, okay. And I was like about a year ago. And me and my friend were like, looking up the songs as we were listening, right? Because we were like, Oh, my god, so good. wings like, yeah, I love him. I love him.
Unknown Speaker 28:05
So the last one that we have is just video. Just video. That's very, and it's Kane Brown, and Caitlin Brown for thank God. I did not know that they were husband and wife until I saw the CMTS last night and my mom was like, they are the cutest couple ever. And I was like, Wait a minute. What?
Unknown Speaker 28:27
Oh, my God, wait. And that's like, actually
Unknown Speaker 28:30
like their song that they wrote together together for each other. I'm like, That is adorable. I'll give it to them. Her dress was outstanding last night. She's beautiful. Oh my god. She's so
Unknown Speaker 28:42
pretty. And it was so she's like one of those women that I would see at the gym and be like, right? It was okay, more weight shoot,
Unknown Speaker 28:49
too. So when she he started on the stage, right? And she walked out like from behind. And she like walked next to him. And he turned around and you could see like, he just adores her. And I was like, Oh, it was cute. That was so cute that and the whole time they were singing he just you could tell he adores his wife.
Unknown Speaker 29:10
That's awesome.
Unknown Speaker 29:11
I loved it. I loved it for her. I loved it for him. I didn't even know he was married. Good for him.
Unknown Speaker 29:17
I knew he was married because he has a song. I think it's like for my daughter or something like that. Yeah. And he says, I'm going to be a dad and I'm going to be the greatest one. Yeah, love her. Be yourself some some some of them like that. Right? And I'm just like, Oh, he's very easy to have a kid like oh my god help. Well, Brown did an awesome I don't
Unknown Speaker 29:37
I don't know when this happened. I don't know how this happened. I had the like the biggest crush on him when he first started but he's cute. He's it He's adorable. I'm so happy for him that he has this wife and family starting this adores
Unknown Speaker 29:54
good guy shooting this season. She's so cute. No,
Unknown Speaker 30:00
and it was just it was like the way like it was just so huge. That was the only thing I could that's all I can say. I would he adored her.
Unknown Speaker 30:08
I will say this to my dying day don't have a guy talk about you like they do on rap song, or r&b or whatever. And no disrespect to the genre of music either. Because I mean, I love right. I love all genres of music. Oh, yeah. Go for the guy that talks about you like he does in a country song? Yes. Like 100%
Unknown Speaker 30:28
I'm sorry.
Unknown Speaker 30:30
There's so there's so many songs out there that they spell it out for you. Right that our country songs they write it out? Oh, yeah, that's what's that? What's that? Easy. That's it. There's one that was just getting popular on Tik Tok again, and everybody's like, Thanks. We'll do for you. And I'm like, you guys don't know you didn't
Unknown Speaker 30:50
know this already. Like, be
Unknown Speaker 30:52
your best friend till the show. Yeah, yeah. For us. I love you. Yeah. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 30:57
that one that literally spells it out for them. Literally spells it people. People need to literally listen to country music
Unknown Speaker 31:03
people's guys. Men Men. Yes. I'm in my villain era. Excuse me. Is
Unknown Speaker 31:09
it a villain? No, she's in her. What did you say? Silly.
Unknown Speaker 31:11
Silly goose era.
Unknown Speaker 31:15
Guy. If you can't tell I spend way too much time on tick tock. There's this guy on tick tock who was like, I'm officially in my silly goose era and nothing's gonna bother me. I'm gonna be like, so happy all the time. And I'm like, Oh, silly. Goose. Goose.
Unknown Speaker 31:29
goose egg. Okay, okay,
Unknown Speaker 31:32
I love it. I'm going to be in my silly goose era too. And with that mean, this episode, we use these silly geese are going to sign off. This is goose geese.
Unknown Speaker 31:48
These silly geese sign off. I want to thank all of my rebel HD two bands for listening. And I also want to thank my girl ash for coming on. I got don't worry about it. I love getting her back on the on the talk shows. It's great.
Unknown Speaker 32:06
I love being on here. I
Unknown Speaker 32:07
love it. I love this room. She doesn't have to control it. She's just here. You don't
Unknown Speaker 32:11
have to do anything. It's great. Awesome.
Unknown Speaker 32:15
Right. I get distressed about it. See this? This here? You're just here. I just can't be here. She likes it. She likes it. I love it. But yeah, with that. Don't forget to tune in every Tuesday at six o'clock. You guys know the drill. And don't forget, always stay poppin
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